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hello sir, thanks for coming here
sorry i didt got clearly about your answer
i got the 1st point
but not 2nd and 3rd one
Sure, I won't havent a lot of time so sometimes I may answer slowly sometimes.
thats okay, no issues, but please be here until i found solution......
because i am struggling for this from last 2 weeks......
About 2. point I mean about disable display products in cart. However better idea is disable product from cart. I mean hm
When Magento load cart it load products from sales_flat_quote_item_option.
okay if we disable product from cart, can't we add products to cart ?
actually as you see in link there are 2 buttons , [ ignore ADD to cart 1]
so for add to cart, i dont want to do any changes
but i want to create row in "sales_flat_quote_item_option." but dont want to add item to cart after clicking SAVE DESIGN button
Ah, Save design should only add row to sales_flat_quote_item_option. Add to cart should add to cart :D
thats absolutely right.......
right now "SAve design" is not adding row to sales_flat_quote_item_option
ok give me a sec
sure, thanks
Are You up for other solutions also? Can you tell me why You need to save it in this tab? It is possible that there is better / easier solution
sure, i am okay with any alternative oslution, let me explain why i need this
actually we are planning to send abandoned cart emails for customers once customer click on "add to cart" , we are successfully doing this
now we need to send Abandoned cart email for customers who clicked on "SAVE DESIGN" button
in email we want to include custom image created by customer
our abandoned cart email extension will send custom image in email only if there is row in database with the image path.......
we are usign this extension for creating custom image and saving custom image in quotes :
yea i know this module ^^
oh thats great......
means did you purchased that before ?
I worked with this module once
nice, we renamed "Save design" from "APPLY" button
hope you remember "APPLY" button after we customized image we need to click on "apply" button before click on "ad to cart" , we renamed "apply " button to "save design"
It was about 2 years ago but i remember some. Don't really liked it :D Anyway aitoc could upgraded this modile since 2 years so it may works a bit different. If You dont want to add product to cart after Save Design You should remove specific event on this button in js. I dont really remember witch one
it may be difficult to easily add it to sales_flat_quote_item_option and dont apply it to cart. You may use additional option as flag allowed magento check if this product should be adding to cart when cart is rendered and products are apply to it
it should works like different option
please check link
in the above link there is code related to "SAVE DESIGN" button
particular code : _getUnderTemplateSelectHtml: function()
var template = '';
if (this.config.placeBehind || this.config.DefaultImageBehind)
template = '<div class="aitcg-under-template-block"'+(this.config.DefaultImageBehind?'style=\'display: none;\'':'')+'>' +
'<input type="checkbox" id="under_template_' + this.toolKey + '_{{rand}}" name="under_template_' + this.toolKey + '_{{rand}}" class="aitcg_bgupload" '+(this.config.DefaultImageBehind?'checked':'')+' value="1">' +
'<label for="under_template_' + this.toolKey + '_{{rand}}">{{under_template_text}}</label>' +
sory, i didt got clearly about this : you may use additional option as flag allowed magento check if this product should be adding to cart when cart is rendered and products are apply to it
In sales_flat_quote_item_option table are saved items (products added to cart) attributes.

Oh Do you know how configurable products works on cart? When You are adding one simple product related to configurable in cart You have really two product - simple and configurable, but configurable is not visible and not applied to price and qty. You need something similar
now got it..... can you please help me with code.....
I may help You with some logic etc but I don't really have time for do code :c Are you using xdebug? It is really very helpfull
When You check how configurable works on cart, it will be easy to do it here
I have also my work to do :)
sorry i am not using xdebug, also so you are suggestiong to write own code instead of using extension code to save item in database
yes i can understand, thanks a lot that atleast you are giving me idea......
not at all. Just rewrite some methods :)
try work with xdebug. It will help You a lot of
okay in which folder i need to check mainly regarding what code is main reason to save custom image in database
means helper, model , controller ?
data or block ?
or in template or js files ?
start from controller action adding product to cart. There should be reference to model saving data in db.
However Im pretty sure there is observer doing it
for better understood how this table and attributes in car works
A: Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input

VinaiMagento provides a capability for adding options that aren't product attributes or product custom options. They are set on the product and quote items with the option code additional_options. There are two steps you need to take, each can be handled via an event observer. If you want the additio...

okay i will check above link , thanks for that......
sure. Fell free to ask me. Ill be here today for about 2h
thanks for that, i wil try......

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