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@GaurangTandon Now I understand. That is a bad edit. chemistry.stackexchange.com/posts/67787/revisions
I caught it because I was just editing it right now.
It is the definition of a trivial edit
Your edit here (chemistry.stackexchange.com/posts/92102/revisions) is much better. I would say that's the minimum bar.
Your edit, while tiny, is actually sort of ok in the context that had just been bumped. Abcd's edit wasn't good.
One that that seems to have been forgotten in all this mess is that in the edits for :
The point isn't just to remove the tag. It's to look at each question and make one of three decisions.
1. is it ok for it to stand alone, as-is, just by removing the hw tag, with no other edits?
@pentavalentcarbon Yeah, now that you've edited it, I realize there was much to be improved. I did read the post, but I didn't immediately realize all those mistakes. thanks for promptly notifying, will take care next time
2. can the hw tag be removed once major changes have been made to the question, specifically making it more conceptual/general and less localized?
3. should it just be posted as a link here so it can get nuked?
it all boils down the fact that making $s$ -> $\ce{s}$ is easy, but changing the message of the question is hard
@pentavalentcarbon if you have the time can you write a meta post. I mean this is way more than what I learnt from going through revisions to my edits.
Would help others in the future too.
I want to say that there is a meta post, but I'm not sure...?
researching old stuff on meta is a pain in the ass, because it's all cross-linked, no wonder people don't bother
I'll check at some point. I know that some of what I just said is specific to the homework cleanse and a few of us just talked about it when the room was created...so I'll poke through the log too
(What is the purpose of this room?)
That is...a good question.
Q: Hidden points of editing you probably didn't know

M.A.R.Making a good edit is hard. On chem.SE, we (would/should/could) care about the finest points of formatting. There are basic points of editing many editors know about: Put some fancy MathJax/ $\rm\LaTeX$-syntax in, some paragraphing, bullet points for "points", embolden instead of capitalize, etc....

This is the biggest cluster.
ok, thanks, yes it is
IIRC, the original purpose of the room was to have a meeting place for a /retagging/etc. event last March
because the reaction tag got deleted before every question could be checked
then a month or two later it morphed into the HW purge room
and it's been some version of that since
first day: 2017-03-24...wow
@pentavalentcarbon The birthday's coming up
Q: Which one is more basic: acetamide or aniline?

user187604 Which one is more basic: acetamide or aniline? I approach the question by protonating both of the compounds. Then I judge them on the basis of the stability of the corresponding conjugate acid. In $\ce{CH3CONH3+}$, due to resonance, a positive charge is created on the oxygen atom. So, res...

I feel like the way it's edited now, the first para should be in past tense
I haven't been to a single English class since 10th tho
you're correct, but I don't think that's enough to save the question
it has other issues which make it bad, IMO
the least of which is "there is far better resonance"
It's not homework?
@pentavalentcarbon yeah I didn't edit it; i myself don't know what else to put there instead
ok, I see there are general improvements over the original version, but it's still missing something...
@AvnishKabaj sorry you're right I corrected it
@pentavalentcarbon what?
Generally I don't even bother with grammar
ok, stop, stop, this is too much
But in the light of recent events
put the brakes on, partially because I need to refill my coffee
@pentavalentcarbon alright
@AvnishKabaj but imo the future tense you had added is just as awkward as the present tense ("I am going to"?!?!)
I thought he meant he was going to explain how he went about it
¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯
@AvnishKabaj it feels like a speech; "Presenter: hey chem.se, today I'm gonna show you all which one is more basic. [audience applause] So, we're going to have a look at this compound..." you get the idea...
(mods: please help me go in the correct, uh, direction: chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/69030)
consider it done
@orthocresol lol what a style xD
the mod came
the mod went
in between, something was there
now there is nothing
lol :P
I think the tendency when making lots and lots of edits, by necessity, is that you don't spend much time on each one. If you don't take the time to read the question and its answers, you'll forever be stuck in "trivial edit" mode.
Then you realize, oops I forgot something, and make a bunch of edits in a row, like that grammar tense one just above
@pentavalentcarbon i can guarantee you that i do always read the answers as well as the question; i can't come up with proofs immediately; but you can read my edit history
well i did invest a substantial amount of my time, actually very few of my edits involved just removing the homework tag...
most of the questions had poor mathjax use
I still am upset with those ice tables
people drew them in all sorts of crazy ways
converting them to a decent mathjax table was, well, long
See, that's the point I'm trying to make. The sum of all your edits adds up to substantial time, but we would be better off if fewer questions were edited, but those edits were substantial improvements.
Another side to this coin is that there's no reward for "look how much effort I put into fixing/writing all this MathJax".
Which nicely parallels how rewards work in real life!
@pentavalentcarbon well i was never looking for any reward, and I very well know there isn't any...
Not that I agree with it, but.
i think many of my edits probably were just as substantial as well; but sometimes I guess it just takes more than one person to see the thing in the right direction;
but nvm, i've slowed down considerably now
and am definitely not gonna bump those homework tags again
unless they come up in any google search or a new question links to them
no no no. That now swings in the other direction. This isn't an all-or-nothing game, it's all about moderation.
"game" :/?
I still think too many "trivial" edits are better than none. And some people have nothing better to do than be cranky. We're just strangers on the internet yelling at each other and we all have bad opinions...
I'm saying don't stop digging for homework. Just take your time.
wasn't this asked before?
Q: Hydrated lime and flowers of sulfur

user60156Is hydrated lime and flowers of sulfur solution same as calcium polysulfide?

something that looks almost identical from yesterday, yes
i can't find the previous one
i guess you also can't view deleted questions?
the privilege comes at 10k rep i guess
I found it by searching through my browser history.
but apparently I can view deleted stuff in the Periodic Table because I'm a room owner
yeah, chat's a diff thing anyway
waaaaaahhhh, I'm a sad question: chemistry.stackexchange.com/q/72538/194
Something I’m very sceptical of is whether those edits are actually helpful
i really recommend putting such questions in spring cleaning and getting them deleted by mods
it's no point in putting effort to edit them
and this one is absolutely saddest
just comment "no one cares" and press delete
Yeah, but IMO you’re wasting time on stuff that I’d delete in a heartbeat
"no one cares" <- please don't say that
at least be professional about destruction
was just joking :P
I know, just a reminder...
"too localized" close reason seems fit
i've seen it a few times before
nvm it's gone
for example, don't do this...
what did I just see?!?!?!
it's still funny though, avnish is talking in the same language as the poster :P
only they both know what they're saying
nvm, move on
i gotta get some sleep
ok before I go hehe
seems to be begging for a tag info; or perhaps merger with existing
please take care of it
ok goodbye now
3 hours later…
@orthocresol For your ChemDraws, do you use ACS Document 1996, or some other style?
it depends
sometimes I use ACS 1996
I haven't been consistent throughout my time here, but recently I have been using the Trauner template scaled by 0.75x for SE images
for my thesis I use ACS

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