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12:27 AM
yeah...TDD. I'd like to get closer to that methodology myself. Kinda hard to manage that unless there's a product owner and work put into hashing out the requirements first. Being the only full-time dev at my company, most of my projects basically come straight from my users (though most of them are reviewed/prioritized by my boss first, who may or may not give me a hint of guidance).
That makes my approach generally read-code-test-repeat, with the number of iterations corresponding to how many 'additional requirements' I discover along the way.
8 hours later…
8:29 AM
@AdrianLarson I was working from the office, he was doing home office. (It might have happened, when we were working on the same files, I will confirm when we experience it again)
8 hours later…
4:21 PM
Seems like it is not related to anything like that, I actually need to refresh my Dev Console every 10 minutes. weird, that no one else is experiencing this :(

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