Well, it turns out that I'm studying ring theory by myself and I also writing notes about it
So I was studying about factorization in integral domains
I used the notes of Pete L. Clark and he talks about Bezout domains, GCD-domains, etc
But he doesn't give characterizations of Bezout domains among GCD-domains, for example
He just included this result: D is a valuation ring iff D is a local Bezout domain
So I decided that would be nice to look for some characterizations of Bezout domains
And there I was searching through diferente papers and also searching here on MSE
Until I found that paper about condensed domains
And I found the characterization of Bezout domains among GCD-domains that I wrote previously
But it turned out that the above result uses another interesting characterization: Bezout domain iff condensed Prufer domain
So I had to study a little about Prufer domains and well my notes have extended more than I though xd
I hope you're not bored xd