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@BuckThorn Delete++
No effort from OP, but great answer from Ben Norris. however it doesn't answer the actual question posed by the OP.
2 hours later…
Uhm, I don't know where to start. Delete?
6 hours later…
@Martin-マーチン I cleaned up the mathjax on the Szabo/Ostlund question, then reread the question, and found that even I could answer it .____.
I cleared the onebox on that, but if you want to make any more changes please feel free.
@BuckThorn Can't help but feel for the poor kid who posted this
Hey, one should encourage thinking outside the box....
Q: How to calculate a temperature change when the released heat of a process ist only partly absorbed by the medium?

chemistryyo Hi, I am able to do this question without the "80% of the heat released was absorbed by the water" part, and ended up getting 892.2g How, does "80% of the heat released was absorbed by the water" affect the answer? EDIT: I used the formula ((change in)$H)/n = (-mC$(change in)$T$)/$n$ to find the...

Moved "yes that's right" answer to comments. Question is amirite? Delete despite effort?
@SafdarFaisal Hmmm... Clearly, Ben deliberately chose not to answer the question at hand. That's a bit awkward to deal with. But, given that it's 8 years old and nobody would care, what'd you think about the "backwards solution" of editing the question to fit the answer?
@orthocresol Edit the question to save the answer.. Good idea,
OK, I'm happy to do it a bit later.
@BuckThorn Hmmm... I feel like this could be saved, but part of the question would have to be moved into an answer...... might be more work than it's worth. I don't mind deleting.
@orthocresol I've edited it just for the answer.. If you want I can add more details..
@orthocresol Ok, leave it a while and if nobody is willing to do what you suggest (I might later) put it to rest...
@SafdarFaisal Yup, I think the answer needs some mathjax touchups / textual elaboration too, let me do it later.
I released this one to the front page after edits. In hindsight the title is terrible, but it is hard to decipher what the OP meant. In addition the original question asks to compare energy of different orbitals, not of configurations (eg excited versus ground state). Answer is ok but is it answering the real question? Hmm...
Strange question and self-answer. I am not sure what the question even is, and am not sure the OP really understood either, but OP is convinced book is "wrong". Suggest deletion.
@BuckThorn agree to deletion. both Q and A are not in spirit of CSE rules.
@BuckThorn Think the title could be "Does helium have a 2s orbital".
Trick question that belongs on physics SE. Delete?
"Abandoned" confusing question showing no effort. Delete?
2 hours later…
@BuckThorn I would not mind deleting this one (chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/20239).
@orthocresol Yeah, I hesitate when I see answers that show effort, even if it seems pointless. But OP shows zero effort on what is a very simple Q.
@orthocresol Thanks!
hi all - better late than never. anything i can do to help?
@BuckThorn @orthocresol @Martin-マーチン - deleted
i'm looking at @Martin-マーチン query results, and am leaning towards deleting the posts that have not the slightest effort
3 hours later…
I thought spring cleaning isn't just about removing homework tag, but rather thorough editing of the older questions tagged as such as well as the corresponding answers. I think we have a problem because the main page is populated with old unedited homework question with the tag freshly removed.
This doesn't look great IMO because new posts are sunk for good in this mass and the majority of unedited posts just look bad and they are everywhere. I tried to edit some of them, but the older ones pop up every minute rendering the efforts obsolete.
cc @ToddMinehardt
@andselisk - present. happy to drop the hammer and delete. please hold.
I don't like the idea of deleting seeing it as a bit of censorship, unless, of course, the post is utter garbage.
there's plenty of garbage. i mean, probably 10% of the 200 questions are variations of the same question about acid-base chem
this is an am-i-rite special, but doesn't clear the bar IMO
@ToddMinehardt Ehhm, you've just deleted a question you answered and scored +7. Seems like a pretty well-received post to me.
ah crap
which one?
@ToddMinehardt Well, you can always undelete (chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/50874).
done, thanks for spotting that
No prob, I would probably wage a war on HW questions in small batches (3 to 5 questions at a time), and make sure your dopamine level is high enough so you don't want to nuke everything :D
i'm actually using a light touch for fear of going too hard
@andselisk @ToddMinehardt We have workflows here: chemistry.meta.stackexchange.com/q/4644/4945 Much of this room is about providing transparancy and accountability to the comunity. We'll try to salvage as much as we can and try to delete as little as possible. If we delete, we always ask for at least a second opinion. This is also not only about the homework tag, that's just a target.
Also, we've now gone through about 3000 questions with the tag. It took a long time. And we started with the worst. So whatever you see now is left over, and it is not all garbage. That makes the whole process a lot slower and a lot more tedious.
@Martin-マーチン - thank you for that
yeah there is plenty of salvageable, too - i have been erring on the side of delete if no effort, but i'll get with the program and thanks for the link
There have been plenty of opportunities where salvaging meant editing in the effort to the question to keep a good answer or adding more detail to an existing answer ... it varies with the actual question.
ok, i'll change my approach and do more editing (other than simple tag edits) and consult on deletes
@ToddMinehardt The most important thing is to keep the promise to the community here. We're not censors, so we just janitoring around a bit. And everybody is invited to join. A lot of this was based on non-moderator effort.
@Martin-マーチン - Understood. I'm hoping the 10-20 I deleted (approximate) of the 200 or so were not overreaching - I'll look at my history and bring them back into SC chat
@Martin-マーチン - begs the question: how do i see my deletes? they don't appear in my 'All actions' section
@Martin-マーチン - ignore me, i'm an idiot

I don't know where to find that info.
I'll have a look tomorrow, it's too late for me now.

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