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Hi @YashasSamaga
In the solution how they got the terms (0.5-0.3) and (0.5-0.4) .
3 hours later…
Jeez, I've never seen so many anonymous people study together
@SirCumference in h bar also so many people are studying together
Can I say regarding the problem?
They have just done final pe- initial pe
(By the way, are they asking to turn one by one , meaning AB and then in the new position A'B' ?? Or are they just referring to different cases?)
i think one by one
I think plus won't be
let in first step the height of CM rises by h . But in secomd step the height of CM falls by h .
Net change in height is zero .
They have mismatched a thing !!! Oh.. The question is unclear
They are not saying about network done
network ?
Do you know about potential well , or potential barrier?
Then it will be very easy to explain
ah no
Activation energy in chemistry?
Ok cool
Then its very easy
In between reactant and product formation, a unstable substrate is formed and hence for an reaction to proceed, the minimum energy required is E(Subtrate)- E(Reactant) , NOT : E(Product)-E(Reactant)
Here you have to find the unstable substrate when the crate is overturned. Then Work required will be : E(Subtrated analogical position) - E(Reactant analogical position ie E(0.3) )
got it yaar
How was the explanation? ( Although I hate chemistry very much :p )
The question is not of JEE Main right?
actually mock test
But it's kind of unclear question.
may be
Because there would not be any 'plus'. I think the answer will be 200J
@Koolman Yeah, but it's just cool to see so many people that are around the same age, from the same country and taking the same engineering test, working on an SE chat
I'd never find someone on SE who I could've studied for the ACT with
@SirCumference "The engineering test" which is regarded as the toughest entrance examination in the world
@MadhuchhandaMandal if there is minus sign then the answer would be 100
Minus sign why?
@MadhuchhandaMandal Yeah, I know. I meant it as in "you all are also looking into the same subject"
you are right @SirCumference
Anyone tried the question I had given?
3 hours later…
What do you call this notation S1 S11?
coordinate geometry
tangent = S1
length of tangent = sqrt(S11)
I know the meanings but I forgot what they are called
@MadhuchhandaMandal What's P(E)? r(i)?
@SirCumference ACT cannot be compared with JEE. They are at difference scales. It's like comparing undergraduate studies with graduate studies. 10th grade students from India can score 2400/2400 in SAT and 36/36 in math and science section of ACT.
SAT = Indian 10th grade syllabus
AP = Indian regular high school syllabus
More than half the population will score 5/5 in Physics, Chem, Calc, etc. AP tests (in my opinion)
2 hours later…
@YashasSamaga P(E) is probability that E (ie hitting of rod by stone) happens
r(i) was not intended it should be read as : Graph of P(E) vs r is marked as first (i) graph and Graph of P(E) vs w is marked as second (ii) graph , so that you can compare it with the options provided and find the correct option among ABC&D

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