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@TheGreatEscaper Yes, but we have to wait for Rubio to give up first.
Rubio (or whoever the defender is) can guess what your clue refers to, but if he/she gives us, anybody else can go
@TheGreatEscaper Bin
(and then you can +1 or -1 or your personal equivalent to indicate if I'm right with my guess at your clue)
Supporter with different vowel arguing
Con infiltrates structure without you
Was @the "bin" right?
Wait does bad stuff happen if the defender gets it
Or does just nothing happen
Nothing happens
The only "bad stuff" is if the defender doesn't get it and someone else does.
The only things that change game state is: Someone(s) say "contact", I give up on the clue, and the contacter(s) get it right
Bad for the defender, that is: they have to give away another letter.
Or, if someone's guess resolves to my word, at which point they win.
Oh btw, my first one was invalidated. Any ideas, or shall I give it away?
25 mins ago, by Rand al'Thor
Are you dissing it or hitting it?
Hang on, do all our clues need to start with BI now
@TheGreatEscaper Yes.
Mine still works, I'm just trying to clarify
Ok cool
Which is what I mean by saying my first one was invalidated: it begins with B but not BI.
@rand I'm just going to blindly guess BITCH(ING) with no defense for it
@Rubio Nope.
ok then. :)
Your earlier one I got nothin'
It doesn't start with BI, remember :-)
No, I meant your current one
Oh, sorry.
Well, that's not BITCH(ING) either.
I'll tell you the earlier one: it's BASHING.
Wow. Nice.
That needs to find its way into a cryptic. :)
Has ⁻¹
@Vol Contact (maybe?)
@bobo, you're back!
Any ideas, @Rubio, or should the contacting commence?
@Volatility Bit
ok passing on @rand's
Oh, mine's a duplicate
@Rubio Go for it, @The.
#2 2 loops
@boboquack there's nothing saying you can't clue a word that's already been clued
Yeah - there's two goals in the game - 1 is to post clues you think your fellow players can get that I can't, to get more letters; and 2 is to actually guess my word
Both stand then
duplicate words as guesses don't give any headway toward objective 2, but can toward 1
anyway - @bobo #1 bin, or bijection. :)
@Rubio Aww, that's cheating :-P
Turnabout's fair play hehe
Also, @bob, an injection has an inverse too, at least on its image.
@Randal'Thor Then it's not a true inversion on the codomain
In the interest of fair play, I honestly am way past the point where bijection, surjection, injection, inversion, or any of that ilk have any meaning to me anymore
@boboquack Only if you take that set to be part of the definition of the function. All you really need for a function is a domain and a definition of the map.
Anyway... @The, you said you had rand's ...
@Rubio You'll hate this riddle then :-)
Oh dear God.
I recognized some of the words in the answer.
mainly the ones under 6 letters long hehe
That was my first glimpse of the brilliance of McMagister.
Coming along to provide perfect solutions to riddles that had been unsolved for weeks became something of an MO of his.
Math and I parted company, mostly amicably, after my first class with matrices.
ok TGE is AWOL so
I'll formally pass on Volatility's, someone contact it
Matrices can be ugly.
But so much else in maths is beautiful!
@Rubio My guess was "bisected". @Vol?
What then?
oh. see, I should have known that.
now I'm mad at me :)
Ohhhh, that kind of partial!
heh, well at least nobody else knew that either ;)
@boboquack: bicycle
should have had that ages ago, if that's it
and nice clue too
when left and right co-operate
errmmmm bicameral?
+1 bipartisan
Heh, I was thinking of ambidextrous.
is bicameral a reasonable answer for the Brits? i don't know. it sounded right
I'd never heard that word.
oh. nvm then
I thought it was a parliament thing.
nice play on spelling hehe
(Yes, I know that's how that is spelled)
Between Sir and his ruler
wildly guessing, Bid
bill? billet?
tissue examination
@Rubio -2
well. poo.
(I have a vaguely unsettling image now of someone sneezing into a Kleenex and then studying it closely)
oh duh
@rand Bishop
and nice one
I had the right words, wrong context.
ah, nice
Choose your ways
Bisect, maybe
@Rubio +1
@rand with the parentheses, remember what lisp is)))))))
@boboquack You mean from earlier?
Or are you talking about one of our BI words?
What's still outstanding?
50 mins ago, by Rand al'Thor
Supporter with different vowel arguing
50 mins ago, by TheGreatEscaper
Con infiltrates structure without you
two loops is solved
The other two still are valid?
Tissue is Biopsy
Oh duh. I though Vol's "+1" was a joke response to your "well poo".
@Rubio That was my thought too.
That's the word that was on the tip of my t...yping fingers when I tried bisect first.
Finally dredged it up
@Randal'Thor Choose your ways
@bobo not bifurcate?
Bird ends a demand
Perhaps Earth is this disorder (7)

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