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Q: How to respond to well-known sockpuppeters

Noah SchweberFrequent sockpuppeter/spammer Wolfgang Muckenheim is back, and across multiple SE sites (philosophy, mse). This leads me to ask: Is there anything specific we should do in a situation like this, besides simply flagging the offending user's posts? I know for example that there are some blacklist...

I also wanted to check whether the site appears in some legitimate posts. Searching for the posts containing the link (and haven't been deleted), I'd say that: The two posts on Mathematics (3768948 and 4185694) seems to be genuine posts, so does this answer on Cross Validated. — Martin Sleziak Mar 13 at 8:10
However, all posts on Philosophy come from the same user - who is now suspended. — Martin Sleziak Mar 13 at 8:10
@MartinSleziak I mostly understand the suspension, but the user’s answers are informative, so what is wrong with them? — Tyma Gaidash 5 hours ago
@TymaGaidash If you mean the posts on Philosophy, I am not competent enough to say whether or not they were useful. (I now almost nothing about philosophy.) I have mentioned this in the chatroom of that site - maybe somebody might notice that and respond there.) — Martin Sleziak 11 secs ago
In case the mods (or the room owners) consider the above messages unsuitable here - feel free to move them to my room.

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