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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

k. thanks
hmm. I'm failing what. ;/
id you add or remove characters in multiples of 3?
what parses in groups of 3
gosh idk
Checkout the what tokenizer at the bottom
@Chance ?
shoule look like -[++>+[+<]>]>-.------.
k, thanks.
Wait how come I was pinged :P
Chance pinged you a few messages back
I made a code change, that I wanted to make sure you saw. but then I had to change it back and learned that I broke what.
@Chance Ah okay
@MDXF Where in the code are you planning to put morse?
Crap I closed that tab
Two lines after the C main function
#endif//* --... ...--
@WheatWizard Haha
That's quite different
We could make a What What!? polyglot
Just edit it xD
i didn't know chat was editable
Mouse over to the left of your message, the white space between your user profile and the text of the message
there will be a down arrow, click it
worked it out
Best polyglot ever:
How did I screw up what so badly?!
@Chance Did you see my message on how to keep it from borking?
is the what still broken?
no, can you link me
The What interpreter reads three characters at a time @Chance
So just make sure there's <a multiple of 3> characters before the what code
Don't modify the code, just add spaces before it
until it works
2 hours ago, by MD XF
It reads three characters at a time, so if the long line of ?s and !s doesn't start on a first character, it'll bork
We should move the What as far forward as we can
as in far to the right?
@Chance It's a trivial fix
Did you get it working?
oh, ok.
I think I get it now
Okay good
Gtg for a few more hours
@Chance As close to the beginning as possible
Any change before the what has a 2/3 chance of breaking What
good call.
so if we minimize the space in front of what we minimize the chance of breaking what
I'll make it happen
Are you moving Moorhens as well?
that the xi xi right?
I'm leaving that one
I'll do it on my next answer
I looked into it enough to know that I don't want to mess. Plus I don't have the interpreter.
Snoring frog and I talked about it earlier, I thought that was you for a second.
I find it hilarious that snoring frog is basically an expert in all the alphabet soup languages.
Because I'm eventually going to have to deal with it can I have an explanation of how incident works?
Incident tokenizes parts of the code that are repeated exactly three times (there are a few more conditions but thats the simple version). It then executes those tokens, the way it is currently structured most important token in the middle token, that is if there are n tokens the (n+1)//2 th token. We want that token to be 0mo, if it is there is a pretty good chance it will work.
If you want to be absolutely certain it will work (without testing it) you can get the same sequence of tokens as the last answer, since the last answer worked your answer will work.
You can get rid of tokens by 1) adding new copies of existing tokens 2) changing one of the instances of a token 3) causing two would be tokens to overlap
You can add new tokens by reversing any of those three
Ah, okay. Is it the pattern of tokens or something else that decides what the program does?
You can see the tokens in the TIO output
There are 2 jump tokens being used currently. ^_ and ?2
Yeah, noyiced that, just wasn't 100% sure what they meant
anything between the first and last of these is not executed, so it's ok if those tokens change.
What in particular makes them jump tokens?
the pattern of X ... XX
last 2 are consecutive
ah, yeap, good that pattern doesn't change in my edits.
@chance how is the write up on your answer coming along?
basically done.
trying to work what into line 2
cool. got it.
now just cubix again
must be a fun place to try and get it
I really like refactoring the top 2 lines
I think I've done it liek 7 times.
That reminds me i should work out the befunge control flow if i want to try and add trefenge later
befunge is pretty simple iirc
man. I really borked cubix
how so?
moving what set the IP to start in the middle of INTERCAL
I've done that before
I'll see how I fixed it
there's a way
that must be a lot harder than starting in the whirl/cow
Intercal and cubix don't get along though
@Chance Where does the cubix code start for you?
you think I could move grass to just prior to intercal?
on a D
it appears to have a random element to it's execution
grass can be moved pretty much freely
er actually maybe
yeah, grass didn't like it.
@Chance how does PLEASEGIVE4O6O@UP work for you
Grass is better to have later in the program, it doesn't parse till it hits a w
otherwise it will throw a fit on every v
oh, right. the incident line
at teh end of pleasegive up
is too lante
im hitting this D 32DOREADOUT
Oh rest in peace then
I can't help you there
I wish I knew more latin. lol
can you get a reflector in and put the capsule somewhere else?
D is a reflector
and its hard to put anything before the D
ok, looks like grass can have trailing v's, as long as there are no more w's
Oh nice
but evil has ws
I wish I knew more lambda calculus. lol
I don't know how the grass works and I added Grass
I have a feeling it can be golfed down quite a bit.
I tried to study up on it.
wait, you saying alll those ws encode lambda calculus
I wish I knew more Japanese. lol
Its annoying because the only literal in Grass is "w"
so you need to overflow to get to digits
can commercial take capitol WorldWide?
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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