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@pentavalentcarbon actually i'd leave it open; not sure why it got downvoted so heavily instead; such confusions naturally arise while studying optical activity, and the obvious-answers are not-so-obvious at that time of asking; oh and that's a very popular question - 5.5k
@pentavalentcarbon alright, though those \ce equations still make me cry every time I see them :'(
[done] delete this, we already have enough questions on comparing SN1 and SN2 and stuff: chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/49344/5026
i am not sure of this one: chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/75452/5026 the answer poster put legitimate effort in trying to answer the question, and wouldn't be happy enough to see his answer get deleted. the question itself is useless though. thoughts?
[edited slightly] this is in similar vein: a useless question with a great answer, what to do here? chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/67353/5026
[cleaned up] here's another like this: chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/71280/5026
11 hours later…
@GaurangTandon this one is not so bad, it can be cleaned up
still deleted it anyway
@GaurangTandon this one is popular and could be useful... if the answers are helpful, in general it would be better to clean up the question.
deletion is for stuff that can't or shouldn't be salvaged
@GaurangTandon I'm really not sure about this one. Somebody else can make a decision...
Your edits made the posts come alive!
@orthocresol aye aye!

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