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A: How to Set Order Status to “Processing to Pending” after payment success in magento?

BornCoderHave a go with the sales_order_place_after event, this is fired after the call to $this->_placePayment(); in Mage_Sales_Model_Order::place() so it should be after any other status changes have happened. $_order = new Mage_Sales_Model_Order(); $orderId = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->g...

in which folder put this code?
i hope you know how to use event and observer. You can put this code in your observer file and this will update status of your order after place order.
app\code\core\Mage\Sales\Model\Observer.php ?in which line?
don't edit core. create a custom module and write event and observer in custom module. Editing core is not good practise.
okay but which line paste this code?
actually i can't understood how to use this code for update processing to pending payment order?
Do you know how to write event observer in custom module ?
no i don't know can you pls help me? how to update processing to pending?
Otherwise Magento have admin setting also in sales -> payment method , in that also you can set order status after place order.
then learn event observer first then only i can help you
But not working after payment success showing status processing but i want pending
first u write an observer , so after placing order you can update state to pending again
okay i create Observer.php app\code\local\Order\Update\Model
<?xml version="1.0"?>
class Order_Update_Model_Observer {

1 hour later…
inside observer get order Id

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