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Q: When should parents stop changing clothes in front of children?

Aquarius TheGirlBaby is 2 years 2 months old. What will happen if we don't stop and at what age should we stop? Why? From: Even her carefree/casual naked or semi-nude exposure around her boy past his toddler phase, may have left him with unresolved Oedipal struggle...

Good question! I think it boils down mostly to culture (on every scale: family, social group, country) and personal body image.
@Stephie Actually I asked this question because i read somewhere that in order to prevent our child from falling to sexual abuse we shouldn't change clothes in front of her.
Do you still have the source? My gut feeling (again: non-scientific) would be the other way round. Sort of with nudity comes the concept of privacy and appropriateness (what is ok and what not and where and with whom) vs. nudity is bad.
At the moment I'm inclined to vote to close this question as 'primarily opinion based'. Please tell us what you've found and what conflicting information you'd like to resolve. More information about your situation may also be useful such as family makeup, country, cultural/religious background if appropriate.
I thought about "opinion based" but decided against. I'm sure that there are some studies out there (and we have a few members who probably know where to find them). I could add only annecdotal answers which support Rory Alsop's answer below.
I wanted to add an answer, but mine would in fact be opinion-based. But this has the potential to be a good question, and I do want to see evidence-based answers to it. If people post opinion-based answers, those answers will be downvoted, but I would also not recommend closing.
If you don't stop, they will see you naked.
Just as a clarification on "opinion based": Parenting is not Stack Overflow, or Skeptics. We do allow some degree of opinion in answers, backed with reasoning. The point of an answer to a question like this is to help the OP understand your reasoning as to why you have that opinion, so the OP can evaluate it. Evidence-based answers are superior, but reasoning-based answers are acceptable (so long as they explain the reasoning sufficiently).
Somewhat related: At what age can you leave the child in the bathtub?. Related because if you're still seeing your child naked regularly for baths/changing, then it's probably not out of place for them to see you changing. See also open locker rooms (such as those at a family gym) where adult nudity is somewhat expected.
@Stephie check out the update in question.
TheIndependentAquarius - my comments stay valid. The "What to expect" books (while not bad per se) come from a very specific cultural background. From an European point of view, many US books/customs/laws are more restricted and against nudity. (Having a gigantic porn industry might even be an indication of this attitude, imho.) I suppose the book wouldn't cite a source? And note that "it is believed" is about as opinion-based as possible. I am not saying one approach is better than another, there is no right or wrong with regard to culture. I personally wholeheartedly support Rory's answer.
@Stephie please see the edit.
Aquarius - adding things like that into the question really doesn't help. You have already clarified your concern, but you adding in further articles is as useful as me editing your question to add in articles showing why it isn't an issue. The question remains the same, and the answers also remain valid.
@RoryAlsop You haven't added even one credible article to show why it isn't true. My problem is that no "research/proof" has been shown till now. Answers are only opinions as of now. If you can add articles to show that it isn't an issue, that'll be the most pleasant thing for me.
You misunderstand - the question doesn't need any edits or updates. It is a very clear question, and we understand you are concerned, so my comment is very much from a moderation position: leave the question alone, as you have asked a good one.
I'll also try and dig up some of the vast number of articles showing nudity is entirely unconnected to abuse. Hopefully that will help you.

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