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Xenu (), also called Xemu, was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as "Teegeeack") in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm. These events are known within Scientology as "Incident II", and the traumatic memories associated with them as "The Wall of Fire" or "R6 implant". The narrative...
@Wildcard I consider scientology to be no better than christian scientist practices, mormonism, nihilism, dr. mercola, and so on. I honestly don't know why you want to link to it. See also:
@user21820 I take it you've never actually read a book by L. Ron Hubbard, then. That's too bad.
I linked to the Axioms of Scientology.
@user21820 This entire article is utter nonsense and has absolutely nothing to do with the theory or practice of Scientology, in any way whatsoever.
@Wildcard Yes I followed the link and read some of those axioms. We shall have to agree that our beliefs diverge drastically on scientology. Stick to logic, and we will not have to fight.
@user21820 Recommend you read the actual 58 Axioms of Scientology, as I linked to above. (Or read some other books to get some general feel for the subject, e.g. "Scientology: A New Slant on Life.")
@user21820 Well, we were discussing philosophy.
As you can see from the room description, I explicitly allow only mathematical logic. Anything else shall be at the discretion of the owners of this room. I normally avoid philosophy because it degenerates into an argument about whose logic is right.
Your response is antithetical to proper logic or philosophy. It would be like bringing up Turing's sexual predilections as a rebuttal to the idea of a Turing Machine.
Anyway. I answered your question; you attacked my religion.
I felt we could have meaningful discussion about philosophy, so I continued with you, but from now on I need to ask you to stop posting of messages or links with relation to any organized religion.
@user21820 This is the question you asked.
Yes I now realize that you cannot answer that question without invoking your religion. I did not know that earlier. So sorry we have to stop this discussion.
Fair enough.
That's kind of sad, really.
@faux What?
If you wish to continue it without relying on religion, I'm all game. But now it's too dangerous; I didn't know I was attacking your religion and we're probably both not going to respond amicably if we continue right now.
@faux I don't know what you mean by "db" either.
@user21820 Actually, I'm game too. But bringing up Wikipedia articles full of nonsense is no way to have a philosophical discussion.
@Wildcard I will answer this comment but I hope you do not find it offensive. My answer is that in my opinion (which may be wrong) your link to scientologist beliefs is also full of nonsense. Our opinion simply diverge too badly to be reconciled right now.
@user21820 Right, but it was the answer to your question. If you wish to discuss my philosophical beliefs I'm actually totally fine with that, but if you want to ascribe something totally different to me and say that's what I believe, that's not the same thing.
@user21820 I don't believe you actually read the 58 Axioms I linked to. :) Though I will grant they do take some study. But they do fully answer your question about beliefs about the nature of the world around us.
However, I don't need to limit my answers to that.
You were asking about the halting problem and a halting oracle, and the meaningfulness of either.
Oh, but I will say one more thing:
(on the subject of religion, before dropping it:)
I didn't intend to ascribe Xenu to your beliefs. I just intended to point out what has been (in my opinion) shown to be core beliefs of high-ranking scientologists. Like I said, now is too dangerous a time to continue on this matter. I have actually read the axioms you linked to, but stopped when it exceeded my threshold for what I feel is nonsense. I could be wrong, but I do not wish to investigate scientologist beliefs today.
I understand. So I will make one further comment before we stick to math:
Please do not consider yourself informed on the subject of Scientology in any way by having read Wikipedia articles.
(And I wish to give you the choice of whether you want me to trash this segment of the conversation. Please let me know which way you'd like it.)
@user21820 I appreciate that.
If it's trashed, will it show a bajillion "comment was deleted" messages to future visitors?
Or will it just be gone?
@user21820 Which is fine, because I didn't set out to convert you. ;) I would, however, like to get the result of: somebody who is aware that they don't know anything about Scientology. :)
If I do so, I will trash this message as well as everything from my response onwards until and including this message and whatever you request with respect to it. Unfortunately, I cannot completely delete everything, and it will leave behind a single message saying "XXX messages moved to trash.", which will subsequently be buried in the transcript.
@user21820 If you do ever get a chance, walking by a Church of Scientology or seeing an actual Scientology book, please do inform yourself.
I suspect there are more Scientologists than you would expect on Stack Exchange, but they are mostly very quiet about their beliefs on SE because of the amount of implicit faith placed by most people of the SE network on Wikipedia's accuracy.
So I just want you to know that we really are very bright and sensible people....
@user21820 Sounds perfect. Thanks.
Would be nice to get an acknowledgement of the last few comments before deletion, though....
Since I'm not planning to bring it up again here.
Just so that conversation is concluded.
@Wildcard I believe that you are sincere. I will only add one last comment, before we must stop all religion-related discussion. I myself came out from a cult, and I was sincerely believing that only my religious beliefs were correct. Only a few years later I began to realize that nearly all of them were wrong. I even sincerely tried to convert people for their own sake. I now believe that I was in error. (This too will be trashed after you acknowledge it. I do not expect you to believe it.)
@Wildcard And I generally dislike Wikipedia, which is why I'm on Math SE and not there.
@user21820 I believe you. :) Scientology isn't a cult, though; standleague.org But thanks for acknowledging.
@user21820 :D
@user21820 Nor do I believe that
only my beliefs are correct.
Okay, let's nuke it. :)
Okay thanks for letting this conversation close! =)
@user21820 Yup! =)
56 messages moved from Logic
7 hours later…
Then again, that's waaaaaaay too expensive for you
1 message moved from Root Access

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