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@NiallC. you and I did 2031 out of the 5046 total edits on this site high five
@Stephie Hahaha!
@J.Musser While funny, it's off target by at least 211.
@CrusaderJ eh?
It was supposed to be funny ha
I know, just thinking Glyphosate Resistance.
Unintentional type
around here there are very few
the worst is Canada thistle
True. The benefits of, among other things, a well-varied crop rotation.
there are others
like bindweed
but not really anything bad
@J.Musser never trust a statistics that you didn't fake yourself ;-)
that one's only resistant bc of the root system which is ginormous
@Stephie ha
But I but I assume I can trust you haha
@J.Musser Others do - they gave me 3000 points for it ;-) good to finally meet someone here. Usually it's pretty quiet when I step by.
@Stephie yeah I know
oh you're at 3k?
nice, good job!
Thanks!. I can't answer much, but if I know a solution, I usually post it. Unless Bamboo is faster - we are roughly on the same time zone...
checks own reputation ha just kidding
@Stephie Yeah, you have some good stuff! Did you garden professionally?
@J.Musser Nah, but parents had a big garden (mine is a lot smaller) and one picks up a thing or two over the decades. Two thirds logic and one third experience, I'd say.
@Stephie hmm.
I haven't had the time for this site that I'd like to.
It's fun.
I have first obligations at Lifehacks (cuz I am a pro tem there)
You know a lot about houseplants?
@J.Musser I know. And I still stand in awe at what some of the pros here do and know.
@Stephie Bamboo I think leads in experience (and # of answers ha)
very consistent user.
@J.Musser more than about trees in the garden - it's much more manageable. my mum has a reputaton of planting a broomstick and getting it to bloom. Still not sure how she does it, because she neither waters nor fertilizes regularly.
@Stephie Ha! It's called a green thumb, I have one too (at least, I'd like to think so :D)
1:11 pm here :)
I like how on this site we can help people from all over, it's cool
@J.Musser And that with a mother that has switched to plastic flowers (yuck!) because she could drown algae and dry out cacti. That late? Oh, 7 pm here.
@Stephie Plastic flowers always look too dry
@J.Musser dusty and "Technicolor". But to each his own.
I pretend to have a green thumb by populating my house with plants that are very hard to kill. It works wonders
yes, exactly
@CrusaderJ I don't have enough light for a lot of houseplants :(
@J.Musser That's a hard one to fix.
I exercise my green thumb mostly by on-site consulting/diagnostics for plant health care
it's a fun profession, and you learn something new every year
@CrusaderJ Yeah, If I ever move, I probably won't go to a low valley full of trees haha
It's even hard to grow plants around the outside of the house in some places, too shady
Hubby had insectivores for years and might start again once we're done with renovating the house. Current pland projects are on a much larger scale, e.g. trying to decide which apple tree(s) we want. And I'm searching for a dwarf cherry - 4-5m tops.
@Stephie AH!
I mean ah!
capslock, prepare for revenge
ha just kidding
@Stephie Sweet, or pie?
We will probably rent a mini-digger for the first time next year. <jumps up and down excitedly>
@J.Musser Sweet.
@Stephie Oh yeah? trenching?
@J.Musser No. Bad soil and a few treestumps. And hard soil.
@J.Musser Every winter my boxwood elders throw a fit and lose branches and I daydream about chopping the whole line lot. Haven't done it yet, but if they get much more dead-looking I might have to
@Stephie Do you have stump grinders where you're at?
@CrusaderJ Box elders are the junkiest trees ever, no joke
@J.Musser not even good for burning. I asked a relative that heats with a wood stove, they said it would take 2 years to dry it and they'd still be really bad at producing heat.
That's some impressive failure.
@CrusaderJ It's light yeah
@Stephie That's really short
Gisela 5 produces a tree 50-60% of the natural size
@J.Musser I know. I can live with a bit more and am determined to wield a saw regularly, but it's supposed to replace a really ugly "decorative" tree.
that's the smallest I know
for a dwarfing rootstock
@J.Musser You typed faster than me... I had Gisela on my "shopping list" already. Just need to figure out what I want on top - I don't think Reinier (such fond memories...) would do well here. Need something a tad more robust. But I have a distant relative I can ask. He did a lot of grafting in his time and should know what grows well here.
@Stephie Gisela 5 is better than 6 or 12, heightwise
@Stephie Yeah I did some orcharding/rafting/nursery here in the US but it's a totally different climate
stuff that does best here might not do well at all where you are..
@J.Musser And then I just need someone to produce my "wanted" combination... said relative is suffering from "severe old age".
And if everything else fails.... as usual: try it myself.
at least I know where I can get the twigs to go on top, I know two trees in my area of the "love these crerries" type.
@Stephie I would ask a nurseryman in your area for advice... if you have any that have been around for some time.
They're usually (at least around here) pretty honest and know their stuff
Oh, you wanna do the graft yourself?
@J.Musser Only if I can't coax either my great-grand-uncle or a friend (pro gardener) into doing it.
@Stephie If you do, I'd suggest doing more than one, because beginners tend to kill them ha
that way if one or 2 died you'd have backup
@J.Musser You bet! I have a meadow where I could plant unexpected surplus. Or three gardens in the family.
where will you get the stock?
@J.Musser "stock" is the root + stem?
@Stephie the stock is the root
the stem is the scion
where it joins is the graft union
got gold on another site! Always like to see that!
<notes down vocabulary> Either have my gardener friend order it or go to a local nursery. If all else fails, try the Internet.
just be sure they're freshly dug
within the hour if possible
Oh, I can't I use Gisela for roots and stem and just put branches on top?
@Stephie hmm, that's a funny thought...
no one does that haha but I guess that's possible
You'd wanna stake it for sure
@J.Musser I at least know one tree "personally" - with two types on top.
@Stephie Yeah. I had an old apple with 3 types - 120 yr old tree, with 2' diameter trunk. Blew down in a storm
And as I'm not going for "commercial" or "high-yield"... But as I said, only if I can't get the combination I want. (And which I still have to decide on.)
I used to graft weeping cherries
For apple it's easier. One in honour of my late grandfather, one for hubby, perhaps a third. Have enough pollinators nearby, don't have to worry.
@Stephie Around here anyone can get fruit off apples or pears w/o a pollinator.
so many ornamentals...
I'm very, very lucky - rural area, many gardens with fruit trees and those meadows with scattered fruit trees.
@Stephie Sounds nice!
We are slowly replacing the purely ornamental stuff with plants that are both decorative and useful in our garden. But it's a slow process. An overgrown hedge went first, now it's currants, some heirloom lilac, sea buckthorn and elder. The amelanchier was allowed to stay...
@Stephie That's a cool project!
Ant veggies?
@J.Musser Very! And tedious. No veggies, but my parents live nearby (a few houses away) and we share the veggie plot. Kids have their own square meter or two where they may plant whatever they like.
I do have a few tomatoes, though, mostly I have just the right spot for them.
@Stephie What varieties do you like?
@J.Musser I must admit it's often "what's on sale at my organic store". Either seeds or plants, depending on how chaotic our early spring is. Typically cherry tomatoes, because the kids pick them and eat them in one bite. Good for lunchboxes, too.
@Stephie ah! I like some varieties so much better than others
I put them next to the house wall, under a balcony (-> no drips, no rain and hence no fungal problems). Lots of sun, moderate wind, generally sheltered. Needs some fertilizing though, like the entire garden. But you can't remedy years of neglect in two summers, especially if you go the organic / compost route.
@J.Musser So what do you choose? Tomato-wise, that is.
@Stephie For hybrid big tomatoes, I used Better Boy (it's also the one that got in guinness book of world records at 342 lbs in one year, from one plant) I like them they taste great
Looks like there's a new record
1151.84 lbs from one plant in a year, Florida, USA
that's insane
for cherry tomatoes I like sweet million and sun gold
I think I average 60 lbs/plant/year ... nothing near those records
@J.Musser Still pretty impressive...
They're indeterminate tho, so not all at once..
@J.Musser That just gives you time to eat them before picking more. ;-)
@CrusaderJ I don't like them
everyone else does
I think my tomato this past year was a Better Boy. It's doing pretty well considered I failed to weed around it.
@CrusaderJ huh
I do that too
Only reason I can still find my watermelon plant is probably because I laid out some old cardboard around it to keep the weeds down.
get anything off it?
around here they do best on black sheet plastic
2 so far, one rotten from a bug hole in the bottom.
two more on the vine, one of which is probably almost ready
Used sheet plastic last year, but I didn't like how the water pooled in the dips, figured it would lead to rot issues.
Around here everything's on a slope
For the most part my garden is too, but there's a few little ridges that allow small puddles to form and remain
I gotta get off for now
I could smooth them out, but that would require me to actually do it. lol
catch y'all later, have a great afternoon!
@J.Musser seeya
@J.Musser bye!

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