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I didn't know you could make puttu from wheat
from atta actually? not rava?
I haven't tried puttu. I have not seen it in any hotel. I don't have a puttu maker. I hope to learn to make puttu because my husband described it as "sweet and awesome". He also said it would be eaten with banana. Though I think it can also be eaten with kadala
I'm amazed by the variety of bananas here. In the UK we only have one variety of banana
but back in the summer I tried lots of different bananas and sometimes they had hard astringent parts inside. I didn't like that, so I've been sticking to the one type of banana that doesn't seem to have that issue!
but when I first came I was eating red bananas a lot. Very tasty
It seems to me like it would be a heavy dish, especially made of wheat flour
the recipes I've seen have only ground rice, water, salt and coconut!
do you cook the breakfast in your house?
Today for breakfast I had broccoli rava upma and tomato chutney
@Malavika awesome
yes. In UK I would make broccoli polenta
polenta is partly cooked coarse cornmeal, used in Italian cooking
here I found corn daliya, but it's not like polenta, which cooks in a few seconds
corn daliya takes ages to cook! we have to cook it in the pressure cooker, for like, 5 whistles
so instead of polenta I use rava
but really I make it just like normal upma, with lots of broccoli
but sometimes I add the same things I use in the UK, like black olives and thyme, oregano
then since it tastes Italian it needs tomato sauce
but what's better than tomato sauce? Tomato chutney
so it's a kind of unintentional Mediterranean-Indian fusion hahaha
for lunch I had curd rice, pickle, beetroot mung dal salad, and potato fried with green capsicum
do you have any recommendations for buying a puttu maker?
like, what makes it easier or more efficient to use?
@Malavika you have a clay one?
it looks great, but I probably don't have a big enough vessel to soak it in for seasoning!
yes. Maybe it's not as big as it looks though :)
because it's very tall I mean
not sure I have got a big enough bucket
but maybe it's not that big
I don't think non-stick pans are a good idea
when it gets scratched, that's it
time to buy a new pan
if you use an iron pan, you don't have that problem
under the iron, more iron
so, carry on
an iron pan is for life haha
so I also bought an iron dosa kallu
I'm very happy with it. I find it very comfortable and nice to use
3 hours later…
I'm no night owl

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