It depends what you mean. Magnetic field lines are always loops i.e. they can never start of end anywhere. That means every field line that comes out of the North pole must go back into the South pole.
But you could make a magnet from a wedge shape so the metal had different widths at the North and South poles. That means the field strength i.e. the number of field lines per unit area, would be different at the two ends.
@JohnRennie Life is going on sir :) , and I am almost at college,as a few rounds of counselling are still left. Say,you wouldn't have heard about the IISERs,have you?
@Aladdin yes, if you move a charge $Q$ a distance $x$ in the direction of the field lines (i.e. from positive towards negative) then the PE decreases by $\Delta U = QEx$
@JohnRennie That's all right, they are much more newer than the IITs(established only in 2006),but yes,it is expected they will catch up in reputation soon :-) . Anyway,in the curriculum at my college,I will be required to study physics for 4 semesters before deciding my major,so I will prolly be back soon enough with a few more doubts :)
@JohnRennie suppose...a glass is filled with water just full to the brim (the water isn't forming a hump) the surface pressure is atmospheric pressure....right?
@YUSUFHASAN it's nice to have that flexibility. It means you get a chance to figure out what you enjoy before committing to the full four years. Cambridge works like that. You do lots of different subjects in the first year and only specialise from the second year onwards.
@user8718165 there isn't a simple answer to that because the process of putting the lid on hasn't been precisely defined.
The pressure on the top of the lid is 1 atm. If you take the lid to be infinitely stiff then none of that pressure is transferred through to the liquid.
But what happened at the instant the lid touched the water? In real life the lid will touch some point on the water surface first and the water surface will curve where it touches the lid. That means the surface tension will create some pressure inside the water.
As the lid completes its journey down the air-water interface will move out towards the rim of the glass and the curvature and therefore the pressure will change as it moves.
@user8718165 yes, you can put a pressure gauge in the glass.
There's nothing especially weird about what's going on, it's just that exactly what happens in the final microseconds before the lid touches the glass depends on tiny details of the lid and water surface shape and how they meet.
@JohnRennie now I get it...I was completely puzzled when HC Verma said that putting a lid doesn't change the pressure at the surface of the water...its equal to atm
The PE and KE are related by $PE + KE = E_{total}$ where the total energy is constant. That means the lowest point for the KE is the highest point for the PE. OK so far?
Our answer here is for the scenario where both electrostatic and rension contribute to centripetal force. How does centripetal force being lowest means any one of them is lowest
I'll have to have a think about this to get it clear in my head, but I'm fairly certain that the tension does just depend on $v^2$. That's because $v^2$ also depends on gravity and the electric field so when we calculate $v^2$ we are automatically including the gravitational and electric forces.
So yes I got a sign wrong. It's obvious I got a sign wrong because the minimum PE has to be at $0 <= \theta <= \pi/2$ and $\tan\theta >= 0$ in that region.
We get two solutions for $\theta$ because $\tan\theta$ is periodic, so we get a solution at $\theta = \arctan(qE/mg)$ and another at $\theta = \pi + \arctan(qE/mg)$. The first is the minimum and the second is the maximum.
Gauss' law tells us that the flux through a surface is equal to the charge inside the surface divided by $\epsilon$. So the flux through our sphere is equal to the charge inside the sphere divided by $\epsilon$.
We are told the charge density of the sheet is $\sigma$, so the charge inside the sphere is $Q = \sigma A$ where $A$ is the area of the sheet that is inside the sphere.
A field line shows the direction of the force on a positive charge.
First of all the setup is symmetric about the +Q charge so the field lines must be symmetric about the charge +Q. That immediately eliminates one of the diagrams. Yes?
@JohnRennie Is it true that when a glass of water (not necessarily filled) is left open to atmosphere... The water is compressed however so slightly :-/