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"a delirious lucidity whose madness testifies to the hyper-sanity of its own quadruple negation of birth through self immolation, negating the precreated absent affirmations of the night of being that never arrives, interiorised next to the interiority of the opaque clarity in revealing the always present subject whose lack of being is constituted by never being there." - Maurice Blanchot
"stuff is like a rhizomatically decentred machinic virtuality miraculating bodies-without-organs inside nomadic self organising refrains repeating schizophrenic difference via incarnation of real but not actual universal singularities" - Deleuze & Guattari
"If you believe in Jesus I will kick you in the shins" - Nietzsche
" ... " - Master Dogen
9 hours later…
9 hours later…
@DrSister Brilliant. Thank you.
@JosephWeissman Just what I was going to say.

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