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@Sue My mother has a horse right now, and I am a teenager (17). The things in common between us I guess? I looked at the great outdoors site here on SE. I like what I see there, and will keep in mind since I might end up having my own question.
@Alina what do you think of my tomatoes? I want to share a picture of the celery when they come up. Which is going to be a good amount of time yet.
3 hours later…
@Ljk2000 I think they look better than any tomatoes I have ever grown :))
@Alina I have a difficult time believing that :), but I thank you for that compliant! This is the first year I have started any seeds. Only going off knowledge given from what I have read online. My cabbage and broccoli also came up, all in a week! I wonder how much longer till my peppers come up...
@Ljk2000 I have grown tomatoes only a few times, always on north facing windows because of lack of alternatives, and the seedlings were leaning towards the light (and also a little etiolated), that's why I like yours: they go straight up. In fact lack of space and lack of proper growing conditions made me to experiment with methods which people frown upon: no drainage pots for seedlings, watering as little as possible in order to balance the lack of light, etc.
And I think @Shule has a lot of experience with tomatoes. I remeber that last year he posted in chat his observations on various tomato crops. I remember this topic because I asked if he keeps an excel file or something and the response puzzled me: everything from memory.
3 hours later…
@Sue Hey, I didn't know we had a chat area. I'll go check out "The Great Outdoors" and see if there is anything I can contribute.

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