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00:00 - 01:0001:00 - 13:00

A single binary digit? That's not very long
Depends how big you write it.
I'm about for a few hours
it seems like we have @BaldBantha, @Rubio, me, @Deusovi and @Sconibulus. That seems like a pretty solid quorum.
all righty.
so who wants to defend?
I'm writing a challenge for CodeGolf, but I have time to attack
I can attack but not defend for the next while
can anyone else defend? I can if no-one else can, but it might not be to impressive >_>
OK, I'll defend. Hang on a moment while I think of a word.
Gareth defending: I
bah, who starred that ;)
1: Dolt
@Rubio 1 not IDIOT
3. Obsidian, for one
@Sconibulus 3 not IGNEOUS (rock)
1: ✔
Very fast
@Glorfindel Ooh, another player! Welcome.
miss more than three and your an ____
@GarethMcCaughan is it OK that he is my brother? we are not communicating irl
3. Fire Elemental Language
@BaldBantha Perfectly OK so far as I can see except it's unfair if you use family inside knowledge in your attacks.
very fast
1: Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad way to rub someone
@GarethMcCaughan I'll try not to.
@Glorfindel perhaps your word is INSTANT or INSTANTANEOUS?
_____ is a property of matter- Bill Nye the Science Guy(BILL BILL BILL BILL)
very tentative contact on 1
not bias
@BaldBantha contact
@Glorfindel contact
@Glorfindel "not bias" might be IMPARTIALITY
@BaldBantha contact
@GarethMcCaughan yep
2: Being unfaithful
@GarethMcCaughan my brother and I won't contact on each other
I can think of plenty of properties of matter and doubtless some of them begin with I, but nothing strikes me as especially likely and I am not sufficiently familiar with Bill Nye's oeuvre to know what he used. So I'm going to pass on BB's Bill Nye one.
@Rubio 2 INFIDELITY, I take it
2: ✔
Bill Nye: Inertia
Bill Nye: inertia
Okeydoke. Then I owe you another letter.
Gareth defending: I N
3 is dead, Fire Elemental Tongue is Ignan
1 busts; was IRRITATE
re 3 I'm glad; I have no idea what it's even about.
2: Being unfaith
re 1, also glad; I haven't read the book it's alluding to.
ahh, my guess for 1 was Ingrate
@Rubio perhaps INFIDEL. Or even INFIDELITY again.
4 busts, ignoramous (from the peg game at Cracker Barrel)
INFIDEL of course. ✔
> from the peg game at Cracker Barrel
I know what those words mean individually...
good god. that game.
I forgot entirely about their scoring heh
3. Most of Westley's Acts
I'd wondered whether it would turn out to be INMATE in reference to the "Three strikes and you're out" laws in the US. (Though that would be three or more, not more than three.)
1: You hear that? That is the sound of _____
@Sconibulus 3 presumably INCONCEIVABLE, but I am not sure that that word means what you think it means.
@Rubio 1 That would be INEVITABILITY, Mr Anderson.
1: ✔
@GarethMcCaughan ✔
4: It could be gross
contact 4
@Glorfindel Perhaps you mean INFINITY, though if there's a reason why 9 in particular I don't know it.
@Rubio who'd you contact?
clue 4? Deusovi
@GarethMcCaughan yes, 9 was a random pick
@Deusovi 4 gross INCOMPETENCE perhaps?
The _____ address (start)
I have a feeling there are a few other varieties of malefaction commonly preceded by "gross"; I'll think a minute longer before passing.
@Deusovi probably not INEPTITUDE but I'll offer it anyway.
You're correct that it's not INEPTITUDE.
@Deusovi ah, how about INDECENCY, which makes an actual criminal offence in some jurisdictions?
Also not it.
1: Matchless, incomparable
String, Boolean, Char, Double, ______
@Rubio perhaps INCOMPARABLE?
@BaldBantha Contact
@BaldBantha Probably Int.
Sorry. :)
@GarethMcCaughan yeah.
oh, you edited it. OK then.
Hans Zimmer
@Glorfindel contact Zimmer
@Deusovi contact
oh right can't contact him
Me? Yes you can.
In the interest of moving the game along I'm going to pass on Deusovi's gross, which has been contacted by @Rubio.
Gareth hasn't given up yet.
And now you can't.
My guess is INCOME
How very stupid not to have thought of that.
Gareth defending: I N T
Defender's blindness
1 busts; was INIMITABLE
Happens to all of us.
Zimmer busted
pretty sure Zimmer is busted
5: Acts
I love/hate the fact that when you go to cancel stars on something, the confirmation dialog[ue] asks whether you really want to do it and then offers you options "OK" and ... "Cancel".
opposite of (gross ______ product)
1: Turtle?
@BaldBantha you are probably thinking of INTERNATIONAL
contact Glor
@Glorfindel perhaps INTERJECTION?
@Glorfindel I guess "Sorry" means "no, it is not INTERJECTION", but may I suggest that this game is confusing enough that it's best to be as explicit as one can bear?
Yeah, I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.
No it's not interjection
It could also be apologizing to the other attackers for an easy clue.
@Glorfindel then maybe INTERMEDIARY per Christian theology
1: HELLO, My name is: _________________
@Rubio huh, that really ought to be INIGO MONTOYA but that doesn't begin INT...
cut-off tail (9)
@BaldBantha just to check, do you really mean "cut-off" (adjective) rather than "cut off" (verb)?
of course you aren't obliged to answer
3: large int sometimes representing area
@GarethMcCaughan it's word play, but likely verb...ish
7: Fashionable subtlety
2: Coitu
@Rubio perhaps INTERRUPTUS?
2: ✔
(since INTERCOURS isn't a word so far as I know)
Someone mind starring my clue?
@Deusovi contact
@Deusovi I think your 7 actually works a different way but let's first check that it isn't just INTRIGUE.
Nope, that's not it.
2: Engraving
@Rubio ah, at last one I can do. INTAGLIO, surely.
Indeed ✔
meh, I am pretty confident of what I'm failing to get, but none the less I am failing to get @Deusovi's 7. @Sconibulus, go ahead.
2: I can't ... quite ... seem to put my finger on it ....
@Rubio 2 perhaps INTUITION?
Nope on 2
7: Ingenue?
Nope. D:
@Sconibulus wrong first letters.
That was my guess, but I didn't think it was good enough to contact with
oops, I'm super dumb
so it is obviously IN + something beginning T meaning subtlety
oh. lol. :)
It was IN+TACT.
my first guess was Intrigue, actually
cat goes:______ + _____ for the camera
hah. intact, that's good
Would've been better had anyone else gotten it. :P
a (6) would have probably given the game away entirely
I was hung up on subtlety in the sense of depth/complexity, which is why I failed to find it.
That was intentional.
yeah, I bet it was.
Someone star 2, please?
@Sconibulus is your 3 perhaps INTEGRAL?
ah, of course it definitely is
@GarethMcCaughan it is
hadn't spotted the anagram
wow. I missed that too
no wonder
@Rubio I expect this is wrong, but maybe the question mark just indicates a poor match. Is your 1 perhaps INTEGUMENT?
4. When Enhanced, may not be legal
contact 4
@Sconibulus Contact
@Sconibulus 4 is presumably INTERROGATION.
cat pictures, memes, and this
@BaldBantha perhaps INTERNET?
@GarethMcCaughan yeo
(as we all know, the internet is made of cats)
got to give an easy one with two old ones still on the starboard
Of the kitties, by the kitties, for the kitties
contact 2
8: ∈⏳(@)⏳
I regret that the second and last characters there are showing up for me as boxes with hex codes inside them. I suppose I can go and look them up.
(You all can see those, right? There are 6 characters, none of which are rectangles.)
They're hourglasses.
I see them. I have no idea what any of it means. :)
I have a guess, but it isn't a good one
Interesting. Perhaps INTERFACE, which at least begins with IN and includes FACE?
@Glorfindel Contact.
And no, that's not it.
Also no.
I think that was to Glorfindel
oh wait, I miscounted letters
You're missing an n
but ok :)
@Rubio yeah, but I had the wrong number of Ns. But it looks like Glorfindel did too.
Yeah that extra star
oh, I thought the star was an anagram indicator
@BaldBantha Thanks
@Deusovi so what did you think Glorfindel's was?
I thought it was INTELLIGENT too.
3: Flight of the ________
ah, right, I was misconstruing various earlier bits of conversation.
maybe contact
Kim jung un is actually kinda a chill guy?
@BaldBantha hahaha
@Glorfindel I don't suppose your chip is an INTERFACE? (I bet it isn't, but am currently blanking on more plausible things.)
@GarethMcCaughan nope
4 mins ago, by Glorfindel
I thought that's what he said it was
@BaldBantha yes, he did. I was asking about a different one.
Oh he did another one
oh, contact on Chip
contacts on 2 and chip, any others?
There are probably analogue or mixed-signal chips that perform the function of an INTEGRATOR but I don't suppose thatis' it either.
oh, was there a contact on 2? I didn't notice. My apologies for not working harder on it, then. Let me think about that (as well as the chip) a bit more...
Not integrator
(@Glorfindel I actually suspect a different meaning of "chip" is in play, but haven't yet thought of candidates for those less implausible than the above)
aargh, failing to get 2 which has been around for ages. I'll pass on that; could whoever it was contacted it make their guess?
oh waity
before you do, is it perhaps just INTANGIBLE?
eeeehhhh that's perfect
it has to be
sorry was scrolling -
Nice one Rubio
damn, so close
Yeah, that was a great clue
OK, back to banging my head against Glorfindel's "chip".
Nope. I expect to feel very stupid when I see this. @Sconibulus, care to tell us what you think "Chip" is?
I also contacted it.
My thought is INTEL
my thought was INTEL
INTEL is correct
huh, I bet D is right
nope, but never mind
heh. that was a better answer than the answer :)
wow, even knowing that that was the intended answer it would never in a thousand years occur to me that "Chip" could mean "Intel". Oh well, you got me.
Gareth defending: I N T E
3 dies - was INTRUDER
no idea at all what INTRUDER was a reference to, for what it's worth
8 dies - was IN+TIM(AT)E
both of my *1*s die; they were INTRODUCE and INTROVERT
(Flight of the Intruder is a book and a movie, I believe)
00:00 - 01:0001:00 - 13:00

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