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Q: Proving Topological Equivalence without finding a function

NilknarfMy topology book defines topological equivalence as Two metric spaces $(A,d_A)$ and $(B,d_B)$ are topologically equivalent if there are inverse functions $f:A\to B$ and $g:B\to A$ such that $f$ and $g$ are both continuous. I've been using this definition to prove topological equivalence, bu...

@Nilknarf I mean, I can do them, but I certainly don't do them regularly
@user462339 Haha, yeah. The key to making my rooms somewhat flourish is keeping them open to many topics, letting them range in conversations from casual to serious stuff, though mostly casual... people do not want to come to rooms with a "laser like focus"
2 hours later…
@aminliverpool I'll promote this good idea on my profile. :)
6 hours later…
Lol, this room actually happened.
I do all things series related
most of calculus/analysis stuff
But if anyone is really interested, I'll teach them googology :)
@Anneliset. >.> Probably not me right there
@aminliverpool Lol, I think you are almost too serious about this...
@SimplyBeautifulArt hahah come on, we all know how to googology (I think you mean to google things about math) but there are some exercise that need the help from the experts, google isn't enough
oh I think you are one of them haha,jk I haven't observe your behavior here on MSE
"Googology is the study and nomenclature of large numbers"
I see
What's the largest finite number you can describe in about 20 symbols?
:) If you want the challenge
Using only basic symbols like addition, multiplication, etc. and any symbols you care to define yourself
999...9! 20 times, is that what you mean?
or did I misunderstand the problem?
Sure, but I can go even bigger in about 5 simple symbols
7 symbols lol
is it bigger than mine?
I have 19 nines and one !
Hm... wait, lemme think
Perhaps I need one more symbol....
there we go, definitely bigger lol
I see you've changed your pfp
haha mathematica explote with your number
what is pfp?
yes, hours ago
lol, well it just showed up for me now
chat can be a bit behind the main sites
:P Yea
So, can you make anything bigger with 20 symbols?
but also exploted with mine
computers aren't meant to handle these numbers until we start talking theoretical computers
20 symbols
9^(9^(9^99)) is larger in less symbols
Yup, and that's likely the limit
Now raise the bar to 50 symbols?
@Anneliset. Do you know any programming languages?
to 50, the patter is the same 9^(9^(9^(9^(9^(9^9...)) isn't it?
why? I'm learning to program
this is much bigger and in less than 50 symbols
Sometimes programming languages can write this stuff in less symbols than you might normally manage
Anyways, my number is equal to 9^(9^(...101 9's...))
:) nice tricks, right?
Nah, this stuff is very small compared to the numbers I can write
In 100 symbols of Ruby, I can write numbers as large as $f_{\omega^3}(n)$ in the fast growing hierarchy
In about 230 symbols of Ruby, I can write numbers as large as $f_{\Gamma_0}(n)$, where $\Gamma_0$ is the Feferman something something ordinal.
I have no idea about your functions, Gamma omega, I suppose some day I'll study them
Hello @PVAL-inactive
Let's just say very very large numbers. Want to learn about them? XD
D: Where's all duh people

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