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Mmm, interesting
Is this room the actual philosophy room? Or just a spin-off-room?
As far as there is a philosophy room, this is it.
oh, uh
Is something I found... but it's dead as a doornail
I am concerned about the questions on the front page. Philosophy seems to be way too broad and way too narrow.
Philosophy is the study of "fundamental problems", so, yes, everything is affected by it, but it's not always clear how.
Ayep :)
Well, but just thinking about it in terms of the academic disciplines involved... There is a stupid amount of expertise available in very specific areas.
I figured that everyone who sponsored the site on Area 51 knew what it was, but there does seem to be some confusion
I don't see how we'll expand the understanding-of-site to delimit where that expertise is useful.
Yeah, that will be tricky
@JosephSpiros Yes there is. Do we have an FAQ yet?
For that matter, tagging questions is going to be so much... fun?
@BrianBallsunStanton We do not have a FAQ yet, besides the default template...
At a certain point, we're going to need a mass retagging, just to get the questions in their right disciplines.
@JosephSpiros Joy. It's something we're struggling with over at RPG.SE
The main problem I'm focusing on is the fact that the SE moderators don't seem to understand philosophy either, and they expect this to be a Q&A site with truth
@JosephSpiros linky?
So questions are getting closed way too much
Q: Is this site for doing philosophy or discussing philosophy?

Joseph SpirosDoes this community intend to support potentially original philosophical inquiry, or only discussion of previously published philosophies and philosophers? In short, are we going to do philosophy, or discuss philosophy? As an example, some philosophers have made reference to what may be consider...

Q: Should questions be closed in cases other than duplication?

Joseph SpirosThere are four non-duplication related reasons to suggest closure of a question: off topic subjective and argumentative not a real question too localized Should questions ever be closed for any of these reasons on a site about philosophy, wherein argument is seemingly inherent and everything ...

Particularly the latter, in which there was a long discussion in the comments of the answer provided by the SE thing
I mean, I personally had the discussion :-p
I personally don't really care, I just want a decision to be made that satisfies the community, and I don't think heavy-handed moderation is going to do it
Ah. Welcome to my world :)
We've had a number of those... discussions... over at meta.RPG.SE
especially with SE super-diamonds
What, with them not understanding role playing games or something? :)
I'd rather not get into the politics per se, but there's some discussion of off-topic and discussion of subjective that's gotten quite... heated
Or, did you want to talk about things like, what are fun campaign settings to play in, or something like that?
I see, okay :)
"The politics" hilarious
Indeed :)
well, there's my philosophy-of-science contribution to "prove anything" in philosophy
let's see how the community likes it. Back to work on my thesis...
7 hours later…
Well, at least this site feels similar to my department.
HPS person is just kind of off in the corner, sulking.
actually, it is worth asking if HPS is on topic
HPS person?
History and philosophy of science?
I do think the people most annoyed by the kind of things that I'd ask and answer about, at least, are going to be the mathematicians and scientists :)
Question of the moment:
Q: Should this site be restricted to academic answers only?

Joseph SpirosIf this site is intended for discussion of philosophy, then perhaps it would be appropriate to strive for academic answers to questions, even when the questions are not academic themselves. However, as an autodidact whose understanding of philosophy comes from reading and thinking, with a lack of...

very nice question
and well put :-)
Thank you!
Though I've no idea what the answer should be. I suppose it's only consequential to at least tolerate amateurish answers, since the target audience is the "general audience of the internet"
In a perfect world, It'd be answers written by experts, but in such a way that amateurs can understand them
I find it laughable that you'd use a word like "experts" in regard to philosophy.
why's that?
can't you be an expert in ethics in the same way that someone can be an expert in, say type theory?
I'd say the best you can hope for is being well-read and persuasive.
assume that's my definition of expert then ;-)
But the context of your use of the term "expert" seems to imply that you're associating academics with experts.
And academia hardly implies persuasive.
Just traditional.
@JosephSpiros that wasn't my intention. I was thinking of someone well versed in one specific field, and recognized by their peers to be a good source of explanation.
(No, I am not saying academia NEVER implies persuasive, and I really wish notes like this weren't required in philosophy-related forums, but woah people can be crazy. Not you necessarily, but you know.)
@StefanoPalazzo Well, even in that case... I find it difficult given that you said "specific field", and I'm wondering about the entire Philosophy SE.
@StefanoPalazzo Unless you think philosophy, or whatever subset of it addressed by the Philosophy SE, is specific? :)
Certainly, there seems to be a good subset of the burgeoning community interested in making this a History of Philosophy site.
I'm very interested to see what happens, either way.
Like I said, I didn't assume any expert to know "all about philosophy"
but you can certainly be an expert on, say my favourite topic at the moment, preference utilitarianism
And I am an amateur if there ever was one :-) The only book I read is the one my old philosophy teacher wrote, that's all. I don't know Hegel from Nagel ;-)
I'm sure you know who Jeremy Bentham is, though :-p
I like metaphysics.
And that is why I am hell-bent on defining what the hell we're talking about, both because, well, I like metaphysics, and because I like metaphysics. :)
well look at superuser.com
they don't seem to know what they're about either, but it seems to work okay
Oh, sure, and I think the Programmers SE is also a good example, too, of an even more flexible site.
the equivalent for philo.se would be "questions by people interested in philosophy", rather than "questions about [x]"
But, right now, in private beta, we need to define these things a bit.
A lot of people are voting to close certain questions
And that implies an assumption about what we're about, and I'd like for us to formalize that so we can put it in our FAQ.
Q: Can the existence of a god be proven or disproven?

Jonathon ByrdWhat evidence would you even begin to look at if you were trying to prove or disprove an invisible entity as God? I often ask atheists what kind of evidence that they would need in order to accept it as evidence of God. I have yet to get an answer.

this is a good example
for why "questions by people interested in philosophy" probably won't work here
I would argue that the whole of theology could fall under philosophy, indeed.
And certain things aren't necessarily theology.
For example, people refer to "Hindu philosophy" and "Buddhist philosophy"
Not theology.
I don't ;-)
But I also think you need to bring a certain standard of research before you ask a question that complex
But, I highly, highly, highly doubt that the people closing that question are going to be okay with questions about avatars and brahman.
Even though the Hindus have some interesting metaphysical ideas.
well.. hindu/vedic philosophy has its well established schools oh philosphy
and is tought in many universities
Metaphysics is like the quantum mechanics of physics. It's where everything falls apart and everyone starts to fight. But it's also where all the interesting stuff (in my opinion) happens.
I participated in the beta of atheism.se (which got shut down because nobody was using it in the end). When ever a topic came up that was hard to answer (like the question above), it descended into anarchy and argumentation. I'm guessing there's a real possibility the same thing is going to happen here
@PrateekMishra I unfortunately know many Philosophy majors that do not know anything about any of it.
say if you can't define what the truth of a possible answer looks like
@StefanoPalazzo I don't care if people vote questions down, but closing them annoys me. How exactly is an open difficult question going to hurt the community? It's a database record, nothing more!
I can disagree with that. I close question on AskUbuntu.com all day long
Picking up litter ↑
@StefanoPalazzo I don't really think Ubuntu and Philosophy, as topics of discussion, are really all that similar, unless you go into the Philosophy of Ubuntu, of course. And anyway, it's kind of obvious what AskUbuntu is intended for. A Q&A site about philosophy, not entirely.
Indeed, but If a question is of low quality, it should be closed. I'd argue that a question like "is there a god?" is of the worst possible quality
While I do think that Q&A about philosophy COULD be clear, in that we only allow discussion on already-published/recognized/accepted philosophies and philosophers, I think a lot of the people sponsoring the site in the first place saw the potential for this platform to support new, interesting discussions.
@JosephSpiros that's a really horrible basis for a SE
@BrianBallsunStanton Which?
@JosephSpiros "interesting discussion"
as one of our mods wrote really well over at RPG.SE chat... ::goes to find the quote::
@StefanoPalazzo I agree that closure has its uses, I'm not arguing that it shouldn't be allowed. I just want some consensus on what we're about in the beta period before everything falls apart, and some questions that should be closed aren't, and questions that shouldn't are, seemingly haphazardly and based on whoever happens to be on the site at the moment, without any real consensus.
I agree completely
The core use case of a stack exchange is people asking real questions they need answered, and other experts helping them with their question. Anything else gets short shrift from me... (Says @mxyzplk)
It's a bit less meaningful, on a philosophy SE, to talk about "questions based on real problems that you've encountered", and "questions that have one correct answer"
rd: almost entirely meaningless ;)
questions based on real problems happen in philosophy. The problem may be in understanding, approaching, or discussing, but it's a real problem
Indeed, at that point, you might as well just have a... Modern Ethics SE or something
and the answer that is best articulated is the best answer
@JosephSpiros I consider the wittgenstein problem to be an excellent case.
Newbie theology, however, is not very useful.
It's a real problem, he is lacking understanding of something specific, and wants answers by experts.
@BrianBallsunStanton That's an academic question about existing literature.
@JosephSpiros yes, and thus it can be answered both objectively and good-subjectively
@BrianBallsunStanton Well, see, that's the question I'm asking on meta :)
Philosophy is an academic discipline and answers that don't, at least, hold to that standard of rigor aren't very useful.
If you want to say so on my question, that would be useful
I disagree with you, but that's okay :)
linky your question, please
If you aren't already there:
Q: Should this site be restricted to academic answers only?

Joseph SpirosIf this site is intended for discussion of philosophy, then perhaps it would be appropriate to strive for academic answers to questions, even when the questions are not academic themselves. However, as an autodidact whose understanding of philosophy comes from reading and thinking, with a lack of...

I personally find it... well, I'm not sure if it's annoying or amusing... that all you academics, you upstarts, with a few hundred years of your system, are assuming ownership of all of human knowledge and wisdom. :-p
@JosephSpiros Sorry, what?
I just don't want to read garbage.
If it's linked and well articulated, that's what I want.
That's great!
Gotta agree with Brian
Can we change the closure reasons to
"Poorly written"
If its poorly written, we must edit to make it more understandable.
and "No depth of thought (i.e., no references)" ?
Or something?
@JosephSpiros that's what down–votes are for
check out the new tool–tip on the down arrow
@StefanoPalazzo And I agree!
Okay, here's the problem I have
Q: Can the existence of a god be proven or disproven?

Jonathon ByrdWhat evidence would you even begin to look at if you were trying to prove or disprove an invisible entity as God? I often ask atheists what kind of evidence that they would need in order to accept it as evidence of God. I have yet to get an answer.

That question should not have been closed.
There are some great answers to that question
I think I've answered a very similar question before
but it's in /dev/null - the graveyard of failed stack exchange beta sites
I mean, I don't think the question is great
But I don't think it should've been closed
Closure stops anyone else from coming and saying, hey, maybe here's a way to think about it, or here's something more you could read about to try and find an answer.
@JosephSpiros This question is absolutely vile. It's too broad.
@BrianBallsunStanton I think that you should nominate metaphysics, however much it will discourage me, as off-topic.
Can the existence of god X by theology Y or philosophy Z be proven? is just fine.
@JosephSpiros See, I think metaphysics is just fine.
But it needs to be expert questions
@BrianBallsunStanton Metaphysics is inherently broad.
But metaphysics questions that are answerable cannot be.
So: "Does god exist" must be answered with "Mu" (unask the question)
I think the distinction that I made in a comment somewhere is important
In stead of closing that question because it was open ended, one could have placed an instruction to avoid the same.
There is no way for an expert to answer the question in the first place.
Is an answer something truthful or definitive or final, or is an answer simply a response?
If you're looking for an answer that's truthful, definitive, or final, then what the hell are you doing with philosophy?
But one could point out various existing theories that attempt to answer that question.
It is the considered opinion of an expert who is situated in the literature, aware of the common problems, and is aware of nature of the problem.
@PrateekMishra I agree! I liked your answer, though it could have used some links to make it easy to read more about Vedanta.
I set the bar far higher for this site than RPG.SE, because RPGs have 40 years of history. This has millennia.
Ignorance of the literature just isn't useful
@JosephSpiros a second. I totally disagree :-)
I don't demand people engage in scholarship. I do demand that they understand the problem.
a truthful and definitive answer could for example start with "according to the x-theory of y, y is x"
@StefanoPalazzo I recommend s/truthful and definitive/useful/
which is what we want surely, as opposed to "y is x" + comments saying "you're wrooong!"
But yes, given that replacement, I absolutely agree
@StefanoPalazzo Of course I agree with you there
@StefanoPalazzo agreed!
wow, I'm grumpy tonight.
almost certainly from editing this damn thesis.
I simply think that it's possible for some questions to be answered without any reference to existing literature, and still be useful answers
so if people, even if they're not academics, just stick to the most basic principles of academic research, we should be absolutely fine. Back up assertions with evidence, cite, and don't claim original research unless there's extraordinarily good reason.
Persuasive points of view
@JosephSpiros Sure, but I'll be shocked if they can manage that in less than a thousand words
@BrianBallsunStanton I'm okay with that, I'd love a few thousand words to read. I'm running out. (Okay, not really.)
What I don't want to see are questions and answers that belong in a freshman philosophy class
And I think some questions, particularly by non-academics, but perhaps by academics as well, might be so vague, and/or complex, so as to require a long description of a problem before an answer can be provided.
if I wanted that, I'd go teach one. (which would be kinda, fun, actually)
@JosephSpiros certainly. Well specified questions are critical.
While that might be tedious to read, you don't have to read it, you can even downvote it, but don't close it as subjective just because the person is assuming a point of view.
I'd absolutely apply that criterion to most of the theology questions.
god proven/disproven does not meet that criterion
Why can't we help people who don't really know where to begin?
@JosephSpiros Becasue we're in private beta
the time to do that is after we graduate
That guy obviously has a question in his mind, and he also obviously doesn't know how to articulate it.
@JosephSpiros I think that's exactly what we need to do.
We want to attract experts. We cannot attract experts if it just looks like a poorly read freshman seminar.
cause, frankly, I want to get paid for answering their questions
Get paid?
Teach a tutorial/
That guy asked around 10 questions and all of them were closed. I doubt if he will return.
Teaching freshman philosophy is sometimes fun, almost certainly a chore.
@PrateekMishra Which I think is unfortunate.
Teaching freshman philosophy for free, when people don't want to do the reading.... is a chore without upside.
@BrianBallsunStanton I guess I'm more of an idealist about the purpose of this SE?
@BrianBallsunStanton I'm not really thinking about you getting paid to teach a tutorial? :)
Here's the thing. I can derive utility from the site if there are other experts answering my questions on the philosophy of technology.
And I personally do not find it a chore to encourage and help others to explore the EVERYTHING that is philosophy.
We won't get those experts, and we certainly won't keep them if we treat this like a freshman seminar.
@JosephSpiros even if they don't do the reading? If they insult you by assuming they know the answers without even being willing to understand the question?
@BrianBallsunStanton Why would I be insulted?
Cause... for most questions, I can basically guarentee (or I'll refund my rep) that they've already been asked in some form, somewhen
@JosephSpiros because it demonstrates a complete lack of respect
Respect? What?
It's the internet. It's potentially all of humanity. I'm not here expecting respect.
It's a software platform for asking questions. I expect questions.
no worries, mate. We're coming at this from different directions.
Almost certainly!
I'll be fascinated to watch if your expectations win out.
And I'll be sad if you're right in the end, but that's okay.
I HAVE tried to ask my meta questions such that we can have proper discussions on these things, I certainly don't want to dominate anything if I'm in the minority.
But, yes, I also personally have my own desires for the community.
Meta meta meta meta meta.
I will say that when I sponsored the site, I knew the chances of it falling apart were high, so, at least I'm in the position of being surprised in just about any other outcome.
So, I guess I won't be sad if you're right.
It just won't be as much fun for me. :)
@BrianBallsunStanton After some reading I'm seeing your point on the purpose of the private beta period.
I do think that we should try harder to be less snobby and try to edit our earliest questions to be a bit more clear and up-to-snuff. I do think the guy asking all the God-related questions was pushed away rather... uselessly.
We don't need to close them.
I guess my concern is that if a large enough proportion of the people in the private beta aren't going to ask the pro-level questions, that if the pros close rather than edit, we won't have an attractive site when we hit public beta.
And there really aren't very many questions, and a disturbing percentage of them are closed.
I am not able to edit the question on proof/disproof of god
Q: Can the existence of a god be proven or disproven?

Jonathon ByrdWhat evidence would you even begin to look at if you were trying to prove or disprove an invisible entity as God? I often ask atheists what kind of evidence that they would need in order to accept it as evidence of God. I have yet to get an answer.

That's correct,
If a closed question can't be edited, how can I improve it to a reopenable state?
what's your rep?
Try getting a bit more rep, first :)
And I'm not sure that domain question has a reopenable state
that preserves the question
feel free to ask what you would have edited though
or, ask it here and we can reflect
@BrianBallsunStanton it would likely be closed as a duplicate
I will be quite cross if it doesn't reflect domain awareness though
@apoorv020 what edit would you make?
Include a definition of god as omnipotent and omniscient, and say that since an omnipotent god can do anything, is there any experiment that can lead us to say that god does not exist?
Meh, no domain awareness
which god, which theological basis?
According to which construction of divinity?
Any god which is omniscient and omnipotent, if you are asking about him aims/purpose, take your pick
Well, the theological construction of the omni-* words changes
and the basis of "experiment" and interaction changes by theology
I'd respond with "your question is invalid because it doesn't present a falsifable statement, therefore we can make no statements about facts and your presupposed divinity"
but that's because you used the term experiment.
(And I'm a philosopher of science)
Theological questions are fine. Generic "god" questions are boring.
And at a certain point, the theological questions go off to their own site.
But asking about $God is not a useful nor a real question that is answerable by experts
One more use of the word expert and I swear I'm going to ask on both meta and not meta what an expert is
Well, no, just one
answerable by people who are well read in the literature and who are domain aware
And if they're not well read, then they need to define from first principles, which is hard
Nice hand waving, there, with "domain aware"
Who are you one to judge? This IS hard.
domain aware: Understanding the jargon, the issues, the authorities, and the common arguments in the domain.
I'm a philosopher.
I expect well articulated arguments.
domain knowledge can be used as a shortcut so you don't have to define from first principles every damn time
because you can say "X did that work, and this is based on that."
and if you cite it correctly, your audience can learn and increase their own knowledge of the domain
Yes, I am well aware of the utility of a concept that fits what you're calling domain knowledge, but determining whether someone is domain aware is hard.
You are doing it intuitively.
And I expect well articulated arguments, not hand-wavey intuition.
@JosephSpiros Eh, I've got some simple metrics: Do you cite your sources?
that's really the fundamental one
it is a demonstration of knowledge of the literature.
@BrianBallsunStanton How does one cite a source for a question like the aforementioned one about God?
I'm not disagreeing that it needs mounds and mounds of clarification before it's a good question
IT does
@JosephSpiros ::grins::
Well, that's one way to judge a bad question: if you cannot cite sources for it
But you ARE using your intuition, and not something that we can put in the FAQ (except perhaps, Brian knows best), about what made THAT a bad question. So am I.
I would use popperian falsification to indicate that it's a bad question.
Because it's hard to formalize this crap.
That's because you're a philosopher of science!
Er, yes?
Generalizing: we need some way, indicated in the question, to know upon which literature to base our responses.
It's my turn to sigh.
This is giving me some nice thoughts on how to design software for handling these problems, though, so if this doesn't all work out I'll have a use for starkravingsane.com
Q: What did David Hume mean when he said that "reason is a slave to the passions"?

BillareI don't understand the meaning of this oft-quoted quotation of Hume's in On Reason, namely his saying that "reason is a slave to the passions." What exactly does he mean by that ? Is it simply that reason is antecedent to a deeper moral sense? Is it equivalent to the maxim today that "science c...

chuck's answer here is fantastic
Articulating heuristics is hard. And the purpose of the private beta is to formalize norms such that everyone has somewhat similiar heuristics.
Oh well, I'll be interested in seeing what happens to the site in the morning.
Oh no
Present me with a good question in metaphysics and I'll be the first to upvote it. (well, assuming I have votes)
Q: Can computers ever gain conciousness?

solomoanHow precisely has it been pinned down what it is that humans possess that makes us concious which computers do not currently have? Can we ever build a computer to have conciousness? Can it be a turing machine? What are the requirements of a 'thing', such that it has the capacity to gain conciou...

just VtCd
and commented
^^ Truly outstanding question
How much domain knowledge of AI do you have, mate?
... right. It's probably not the best time to be asking basic phil-AI questions, then. We'll scare away the knowledgable folk.
On the other hand, I do recommend reading... mmm, Dreyfus
and asking questions about his aguments against AI
I would say Dennett, but he's an ass.
Dreyfus is quite readable.
getting you book link now...
Mind you, that's generated a lot of shouty responses
but it's ... a text in the literature.
here's a more general AI text: books.google.com/…
please ask questions when you hit concepts you don't understand in either of those texts.
for... consciousness definition, I recommend... mmm... Godel Escher Bach, or Harry Potter and the methods of rationality
Again, welcome :)
I would love to discuss some Phil-AI, especially as I have some experts to call on. (A good friend of mine just finished their masters in a review of the neurological debate)
@BrianBallsunStanton So, to be clear, you don't think that each of the sub-questions might merit being their own, in many cases?
@BrianBallsunStanton For example, "What definitions of consciousness have been proposed in the literature?"
Actually, that's a better question
@BrianBallsunStanton Or, "What concepts have been proposed in the literature that would address the common-sense meaning of the word consciousness?"
Or, similar
I'm not sure it's appropriate for private-beta, but I'd love to know about what the phil-AI literature considers consciousness to be
I think that's an excellent public-beta question
I don't really get this distinction you're claiming between public and private beta
I mean, it's unfortunate that we can't poll everyone that sponsored, and thus has access to the private beta
Private beta is what we're presenting to the world when we emerge. We want to attract interesting people.
and interesting people want tricky/interesting questions
But A LOT of these questions are being deemed by you to be not private-beta material, and I'm worried... what if there just aren't enough people for those tricky/interesting questions to show up?
I mean, we have a few, but if there's only a few, it might make little difference?
Yes. And then we get into a bootstrap problem. I'd rather have a few excellent ones than lots of crap ones.
And once we figure out the pattern, we can generate more.
I hear you, but
Is that question about consciousness that I asked you about
The one I phrased
But I believe we just hit a disagreement, and I still have 2 gorram pages left to edit.
@JosephSpiros is a good basis. for private, specify which literature and which definition of consciousness
I'm wondering where THAT question would fall in your crap/excellent meter.
It could be excellent
@BrianBallsunStanton But the question was what definitions exist :)
In that case you need to be very strict in the literature
So which side of phil-AI are you doing?
neuro or cog?
Because boy are there different requirements there
See, I don't agree that that distinction matters, why couldn't they be merged into a single call for definitions?
@JosephSpiros because the answer is entirely too broad!
Seems like a basic ontological problem to me.
@JosephSpiros basic ontological problems are not useful in private beta
Okay, that answers my question.
Thank you :)
(For posterity: I do not agree with you, because I think that basic ontological problems are extremely important and will be a major part of the reference material used in future well-written questions. And I don't see any problem with making that obvious during private beta.)
we'll see what the site decides then
Cheers :)
and as it's 11 PM, time to go home.
Oh my, other side of the planet.
2 hours later…
wow lots of discussion since i left
@lathomas64 You should rename the chat. Or not. But it's not entirely clear that this is where we're having all the discussion :)
If you can, that is.
What do you think it should be named? Anything better then just philosophy discussion?
nevermind looks like I can change the topic but not the name
but this is the only philosophy SE room
Oh well.
Could always create a new room with a title that just is a link back here
er topic
How about "Wit's End Circle "
4 hours later…
How goes it?
@lathomas64 It could probably be called
"Schrodinger's discussion"
Also sorry, accidentally tapped the enter key when I went for quotes.
its allright
@EdwardBlack turns out I can't change the name of the room any how(at least I didn't see how to do so when I went to edit the chatroom)
room topic changed to schrodinger's Discussion: Is the chat dead or alive?
The interface lead me to believe the edit button was just for the topic not the actual room name
@JosephSpiros I was wrong earlier, I can change the name of the room
room topic changed to Schrodinger's Discussion: Is the chat dead or alive?

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