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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Ok, @M.A.R. @hBy2Py, I'll post the new close policy on meta tomorrow.. I would do it tonight, but it's getting late.
Q: Determining Structure of molecule based on IR Spectra and HNMR data

Basel AnaniI have been given the following data and am asked to determine what the structure is. So far based on the IR spectra given I (think) I have identified a $\ce{C-O}$ bond, $\ce{sp^3}$ $\ce{C-H}$ bond however, I am really thrown off by the 5 hydrogens in a multiplet when there seems to be only one b...

This question is driving me crazy. The answer is 2-phenylethanol but I don't even know where to begin writing an answer.
This person claims that there are 11 hydrogens when the NMR only has 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 10 signals.
Evidence that the purple zone exists... and evidence that we can hopefully use to persuade people.
@M.A.R. Where are they?
@orthocresol P-Chem finals, I guess
pchem and gen chem it seems
there's like 10000 stoichiometry and gas equilibria questions
@NeilRoy With other words: Do my homework. No, because... NO! — Klaus Warzecha Jan 18 '15 at 7:28
oh man
Is "alcoholate" really a word? If it is, I know what it means, but...
If it's referring to the conjugate base of the alcohol, then alkoxide is more common, I think.
> called an alkoxide or alcoholate ion
i'll take a quick peek in the blue book
generally "alcoholate" is used; however, "methoxide, ethoxide, propoxide (but not isopropoxide), butoxide, tert-butoxide, phenoxide, and aminoxide... are retained as preferred IUPAC names".
more than I will ever need to know
@MelanieShebel "I formatted it so fine"
> The water is "distilled" in its literal sense.
What does that mean?
I thought there was only one definition...
It means it was literally distilled, not figuratively distilled.
Honestly no clue
for some reason reading that reminds me of the "your instrument looks like a bong" comment I always got in high school
What's the distilled question?
Oh huh
I vote we change the title to: HELP!!!!!!!1
To make it more clear.
pls halp! i have homework due in hour
We should secretly have EVERYONE upvote Klaus' answer so that the next time he logs in, he's like, "Seriously, guys?"
Just for his sheer determination in giving an answer.
I'm a simple man, I see a Q/A probably about drugs, I upvote.
I'm struggling to find appropriate tags for this question even.
create a new one: ractant
or exract
Another thing I always wonder...is it bad to make fun of these?
extraction is a tag, but the question is not about extraction; it is about an extract
I told myself a few years ago I'd stop making fun of biology and I mostly have
natural products won the Nobel Prize, so...
better not laugh... maybe OP will become a Nobel prizewinner in the future
in Peace?
now I mostly laugh at chemistry, with no discrimination wrt discipline
@MelanieShebel haha, no, it was the 2015 prize in physiology/medicine
no, haha, the OP
peace will certainly be achieved after the OP feeds his/her tubli + jatropha concoction to the world population
Q: Which is more basic: aniline or pyridine?

NatiMPlease explain why, thank you very much.

quite meh about this answer, despite it having +5
I'm a simple man, I see a Q/A involving hybridized orbitals, I downvote.
But one of my questions is one of THE most popular questions on chem.se
Q: How do I figure out the hybridization of a particular atom in a molecule?

Melanie ShebelI'm learning how to apply the VSEPR theory to Lewis structures and in my homework, I'm being asked to provide the hybridization of the central atom in each Lewis structure I've drawn. I've drawn out the Lewis structure for all the required compounds and figured out the arrangements of the electr...

downvote in 3.... 2.... 1....
you should not have linked that
Dare I say the best question on hybridized orbitals?
It's actually a question about being annoyed by and confused by hybridized orbitals.
Maybe I'm just bitter. I don't ever remember learning about hybridization...?
You actually did it!
isn't hybridisation still a thing in computational, though
Weinhold talks a lot about hybridization in his NBO book
No. Well, maybe in valence bond methods but I don't know how VB works.
VB uses hybridization heavily
was attempting to read this the other day; of course, didn't get anywhere with it
To get reasonable VB results, you have to basically perform high-order CI with AO-like orbitals, IIUC
no chemobot
though people are trying often enough maybe we should talk to Hipp about it
Kutzelnigg is a crazy man!
The MOs of MO theory are admixtures of AOs (technically, radial node-free "AO-like" orbitals) of the various angular momentum types
But anyone who tried to claim that MO theory orbitals are "hybridized orbitals" would be laughed at, heartily and justifiedly.
This poor person doesn't know about functional groups :(
Q: Hydrolysis - How do I know which atoms react?

PazeIn the hydrolysis of Propanamide ($\ce{CH3CH2CONH2}$) how do I know which molecules react with the water? $$\ce{CH3CH2CONH2 + H2O \rightarrow ?}$$ I don't know how to split the molecule. In the videos I've watched it seems as they just assume you know this. Example: https://www.youtube.com/wa...

Also, per that abstract, the XO bonds in hypercoordinate species are charge-shift bonds, and usually nowhere near like double-bonds
At least in terms of integrated electron population of the bond ELF basins
The localized orbitals themselves are sort of reminiscent of $\sigma$ and $\pi$ bonding orbitals.
Who made this a text document and not a spreadsheet :(
That would be my fault.
I can switch it over
I don't think it's worth it actually
I was short on time yesterday and just wanted to make sure the data was captured.
@pentavalentcarbon you sure?
Well, it's easy enough to switch it.
<nod>, I'm going ahead and making the sheet -- are people actively cleaning up [reaction] right now? Or just misc recent posts?
I mean, you can try it, but clicking links in Google Docs will always be a 2-click procedure
I am not
viewing mode was the best workaround I could find
@pentavalentcarbon It'll be a two-click in GSheets too
that's why I think it won't be worth it
@hBy2Py if you're going to switch it, take the list from the current gdoc instead of from the SEDE query if possible
but if the main issue is the 2 clicks, then yeah, won't solve much i guess
@orthocresol <nod>, the SEDE query is now out of date, taking from there would invalidate all the work done from the GDoc
proving to be more troublesome than it should
Having to reformat in Excel to avoid a bunch of extra rows
Think I've got it, though.
Any better, @penta?
(@ortho too)
now that it's loaded it seems more responsive which is the other thing I was hoping for
<nod>, and deletions should be easier
Mm... I should break it into chunks
To allow Ctrl-Up / Ctrl-Down navigation
Thaaaaat's better
I guess PgUp/PgDn works fine for that, too
Ok, so @ortho, @penta - agreed, Sheet is better?
If so, we can unpin the GDoc link
Q: Writing a system of equations and solving them analytically as a function of two variables

KevinConsider the following reactions: 2X <-> X2, the rate is K1. the affinity K1 is defined as X2/X^2 D+X2 <-> DX2, the rate is k2 D+X2 <-> DX2*, the rate is k3 DX2 + X2 <-> DX2X2, the rate is k4 I am asked to write a system of equations and solving them analytically to obtain DX2X2, DX2, DX2* as ...

But this is off-topic...
Math, that happens to derive from chemistry
Where is the queue for ChemDraws?
Might not be one?
I made a card
Might be better in a completely new Project?
I guess he/we can always just copy out anything remaining after the [reaction] task is done
Seems kind of overkill to make a whole Project for it.
Also: @M.A.R., we changed it from a Google Doc to a Google Sheet. Sorry.
Ok I'm done polluting the front page for today.
Hm, TIL about \pu{...}
I'm not completely sold on \pu
Though I'm gradually coming around
If it improves on \,\mathrm{...} I'm all for it
mhchem's been ironing out the kinks, I guess
There was that meta post a little while ago where it was really misbehaving... I think with $\pm$?
2 hours later…
@hBy2Py No probs. The only thing that matters is that there's numbering
@hBy2Py I typed the initial messages of the event I'm gonna copy-paste during the early time-out. See how they look:
Please note that time-outs like this will be issued whenever needed during the event, to
contain the natural excitement observed in the previous episodes of TRE.

This time, we're going to focus more on comprehensive edits. We're bumping some quite old
questions, and rendering the active page unusuable for two hours.

Please make sure to
1. exercise your votes on the question and its answers
2. Edit 1) grammar 2) MathJax 3) taglines and salutations 4) punctuation and 5) tags
3. Some images might have broken after the HTTPS update. Changing HTTP to HTTPS or
@M.A.R. Real quick, gotta get to bed, but:
"Reviewers will review, flaggers will flag, closers will close. " This structure is never really explained
Also, what if it ends up just being the four of us?
What do you mean by "in each of 2 to 4"? Each what? 2 to 4 of what?
"We're bumping some quite old questions, and rendering the active page unusuable for two hours. " <-- this is true, but it's not fully clear why you put it where you did; or what of the rest of the message it refers to, if anything.
Other than that, I think it looks really good
Structure makes sense
I just hope we get more attendance than just who's registered.
Ok, I'm out.
2 hours later…
@hBy2Py Steps 2 to 4.
@hBy2Py Meh, registration doesn't mean anything
It just notifies you, and IIRC also sends you an email a couple of hours before the event starts
It was also a few people who registered for TRE
And even fewer for the next events of the episode
@hBy2Py I meant that people with the various privileges will put them to use
1 hour later…
@pentavalentcarbon just ping me directly, is easiest
Morning @Loong
3 hours later…
@M.A.R. Ok, all of that's probably fine then. It was late, I was tired and reading quickly. 4.5 hrs!
1 hour later…
@M.A.R. Oh: who will delete the rows from the G Sheet? You only, or each participant as they go?
@hBy2Py Someone would do it after the event
It would be too time-consuming to do it during the event
Why would it be too time-consuming to delete it during the event?
And, wouldn't that make it really confusing as to what's been done and what hasn't?
Alternatively: how do you plan to mark what's been assigned/completed and what's remaining?
@orthocresol Agree here, it's a right-click followed by a left-click
@M.A.R. And participants would have the GSheet opened to the relevant location already anyways, in order to click the links over to the questions they're assigned
@orthocresol Yeah, people would keep losing the part of the list they should be editing
It would keep scrolling up
@hBy2Py I didn't feel the need to. I was gonna say, for example, you edit 1 to 20, Ortho 20 to 40 and so on . . . When you're done, and you want to do more, you ask me again and I give you another range
@M.A.R. No, no
I'm editing myself too, so can't devote all the time to a process in chat or GSheet
At the end of the event, you just delete the range which you cleared.
@M.A.R. @ortho Ok. Then I suggest telling people to italicize questions they've completed.
Mark the status without altering the sheet structure
Good idea
And not taking much time
Or we could just add two dashes to the end of the post link edited
have to enter the cell to edit
italicizing is one click, or a Ctrl-I keystroke
Going with italic
5. In the linked Google Sheet, please italicize all the processed posts to easily be able to
keep track of progress.
Deleting messages only makes people more curious...
It's pretty banal, just unattractive
and unsuccessful
Rather intended/expected you'd would peek behind the curtain
Ah, there's the event reminder
@orthocresol inorite, I always read deleted messages
1 hour later…
Wow, not much left
@hBy2Py an hour and nine minutes left, it seems
@Melanie is getting in some major tag wiki polishing before the event, I see. :-)
┬─┬ ノ( ^_^ノ)
I'm actually sleepy right now
Long week?
Kinda, yeah
I'm nodding off here
Oh no oh no
Q: Quest!: Tag improvement (descriptions needed)

Melanie ShebelI'm working on cleaning up tags and adding more information in some topics. I'm also going to finish this up by checking all tags for duplicate content (tags whose information was stolen from another website.) However, there are some tags without either a usage description or main description an...

@hBy2Py Yep! Sure am!
hope you don't mind , but i will be a bit busy at the start of this event
will pop back in when i'm free
@orthocresol We shall prevail, and await your assistance upon your return.
22 minutes
In ~retrospect, springtime is a bad time for cleaning. We're going to push a lot more questions than usual off the front page.
12 minutes
@orthocresol I mind your plenken
\o @Mith
Screw sleep
Hullo @a-cyclohexane-molecule!
Alrighty, who wants to start?
Might as well get 'er goin'
@hBy2Py Let's start. People would either join, or we'd do this event with less people
Take it away, @M.A.R.!
For starters, how many do you wanna do? @hBy2Py
CC @Mith and @Mel, if you two want to participate
How many at a time?
I was thinking of allocating 5-10 at a time
@hBy2Py You give me a number, and I give you a range of threads to edit
We'd use the GSheet links numbering
@heather, @Hexa, since you've been in the room, the event's starting
Aha, gotcha
I'm doing 22 to 31
I'll take 61-70
I'll bold the ones I'm working on, then italicize when each is done
And, of course, my Internet connection flakes out as soon as we start.
Site goes down for maintenance?
Worst possible time
Impatiently waiting
About to start some maintenance work on SQL servers. Should be brief.
Site's back
To the future visitors that come to participate in the event,
This time, we're going to focus more on comprehensive edits. We're bumping some quite old
questions, and rendering the active page unusuable for two hours.
Please make sure to
1. exercise your votes on the question and its answers
2. Edit 1) grammar 2) MathJax 3) taglines and salutations 4) punctuation and 5) tags
3. Some images might have broken after the HTTPS update. Changing HTTP to HTTPS or
re-uploading the image to imgur should do the trick.
Additional pointers:
1. There's this other room called Spring Cleaning Dump. Linky:
2. We do wanna spend time on each post, but time is valuable. As a rule of thumb, don't
spend more than 5 minutes on each thread (Q+A).
3. If you see it's taking too long, post a link to the post that needs fixing to Spring Cleaning
Dump and move on to the next thread. Every participant can at most post 10 links there
during the event, so make them count. We'd eventually fix them during quieter hours.
The process is similar to what we had in TRE I.
1. See the pinned Google Docs. Ping me when you're ready for action, with the number of
threads you're ready for.
2. I'll give you a range. The Google Docs sheet is numbered, so yay.
3. We'll start editing and retagging. Don't leave a single tag alone, if possible. Reviewers will
review, flaggers will flag, closers will close.
4. Once you're done, ping me again and we repeat the process until the event is done or you
are tired.
5. In the linked Google Sheet, please italicize all the processed posts to easily be able to
@M.A.R. Gimme 10
@Mithoron 11 to 21
Italicize as you edit
Not obligatory tho
@M.A.R. Will save time on post-event tidying, though @Mith
Q: How to identify a substance acting as an acid

confused For question ii, it asks to state a reaction showing $\ce{H2SO4}$ acid acting as an acid. What does it mean acting as an acid? Donating a proton? Very confused as to what to look for. The answer is reaction 1. because it is an acid + metal oxide? But reaction 4. shows a metal and an acid -...

tsk tsk tsk, answering a homework dump
i'm going to do 711 to 716, because i'm special
we have more than one question on "does the forward or reverse rate constant of an exothermic reaction increase more when temperature is increased". for future review: chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/70701 chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/68826 and I think there are more
So many good candidates for canonicals.
you better be taking notes
I think there's a meta post for that...?
is there?
i'm lost
Or, maybe I'm thinking of the duplicates post
Don't forget to VTC
BTW, mods, if you don't want to VTC, put a link to stuff in the Spring Cleaning Dump
I don't think they're close enough dupes to close, was just food for thought
but yeah
@orthocresol I do have a short list in a GDoc
\o @Loong
Late to the party
@M.A.R. Info here, @Loong
@M.A.R. hi
I'm doing 32 to 41 now
ok be back later
@Loong, can you help with nuke requests in here?
Now doing 41 to 51
@M.A.R. @orthocresol I guess we're done..?
Gaah, we need an H-H canonical.
It's awfully recent for nuking
This might actually serve well as such a canonical?
indeed, however, the moment we make a H-H canonical, this will be immediately closed as a dupe
i'd rather ask a new question
<nod>, with more canonicalish wording
actually, the only real difference is that you can accept an answer
but you might as well write a new one
It's a little bit squidgy to preemptively delete it w/o a dupe to point to.
since otherwise you have to rewrite this one anyway
The site needs so much ~administrative content
I'll note the question ID in my GDoc for canonicals
That way if/when one gets written, this can be closed promptly thereafter
maybe I should push that list to a meta post
better visibility
and it would serve as a clarion call for writing canonical posts.
Though ... do we have community buy-in on instituting canonical posts?
dont think there will be much opposition to it
we'd all like to, however, the issue is probably time and effort
It's been mentioned a lot (possibly mostly by me...?)
I'mma just do a meta thing.
See how it's received.
@hBy2Py Woot woot, what is it about?
@M.A.R. Canonicals
I've almost got a first draft written in Sandbox
I'll link you to it when I ping ortho about it
What do you need a draft for?
Just post it already
These meta n00bs tsk tsk
no Chemobot here
and probably no !!waffle anyways
@M.A.R. @orthocresol For your review/opinionation:
Q: Canonical Q&A – A Patronage System

hBy2PyWe get a lot of questions on Chem.SE that are variations on common themes: simple acid-base equilibria, definition of rate constants, etc. There is already a Meta effort underway to curate a list of high-quality answers to questions on specific topics, but there are (and probably will be forever...

2 hours later…
At what point does quoting a piece no longer become an answer, but leans more toward just copy and paste?
A: Why do carbonates, oxides, and pure metals precipitate before metal sulfides?

Dale In marine environment, reducing conditions generally occur a short distance below the depositional interface and sulfur is available in solution and organic matter. The result is reduction of iron, first to mono-sulfides and then to pyrite (see Chap. 19). p.403. Iron minerals are forming ...

00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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