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A: Notcalc (Calculate the wrong answer)

This GuyHodor, 40 bytes (non-competing) This is probably the shortest program Hodor's ever written! This is what happens when you have nothing to do for a 2-week school holiday: produce a bunch of really easily coded joke languages that do absolutely nothing. Yay for school holidays!!! Walder Hodor?! ...

I think you need to come up with a different name for your language unless this is an interpreter of the pre-existing Hodor language created in 2015, which I'm fairly certain this isn't.
@mbomb007 No that isn't mine but there are languages with duplicate names. I know of two called 7 on this site (I just can't find them at the moment)
I'm pretty sure there's only one called 7, and it's this one. You could change the capitalization of the title for an easy fix, something like HODOR.
@mbomb007 mine is Hodor and theirs is hodor so that could be enough?
No, theirs has a capital H, as you can see from every time he uses the language name on his website.
@mbomb007 If it must be done...
I think it'd be easier, in the event that we have a leaderboard, it would otherwise get confused between the two.
Here's the first Hodor answer I can remember seeing:
A: Hodorize a String

Martin EnderHodor, 602 582 bytes HoDoRHoDoR HODOR! (Hodor ){r='';Hodor!? =Hodor .Hodor!? hodor? HODOR? hodor! hodor. h;HODOR{}(Hodor? =0;Hodor? <Hodor!? ;++Hodor? ){hodor =Hodor .hodor hHODOR rHodor... odhodor? hodor?!? hodor. (Hodor? );HODOR? =(0|hodor /4+16)%32;r+='H';HODOR =HHHOOODDDDOOORRR!!! hodor?!? r...

From 2 yrs ago
And in fact, there is already a leaderboard conflict, on the Hello, World! question, since there was already an answer in the original Hodor.
No need to continue this as im changing my answers right now
K. I was just giving an example

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