I can think of plenty of properties of matter and doubtless some of them begin with I, but nothing strikes me as especially likely and I am not sufficiently familiar with Bill Nye's oeuvre to know what he used. So I'm going to pass on BB's Bill Nye one.
I'd wondered whether it would turn out to be INMATE in reference to the "Three strikes and you're out" laws in the US. (Though that would be three or more, not more than three.)
I love/hate the fact that when you go to cancel stars on something, the confirmation dialog[ue] asks whether you really want to do it and then offers you options "OK" and ... "Cancel".
@Glorfindel I guess "Sorry" means "no, it is not INTERJECTION", but may I suggest that this game is confusing enough that it's best to be as explicit as one can bear?
There are probably analogue or mixed-signal chips that perform the function of an INTEGRATOR but I don't suppose thatis' it either.
oh, was there a contact on 2? I didn't notice. My apologies for not working harder on it, then. Let me think about that (as well as the chip) a bit more...
(@Glorfindel I actually suspect a different meaning of "chip" is in play, but haven't yet thought of candidates for those less implausible than the above)
aargh, failing to get 2 which has been around for ages. I'll pass on that; could whoever it was contacted it make their guess?
wow, even knowing that that was the intended answer it would never in a thousand years occur to me that "Chip" could mean "Intel". Oh well, you got me.