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@amWhy you free :>)
11 hours later…
Hey @Simply been looking for a Measure Theory book
Hey @Zophikel
Anyway @Simply how has it been going for you
@Simply it seems like I can learn both elementary real analysis and measure theory at the same time
I asked a very important question reddit.com/r/mathbooks/comments/6l0z3o/…
Oh @Simply seen any new anime lately
Nah @Zophikel
I'm almost done with Bleach though
@Nilknarf @Zophikel @SBM @Shuri2060 Any of you want to learn set theory?
@Simply i'm still wondering if it's possible to elementary real analysis and measure theory at the same time
@Simply who did you see pull it off
@Simply Funny you should ask, I'm currently learning it :P
1 hour later…
@Nilknarf :P Wanna come join @Shredalert and I?
@Simply Join you where?
@Nilknarf Discord. You have the discord app?
But I know what it is.
Well, you could join me and another if you want
...I better not, though. My parents have a strange aversion to the concept of me using online chatrooms
It was even a bit of a stretch getting them to let me use this one, but it's a math website, so...
Lol, okay then
Sorry. :(
@Nilknarf :P I sure answer a lot of your questions
1 hour later…
@Simply Lol, yeah
Btw, I updated my last answer to your trig question, appears the formula on WA was false...
@Simply In set theory, does "solving equations" happen often?
Nah, not really
Like for example, if you had that $M \subset N \subset P$ and
$$C_P(C_N(M))=M \cup B$$
and you want to solve for $B$ in terms of $M, N, P$
The answer would be $B=C_P(N)$
Meh, but as far as I've done things, I haven't had to solve many 'equations'
Can you give me a proof problem?
A lot of the ones in my Topology book seem like they are too easy and I don't feel like going through with them :P
Nah, I haven't done a lot of proofs yet lol
If you are interested, I've just started looking at this:
I just haven't
I mostly use set theory in a constructive manner, a tool to build things with
...like what?
Well, have you dealt with ordinals yet lol
No, other than the ordinal stuff I did with you
Well, ordinals arise out of sets
Some ordinals correspond to certain cardinals
I kinda do magic, and poof, I get crazy large ordinals and cardinals
@SimplyBeautifulArt let me bother you here: Close Vote!!! math.stackexchange.com/questions/2351543/…
and then I use the ordinals to make large finite numbers or describe things. That's the majority of my set theory background
@amWhy Just did it :D
@amWhy Done! :D
Thanks to ya both!!!
@Nilknarf Done! :D And closed before any answer was posted!
Yay! :)
2 hours later…
@amWhy Close?
@Nilknarf yup!
@SimplyBeautifulArt, @Nilknarf, This needs more close votes: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2351694/…. It's a problem statement question, with no reference ("from an olympiad") on which the asker has shown no effort.
@amWhy Okay, done!
@amWhy This user's profile worries me...
@Nilknarf I flagged the profile, via one of the user's questions, to bring attention to the statement in his/her profile.
Well, it's not that important... in fact, all of the user's questions have been pretty well received, it seems!
2 hours later…
@Nilknarf I found this post: concentration-camp-Ehrhardt which may explain the connection.
Mm, that makes more sense...
Is that his/her blog?
No, I don't think so. Apparently it was a comedy, a subtle attack on the Nazi regime, and I think, from what I've read, that Ehrhardt took a strong anti-Nazi stance in Germany. The user has told me that he'd change his profile, just to not cause a misunderstanding.
@Nilknarf I flagged it, earlier, for the mods to consider. I hate to over-react, but at the same time, whether in fun, or in malice, such references (to a 1942 comedic film) aren't terrible appropriate, when the site has a global reach.
Aloha, @SimplyBeautifulArt o/
@amWhy Yeah, fair enough. :P
What's for supper, @SimplyBeautifulArt ?
By the way, keep your eyes open for the asker High GPA. In all (her) their posts (last 10 for sure), they've posted the same concluding line (which follows a problem statement question with no context): "I'm sorry if this is a begginer-ish question...." and I've responded to a few: "You're no longer a beginner, so stop acting like one". Of course, the identicon for this user is a pic of a pretty young girl, so all the more reason some users jump in to help....
@SimplyBeautifulArt @Nilknarf for example (re my last comment above), see this question
@amWhy Spare ribs + shrimp
@amWhy Why can't we edit that part out?
@SimplyBeautifulArt I have, on 4+ posts of that user's, so far.
Ah, okay
I'm looking for the dupe of this question... could've sworn I saw it recently... though time is a bit warped when it comes to my memory of other peoples' questions.
@DonaldSplutterwit Hello
@amWhy I found an almost dupe: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2351866/…
@SimplyBeautifulArt I agree, and I remember it was asked by this very user. This happens too often.... a user either doesn't get an answer, or the question is closed or heavily downvoted, then deleted, then asked again.
@SimplyBeautifulArt That's a link to the original question you linked to.
Say, we're not allowed to close questions to deleted questions as dupes?
@amWhy Yeah, I placed my close vote beneath with the dupe link.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I'm keeping the tab open until 75 minutes or so when I regain close votes. Thanks for pointing this out.
@amWhy Huh, the HNQ is temporarily gone
@SimplyBeautifulArt That's what a user noted in Meta Math. I don't know if or when it will reappear, and I don't much care. :(
:) Well I do occasionally enjoy reading some of its contents. It can hold interesting things from sites I don't visit often.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Well, if the deleted question was deleted due to formatting issues and the new question lacks those issues then.... closing as a duplicate only harms the site.
@Typhon Not necessarily. The goal of closing questions as dupes is to make it easier for related information to be accessible and to slow the repetition of certain frequently asked questions, regardless of the quality of the other question, the answers (and comments) may be of more interest. Likewise, the deletion of questions blocks potentially useful information from the view of the public, which is against the goal of the site unless there truthfully was nothing useful...
... on the deleted questions (and associated answers)
@SimplyBeautifulArt I will at times favorite a post when I see a new user with a poor question, in case of its deletion, by other users, or by the asker, so I can refer to it (and have a link to it) in the event it is reposted. Then, I will flag the repost of the same question, by the same user, provide the link to the deleted post, and they are handled by the mods, often by deleting the repost, or otherwise penalizing the deleter-reposter in question.
Mmm, yes, I do ocassionally do that, but I never thought about using it for deleted questions
@SimplyBeautifulArt I have learned to do so, because we can only see a deleted post when it's just been deleted, and its tab still open, or when we've access to a link to it (which the favoring allows us to retain, if needed.)
:P If its recent, I usually use my browsing history, or if its a new user, you can check their badges for any badges related to the deleted post.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Hmmm...even more tricks to the trade!
what a realm
Lol, hello @Avantgarde
Whenever someone comes in, you should go "Welcome to my realm"
@Avantgarde o/
"muahahaha" is optional, but preferred
:P Only the new looking people get my greetings @Avantgarde
Hi @amWhy
Wish I was new
Count down: less than 6 minutes to go.....
the day to reset
and @amWhy will get close votes
So we talk about anything here?
Are you both math students?
I believe @amWhy used to be a teacher
I'm a student, but not currently taking any math courses.
yeah I think I remember someone saying that

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