@Chance I found out what can be added at the end of Grass by trial and error, I don't really understand Grass.
I don't know how to insert additional `w`s in the middle of Grass code.
Three more `w` can be added at the end of Grass (inside or after Haskell) as of now.
If you cannot move your code out of emoji section the only thing that I can propose is to add enough w/W at the end of Grass so that you can finish
main Grass code earlier: [tio](https://tio.run/##Sy9KLC7@/788PDwchMPLy7jKIUwICyIaDpdG5oAZQICkEF07BgvMRAC4URgGI7Gw8MsVahRg5iiATFVAMRYoiMrFwkcTAJmjABPGUP3/PwA).