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@amWhy You asked me to leave alone and so I shall. However just so you are aware, there was a post this morning left here which was the thing you got pinged about. Idk if it was another person impersonating or what. Just so you are aware, I only mentioned thoughts on people because we were both thinking about what it might be and I only pursued it because they came at me. I don't get involved in moderation if it doesn't relate to me.
If that reply was just a lie and you really did make the comment, then just ignore this message. I'm only letting you know since I don't want people leaving rude messages (you or otherwise) and the ping went to you. So, the way I see it... it's your issue to deal with or ask into.
Q: If a parametric surface is continuous, is it reasonable to expect that an integer grid will also be continuous?

TyphonThis is somewhat of a follow-up to a previous question which asked in a roundabout way about how to walk upon a parametric surface approximated by triangular faces. Now I want to know is whether or not my proposed construction of the model itself will actually work in the way I imagine. Suppos...

@amWhy I only tell you to deal with it, because when I asked about the mods about the post earlier today, you basically told me I was harassing you. So, since I'm not supposed to ask... take care of it.
12 hours later…
@SBM @Nilknarf Perhaps this video might interest you.
Hi @Simply did you look at my answer :)
:P I did, looks quite useful
@Simply :) i'm surprised it was so well received, your conjectures hold with extreme accuracy
:P man but solving problems on MSE feels good
@Simply I think i'm more of a problem solver, while your more of a theory builder
Heh, I'm the guy who's commenting on math videos on YouTube about math :P
But @Simply I don't get why people see mathmaticans as genisus's
oh @Simply I've gotten around to reading up on series in $\mathbb{C}$
i'm having trouble with this defintion
$$\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}a_{k}(z-P)^{k}$$ what is $(z-P)$ exactly
                                                     ^ I know $a_{k}$ are just coefficients of our series any ideas :-)
$P$ is the point at which you center the series. What you got is the standard power series.
ahh ok
@Simply usually I've dealt with it in this form $\sum_{n}a_{n}x^{n}$
It's just shifted over a bit
@Simply what do you by "shifted" ?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Good morning
And interesting video... I have to watch the previous one first, though
Hello everyone o/ !
@SimplyBeautifulArt, @Nilknarf, @Zophikel, and anyone around these parts!
o/ @amWhy are you free today :>)
@Zophikel A couple of meeting to attend, but other than that, mostly free.
@amWhy i'll be calling you on google hangouts soon :)
                ^ people on /r/math these days :p
Hello, again, @SimplyBeautifulArt
Hi, $$\in_0^1$$
Who down load Majax
@Dattier Hello and welcome to my realm
How download Majax ?
^ Can anyone tell me what $C$ is in that proof
@SimplyBeautifulArt Thanks
You are right simply is beautiful
@Zophikel $c$ is just some constant
@Simply oh ok
thanks mate sorry for the dumb question
I don't see the formular in Latex, what can I do ? @SimplyBeautifulArt
@Dattier Did you make the bookmark?
I have click on start ChatJax
No, you need to make the bookmark
What's the boom mark (can you speak in french ?)
Mmm, I can't speak in French sadly. Do you use Google Chrome?
lol boommark
Right click on the bar at the top to get the following:
@AméricoTavares Hello and welcome to my realm
Hi @AméricoTavares
@Simply I should get mathjax enabled on my chrome browser also
$$\text{and then MathJax works}$$
Thanks very much, but my interface of is not like your interface.
with the extension MathJax for chrome
@Simply where's the link for enabling math jax
I can show $$\int$$ but not $\int$
@Dattier Huh, weird.
@Simply are you a genious (AI) ?
What do you mean by that?
Artificial Intelligence
Uh... I am not an AI...
@Simply how did you get to "add page"
Why your pseudo is in italics
Right click on your bookmarks bar if you have one.
@Zophikel If you don't have a bookmarks bar, use this
sweet got it working :)
@Simply :)
$$\textbf{ a set hard to count : } A_n \text{ the sub-group of order }2^n5^{100-n} \text{ of } (\mathbb Z/10^{100}\mathbb Z,+).\\ \text{ Calculate } \text{card}(\bigcup \limits_{n=0}^{100} A_n )$$
@Dattier key question is this just set theory or group theory
i'm asking because I don't know what you mean by "Sub-groupe"
I have corrected
@Dattier you corrected your question ?
anyone know why this isn't rendering:
$$ \frac{1}{\lim_{\sup_{k \rightarrow \infty}|a_{k}|^{\frac{1}{k}$$
                                      ^ ?
Why, is there any other error ?
@Dattier nvm, I was intially asking what tools would be required to appoarch the question (i.e knowledge of Group Theory or Set Theory )
@Dattier I know no group theory :(
An other enigma $$\text{Calculate } (X^{2^{2^{2017}}} \mod (X^3+2X+1)) \mod (2^{89}-1) $$
Do you want an analysis problem ?
beautiful and simply (the result and the solution)
nvm I fixed it: $$\frac{1}{\lim \sup_{k \rightarrow \infty}|a_{k}|^{\frac{1}{k}} }$$
@Dattier give me an analysis problem please
I name that : The jewel of the convexity
$$ (f_n)_n \text{ a sequence of real convex functions on } \mathbb{R} \text{, simply bounded : }\forall x \in \mathbb{R},
\exists M_x >0, \forall n \in\mathbb{N}, |f_n(x)|\leq M_x \\\text{So we can extract a sub-sequence simply converging on }\mathbb{R}.
@Dattier interesting conjecture
No, I know an explanation
Hi @Nilknarf new to Simply's realm
Hi @edcharlie
anyone know why this isn't working
If $|z-P| > \frac{1}{\lim \sup_{k \rightarrow \infty} |a_{k}|^{\frac{1}{k}} , then |z-P| = \frac{c}{\lim \sup_{k \rightarrow \infty} |a_{k}|^{\frac{1}{k}}$
@Zophikel i can't read the text
@edcharlie I managed to fix it
In the text "Function Theory of One Complex Variable" Third Edition by Robert E.Greene and Steven G.Krantz. I'm having trouble proving the following case of the root test in $(1.)$


$\text{Lemma 3.2.6 (The root test)}:$ The radius of convergence of the power series $\sum_{} a_{k}(z-P)^{k}$ is

$$ \frac{1}{\lim \sup_{k \rightarrow \infty}|a_{k}|^{\frac{1}{k}} }$$

$(a)$ if $\lim \sup_{k \rightarrow \infty}|a_{k}|^{\frac{1}{k}} > 0$, or

if $\lim \sup_{k \rightarrow \infty}|a_{k}|^{\frac{1}{k}} = 0$
^ managed to get a proof of case $(b)$ latexing everything down
@edcharlie @RobertFrost Hello and welcome to my realm
@Simply how would you define problem solving in mathematics
@Simply I tried defining it myself I mean we do it all the time but
oh @amWhy are you free :#)
@Zophikel do you have problem understanding Radius of Convergence of power series? i see you given a lemma can you give us the theorem it proves
@edcharlie yes I have the proof of case $(b)$ the book i'm reading give everything else
I'm understanding it pretty well i'm just having trouble getting the latex to render
@edcharlie also i'm thinking about appoarching the question in a different way the book i'm reading proofs different cases :(
oh @edcharlie it's the proof for the Root Test
2 hours later…
In the text "Real and Complex Integration Problems" I'm having trouble verifying my approach to proving following conjecture in $(1.) - (2.).$



$$K_{n}(\theta) = \sum(1 - \frac{|j|}{n+1})$$


Show that for any continuous $2 \pi$ periodic function $f$ on $\mathbb{R}$ one has:
$$ K_{n} \star f(\theta) := \frac{1}{ 2 \pi} \int_{}^{} K_{n}(\theta - a)f(\theta)d \theta = \sum(1 - \frac{|j|}{n+1})(\frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{}^{}e^{-ija}f(\alpha) d \alpha)e^{ij\theta}$$

$ \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \,
          ^ How does the work look so far
@amWhy you free
Hello all!
@Zophikel I'm getting there (to being free). I'm feeling a little burnt out on the site due to a bunch of retaliatory occurrences toward me since June 14th. I know much more now, then I knew then, so I'll get over it quickly I'm sure. What really angered me the most was a user "trying to be helpful" naming "suspects" who had nothing to do with anything. So I'm not feeling particularly "bubbly" at the moment.
@Nilknarf Hello!!!
@amWhy Hi!
@amWhy What are you up to?
Actually, trying to finish up notes (organizing them) following a committee meeting that ended twenty minutes ago, and type out a summary to send the members of the committee.
@Nilknarf Are you on break from classes? and/or are you studying on your own over summer?
I'm still working on the same blog post that I meant to finish yesterday :P
Studying calc and analysis and stuff
@Nilknarf Send me a link to it, when you're ready!
Don't feel like waiting 2 more school years :)
Oh, ok
Should be finished today...
it's ok @amWhy keep being dank
@Zophikel What?
@amWhy it's my way of saying keep going and push harder !
@Zophikel Nice, just what I sincerely need to hear!!
@SimplyBeautifulArt @anyone.... the following question needs to be closed. You can get a glimpse of the askers attitude in the comments below the question:
Q: Solve the Following Matrix

user126358Solve the Determinant: $$\begin{bmatrix} -2a&a+b&a+c\\\\ b+a&-2b & b+c\\\\ c+a&c+b&-2c \end{bmatrix}$$

@amWhy Jeez, why do people even post questions like that?
He said himself that he could just expand it... or was he just looking for somebody to do the dirty work for him? :P
I don't know... :(
He says in the question that he's looking for other methods...
expansion is... wrong
No, he doesn't say that in the question.
He says it in the comments.
And then refuses to add it to the question when asked politely to.
@Typhon s/he says in the comments, never said in the question, that s/he is looking for different methods. s/he claims to know how to expand it; never shows that work, never really asks for anything other than the determinant. There are ways to shorten this task along the way of expansion. Please don't pretend to know what the OP thinks.
He he he he. What is it about the name user126358 that makes him/her a he, by default? You repeatedly do this, @Typhon.
@amWhy Why should she need to show how expansion works? She wants other methods. It's an irrelevant query.
@amWhy I'm a guy. It's in our nature to label everyone "he" and presume that the pronoun is gender neutral.
@Typhon She claims she knows how to do that.
Don't you do the same? I assumed this was just human nature?
@amWhy sounds like a kid desperate for a good grade in his Linear Algebra class
@Typhon Wrong again... Stereotypes are not embedded in our genes; what was once learned incorrectly, even incorrectly upon multiple generations, does not make it human nature. Don't sell human being so short.
@amWhy Bravo!
Thanks for that.
@amWhy bringing us that dank word
@Nilknarf My pleasure!
@amWhy Except it isn't a stereotype. It's just a natural byass to use whatever pronoun you personally tend to use. I'm referring to that people tend to refer to people by one pronoun and stick with it. In other words, since "they" is a pretty foreign word most people don't think of as being a singular tense that people use either he or she and end up sounding rude when they're just using one pronoun cause... that's what they either use to refer to themselves or because they use it more often.
I think you mean
If someone spends tons of time speaking with one gender over the other, I would predict that they might (inadvertently) use that pronoun more often.
@Nilknarf yes
@Zophikel Yup
Sure, fair enough. It isn't offensive or anything, to most people. @amWhy is just going out of his way not to be offensive.
I just use the word he because it's what I'm used to. I mean it in a totally gender neutral sense. Tbh, half the time I forget people even have genders on here since we're all just little boxes with names visually speaking. XD
note, partial sarcarsm
@amWhy you free :>)
A third-person pronoun is a pronoun that refers to an entity other than the speaker or listener. The English pronouns he and she are gender-specific third-person personal pronouns. The English pronoun they is an epicene (gender-neutral) third-person pronoun that can refer to plural antecedents of any gender and, under certain circumstances, to a singular antecedent that refers to a male or female (but not inanimate) entity. Many of the world's languages do not have gender-specific pronouns. Others, however – particularly those that have a system of grammatical gender (or have historically had such...
"Ze, zir"
@Typhon There aren't really any "natural biases", not when it comes to to categories. Those are all learned.
@amWhy well yes. I meant that the environment one is in will tend to sway the pronoun they lean towards.
in other words, it's the people you speak with that affect it, not yourself.
Anyway, @Nilknarf, I am not a he, going out of his way to not be offensive.
@amWhy Haha
Yes zir
honestly, I don't know what the fuss is. It's just a pronoun. XD
it's not like I did it to someone in real life to their face.
Whoa whoa
The internet counts as real life.
@Nilknarf I meant I didn't walk up to someone and say the wrong gender on purpose.
@Typhon What? Don't pretend that how one speaks to another person on SE is not part of "real life."
But I think gender assumptions shouldn't be taken super seriously if, as @Typhon stated, all you're seeing are little boxes.
@Typhon Yeah, I realize you weren't trying to be offensive.
@amWhy I think what he means is "face-to-face life".
@Typhon to be fair online communites do impact people in the real world
@Nilknarf my point exactly. None of us know gender one way or the other. If we happen to by force of habit use one word over the other, I don't see why anyone should care really. I remember the gender of people I do know and there are some people I still don't know one way or the other... and to be honest who cares.. this is a math site.
@Zophikel read the previous post. I meant this isn't face to face life where it would be like if I walked up to a woman and called her a man or vice versa.
@Nilknarf That's how I've seen the world, even apart from MSE. Rarely, having been here more than 6 years, have I taken offense. Mostly, I'll challenge/joke with folks one by one. I don't "hide" that I'm a woman, but I certainly don't advertise it in anyway.
Right. One can't be held accountable for something like that without anything physical to base an assumption on.
@amWhy sigh... And in a social environment like this, I can't blame you...
@Nilknarf precisely, and to be honest I've just never bothered to train myself to type "they" and "them" all the time. I've never put much thought into the choice of pronoun since it's just a word used to refer to another human being. If anything, I would argue that I'm not being offensive by using the same one since if anything I'm not assuming either way. I just default to the same word out of pure habit.
It's not like gender should even affect any part of social life. But it does anyways, and unfortunately, that's one of the world's great problems...
this is by far the weirdest conversation I have ever had. I mean that in a good way.
Forces of habit can be changed.... by defaulting to him, his, men, man's.... speaks about less than half the world. Anyway, I get sick of folks sighing and concluding, well why not do what we always did,
@Typhon Haha!
@Nilknarf I could never wrap my head around that one.
@amWhy Hey hey hey - I didn't say "why not do what we always did".
Alright, I see I'm not amongst the men self-congratulating themselves, bumping shoulders with other men.
@amWhy because I'd rather worry about actual attitude based discrimination where people treat others differently and we have to worry about people harassing others because of their gender. A habitual word choice that one picks because of their own gender or the gender of people they tend to congregate with on the internet seems like a pretty good issue to have really. Better than the other problems we could have in the world.
Good bye for now, @Nilknarf, no offense taken.
note: if most of the people on here that were in chat were the other gender, I'd probably end up referring to people by she. It's really just me being used to referring to the other people in chat by "he" often. I think you're overthinking the issue. I'd rather be concerned about issues that actually have an impact on people's lives.
@Typhon I agree. Gender pronouns seem like a pretty harmless issue, but @amWhy, it seems that you have a bit of a bias of your own - the assumption that the men are "self-congratulating" and "bumping shoulders with other men". Assuming that the males with which you are conversing are the "self-congratulating, shoulder-bumping" type, you too are excluding quite a chunk of the population.
not issues such as "assuming the gender of a person whose gender you don't know yet"
Indeed. I've never seen men shoulder bumping and the self-congratulating doesn't tend to happen very much.... though to be fair every human can be prideful at times.
@Typhon The fact that you don't see much of that just shows that you're hanging out with the right crowd. :)
@amWhy i'll be calling you :-)
@Nilknarf Oh sure, now blame the folks who point out other's culture wide biases. I'll let you both continue talking "man to man" since I've kinda gotten shut out of the discussion, and don't feel comfortable with such self-assurances.
@Nilknarf I pretty much just hang around here. I don't get out much aside from the few people in the halls at school.
@amWhy nobody is pushing you out... We're just saying that you're being a bit overzealous on the issue.
I have yet to see anyone be "offended" by pronoun usage.
short of someone intentionally using the wrong pronoun just to be flat out annoying.
@amWhy Didn't mean it that way, just wanted to point out that we all have underlying biases, and that we all should acknowledge that. And please, don't feel shut out! Neither of us is trying to shut you out - in fact, I'm enjoying the fact that the three of us are holding a mature discussion about this topic (which is something of a rarity).
@Nilknarf to be fair, I am supposedly incapable of being mature or in-erratic, so I'll just show myself out.
@amWhy what's going on
@Typhon Haha!
that's not a joke...
amwhy has said so
and clearly they don't want me in chat with them. So I'll see myself out
Said that you were "incapable of being mature"?
@Typhon Yeah, I think I'm going to leave as well. The tension is a little much for me.
@Nilknarf I added that one myself to be responsive to your statement
the exact post is already gone and not worth repeating
I believe there was erratic and some other remarks I don't remember. I don't really care about such posts but if I somehow am bothering someone there's no point in me staying.
@amWhy @Typhon @SimplyBeautifulArt If you are interested, I finished the blog post:
@Typhon Okay, cya.
blog post?
The one I've been working on for a couple of days
@Nilknarf research :)
research math
@Nilknarf ah. It looks good. The formatting feels choppier than I'd prefer, but I like to integrate math into full sentences. Lists of formulae naturally just just bode well with me.
however, it looks good. Keep it up. :-)
@Nilknarf keep it up :)
:) Thank you
I guess I just prefer more "formal" math styling.
if that makes sense.
What do you mean?
Formal as in always written in complete sentences.
Oh jeez
(including the math)
like I said, personal preference. Nothing to concern yourself with!
There are countless times during which I have tried to read (aloud) an expression to somebody and failed miserably
It's like speaking in another language
Which it is, I guess
Here's an interesting problem:
@Nilknarf no no no. I meant integrating the math expressions into sentences. Like: "Adding x to both sides we get 'a + x = b + x'." instead of just "Step 2: a + x = x + b"
If you're bored, try to find the length of the cycloid formed by "rolling" a regular polygon instead of a circle. Or any arbitrary triangle. It's pretty interesting.
@Typhon Oh, I see what you mean
It's a matter of your personal level of formality. For a blog, it's fine either way. If it were a paper or formal proof... I'd say the former is a necessity.
@Typhon You mean just explaining more with each step.
@Typhon Yeah, that's true.
Nah. It's technically a grammar thing.
I can see the advantages of both.
of course
or at least I see it as a grammar thing
But typically in a blog post, I use the same tricks multiple times, so for the sake of time, I only explain the first couple times.
@Nilknarf I was more referring to always writing complete sentences, not so much the level of explanation.
but once again... it's perfectly fine.
Haha yeah. I do have a lot of dangling half-sentences in there.
whenever I read math, I feel the need to give minor nitpicking. But I stress that it is minor.
well and "x + b = x + a" is technically a dangling phrase.
to give an example
but honestly... I doubt your readers will care much. It's a blog
Can anyone check if the initial result is correct here, I tired a new way of dealing with definite integrals via change of variables for the integral defined in $(1.)$

$$\frac{1}{2 \pi}\int_{\pi}^{-\pi} \frac{\sin((N+\frac{1}{2})\theta)}{\sin \frac{\theta}{2}}$$


To handle calculations of $(1.)$ more gently one considers the indefinite case as follows in $(1.5)$

$$\frac{1}{2 \pi}\int\frac{\sin((N+\frac{1}{2})\theta)}{(u)} $$

$$u = sin(\frac{\theta}{2})$$
$$du = \frac{d}{d \theta}\sin({\frac{\theta}{2}})$$
not a formal proof.
Whoahhh long chat message
@Zophikel Ok, I'll try :P
@Nilknarf did I work that out correctly
Gimme a second
Whoah, that is a funky substitution
no clue
i don't leave chatjax on
@Nilknarf I had to rework in three times before I could make progress
I had to consider the indefinite case and go from there
working the indefinite case was trival but the definite case is just funky and I scanned for trig idenites
I'm not sure I follow that substitution, but I see an easier way to do it
@Nilknarf I see it I forgot to account for trig idenites
Yeah, that's what I was thinking
It will be much easier if you use the sum-angle identity
and then split into two separate easier integrals
yeah @Nilknarf what's the sum-angle identity
You can use it to split up the $\sin(\frac{1}{2}\theta+N)$
ahh ok
let me rework it :)
Okay, glad to help :)
However, I have to go in a minute
@Nilknarf I feel bad I should have gotten this integral
Well, you still can
I just gave you a hint
And you may have been correct, and I just didn't understand your substitution
@Nilknarf it coundn't have worked without using the trig idenity
Well, now you know :)
Okay, I have to go. Bye guys!

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