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Anyone know why I was downvoted on the answer to the question about brown rot on plums? There must be a reason, but I'm damned if I know what it is... my answer's correct.
@J.Musser - I'm gonna direct that last comment/query at you because you seem to be the most likely candidate;-)
2 hours later…
@Bamboo I got my hands on the mother plant of my cut of J. humile and it is scented.
Well, whoever marked it down has now retracted it - very odd.
what ?
@ondoteam; sorry, that last comment wasn't meant for you, I happened topost it at the same time you posted. You lucky thing, having a fragrant one!
ahh ok..
@ondoteam - if you look at my recent postings above, you'll see what it referred to, that comment...
Yeah, now I see
I do not want to poke my nose into areas which are not my business.. but it is a risky thing to accuse someone when votes are secret
You have a lot of reputation points
Couldn't care less about rep points - much more interested in what might be wrong with the answer I gave and whether downgrading is fair or not
Surely it was a new user
there is nothing wrong with your answer, it is a nice answer
Who knows? The other thing is, maybe they know something I don't and I could learn something new - life gets tedious as you get older, its always great to get new information, makes me feel alive
I do not know how old you are, but age is a degree... more than thousand books and studies.. be happy!
@ondoteam; funny, I bet everyone thinks its because I'm guarding my rep points that I queried the downgrading!
I'm not necessarily unhappy, but it all gets a bit been there, done that, got the teeshirt, teeshirt's now a duster...
what is the teeshirt?
Ah, teeshirt, T Shirt, same thing, dunno what you call them
It's just a saying, meaning ennui probably - not much new to shake your world any more because you've been around a long time
ahh ok, now I understand
emmh.. about the J. humile: if you want a cut, just ask for it!
@ondoteam - I am very, very tempted - but it'll be a while before one's ready, won't it?
I have the mother plant (I don't know if it is a good definition) and the cutting
I'm still not sure it'd be legal to post it... I'll do a bit of research when I get back later on today to see if I can find out
Ok, no problem. Anyway, I think it is a little weak... maybe I should care it for some time before ship it to U.K.
I will have my lunch, see you!
4 hours later…
@Bamboo I'd create a mailinator account, have ondoteam email that, and reply with your real email adress, that way no one but ondoteam has your email. You can then give him your mailing address or whatever.
@Bamboo Hmm, it looks like your answer has six upvotes, and zero down-votes. I was one of the upvoters. I generally upvote your stuff, and find most of it good common sense.
@Bamboo I don't know why the down vote. My best guess is that someone ... didn't like the part about the phytosanitary seller? I don't know.
@ondoteam It is okay to ask why the down-vote. (why the upvote is more self-explanatory). I personally never got down-voted, but if I did, I'd probably ask. Stackexchange does give you an automatic note when you down-vote, asing you to consider leaving a comment as to why the answer was wrong, and how it can be improved.
@J. Musser Hi, me, how am I doing?
I have a similar take on rep points that @Bamboo does, I just think it's hilarious when I have twice as much as the next person, when sorting by month, so there's some petty incentive to get rep...
@J.Musser ok, noted. I up-voted the @Bamboo answer too (JOKER_MODE[ON]: now I will undo it because she have more up-votes that my answer).
About the mailinator thing: I have a web page with a contact form, she can use it to contact me without compromise their eMail address.
2 hours later…
@J.Musser I have no idea what a mailinator is... but I don't have an issue passing on an address or email, its more about whether a plant can be shipped into the UK not via an official plant supplier...
Oh you two, just read what you've been saying about votes, makes me laugh, so it wasn't you then JMusser, weird, why would someone downvote something without a good reason, seems bonkers to me.
@ondoteam: if you think about it, if I was just concerned about my rep, I wouldn' t have bothered to answer the brown rot question at all, because the asker had already accepted the previous answer, so I didn't expect any points at all when I did answer it. Just wanted to get the info out there...
@ondoteam - in fact, it might have been your answer they accepted, I can't quite recall now. Not that it matters, really... I'm off to check out what a mailinator is!
@Bamboo mailinator is the cousing of terminator (hehe)
I think that I need to get some information about the "free from pests and diseases" certificate...
I will ask on monday, just by curiosity!
@Bamboo mailinator is a fake email account you can create, so that you don't have to post yours in a public place, and get tons of spam.
I'm glad we made you laugh, is healthy to do that now and then.
@MattS. On your last question, do you have quite a few houseplants?
@J.Musser A couple aloes and a tree thing inside.
I can't plant next to the house because there's plastic laid down to help water run away from the foundation. So I have a bunch of potted plants around there.
I started stockpiling 17 and 22 inch pots when they started going on clearance at Lowes.
hello there..
what is the difference between pot and container? It is not supposed to be the same?
I mean in gardening context
@ondoteam There's not really a difference, but a container could mean something more like a tray, for instance, like in some bonsai, that couldn't be defined as a pot, but 'contain' the roots.
Got it! Thank you!
Good night everyone :)
@ondoteam It's only 6:53 PM here, but good night...

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