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Note to not forget: the meta moderator tag lists current moderators and will need an update.
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
Good to see some strong contenders there, going to be difficult to even pick a first choice. I was tempted to self-nominate, purely on the basis of having a cool avatar.
2 hours later…
@Zxyrra I'll admit I was unaware of that one myself. I just proposed an edit to the tag wiki to remove the actual list of moderators, and refer to the information from the users list on the site instead. meta.worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/suggested-edits/1040
(That way, no matter what happens to the list of moderators on the site, the tag on Meta won't need a separate update.)
5 hours later…
Good idea @MichaelKjörling
1 hour later…
Lots of good candidates.
8 candidates for 1 slot, with 4 days still to nominate. That's a tough field!
Haven't been this excited since ... last year's election!
@TimB It seems to be levelling out a bit, though. I seem to recall that in the first election we had a large number of candidates nominating themselves early on, then it slowed down toward the end of the nomination period. As is to be expected, I think.
@MichaelKjörling Yes, it does make sense. With maybe a few who decide to sign up at the last moment.
Its kinda awesome that this many people want to jump in and moderate...
That or many don't realize that moderation isn't exactly glamorous.
either way...
@James "Q: Why do you want to be a moderator? -- A: Because diamonds are SHINY!
@PatJ Yes, but you have to polish it regularly. After all, it's just carbon.
@James I'll bet it's the latter.
Of course, it seems to me like several candidates are pointing out things that don't really benefit from having a diamond attached to your name at all. In all fairness, the diamond is a double-edged sword.
@MichaelKjörling haven't you heard? Junior mod gets polishing duty for the team. :-)
@MonicaCellio Well, good thing I would count as partly senior, then!
Oh, and thanks for the nice words in the election nomination comments (and not just toward me). But you forgot to mention that the other two people with a silver badge both have diamonds. ;)
@MichaelKjörling yeah, I don't think the system accounts for that, so if you win we'll have to keep polishing our own, I expect. :-)
@MichaelKjörling I left that as an exercise for the reader.
I'm glad to see that people are commenting on the nominations. If anybody has questions for particular candidates that don't really fit in a comment or that invite dialogue, please use this chat room! It's why it's here.
@MichaelKjörling I've gotta be close to a silver discussion badge...
Ill have to check on that
Lol, I never noticed that Michael, Monica and myself are the only ones with silver discussion badges on meta :)
I wonder how much of that came out of the early discussions establishing site scope etc
Diamonds have many facets, some shiny
@MichaelKjörling Just a dish-detergent bath once a week will do actually.
@James ♪ ♫ Diamonds are a mod's best friend! ♪ ♫
Also my first Shadowrun game is tonight, and my Shadowrun dice seem to have been lost by the USPS. :|
...Wrong chat. Sorry about that.
@NexTerren Sad face
2 hours later…
@TimB A fair bit, I suspect. Who will be the first to get a gold badge on Worldbuilding Meta?
@SerbanTanasa You mean the same as for my keyboard? ;-)

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