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mod emails have been sent out :D
cc @Zanna
5 hours later…
Too early in the am to read my email but that smile looks like I should be saying congratulations
No email here, back to sleep :)
3 hours later…
Hello! o/
hi, how are you doing today?
Fine, and you ? :)
I'm OK, but need more sleep :S
maybe tonight I will sleep well
stupid insomnia
time for a shower :)
Aww :/
Enjoy! :P
I will!
1 hour later…
@nloewen Well, I'm not a pet person but it sounds like a good use to me for pets who would struggle to thrive on a vegan diet (cat food perhaps). I don't think lab grown meat has any place in a veg*n diet, but then I also don't think fish has a place (plaice!) in a vegetarian diet so I know my definition is more strict than other people I know. :)
fish is just not vegetarian full stop ;)
Well, to us perhaps not.
It's common sense to me, but you often find Chinese restaurants put fish dishes in the vegetarian section
Good morning by the way :)
morning :)
(yeah hence the wink)
@Niitaku o/
A: Accepting Nominations — Who should moderate this site?

Sagar V Notes Hi there , I am Sagar V. I were not a member in this community for long time because I didn't knew about it. The main reason I support vegetarianism is that I care for animals. I don't like that animals getting killed by people not only for food but also for other things. Vegetari...

How do people get nominated, can people nominate themselves?
Yes, they can. As Robert said, it is encouraged since this is a volunteer activity
If you read the question you will see all the details
> A self-nomination is simply a way to say, "I am very much interested in this, so let my record speak for itself."
Quote from Robert
@Zanna So I see, apologies didn't realise it was formatted in Q&A style..
Probably should have been obvious
No, I did know that because I've upvoted on there previously. Darnit, I must be a bit dense today.
More coffee.
I need more sleep...
Yeah, woke up feeling pretty poor this morning, seems like no matter what quantity, if none of them are before midnight I just feel rubbish the next day.
Still, better than not sleeping at all, which is your problem is it not
oh no, I slept some :)
I would be completely useless otherwise
30, 40 minutes at least!
hmm about 4 and a half hours, can't complain
Is it in the contract?
haha shuffles through piles of paper on desk
What's going on today?
zumba class... trying to do cleanup on AU... work in the afternoon, Linux meetup in the evening
Neat. More than my day, linuxing til five then maybe do some cleaning this evening..
And a few exercises, I guess, want to go back to archery but it's been that long that I can't draw the bow more than a dozen times.
that's a lot of Linuxing ^_^
wow archery, that's really cool!
I was about to say it :)
sorry I just went to get some milky fake coffee
fake milky fake coffee we could even say
I'm making myself wait until 11 for fake milky coffee
(can't be fake coffee, the coffee is real!)
I'm gonna try and get them to do a large flat white if they will. I don't like the foam but I want a lot of beverage
For some reason there's no large on the menu
I'm sensitive to caffeine, I only drink coffee with my mum because she likes having someone drink it with her, and then I just have a tiny bit with a huge amount of mylk. Right now I'm drinking some "healthy" substitute made from chicory or something
@Zanna It was cool but I have this problem when I stop doing something, I get this sort of fear of going back and starting from scratch again, like, as if it matters what people think... but still..
Oh, yeah I 've seen that chicory thing, isn't carob a coffee alternative too?
(Are they any good?)
I do find that I get a bit ADHD after a few coffees, feels like my scalp is trying to crawl away or something ... hehe
carob is an alternative to cacao/chocolate
I love carob
I haven't tried it (I'm not too fussed about chocolate)
I think it's got a lovely flavour, and its flour has a beautiful sweetness
I've had some cacao in the cupboard for er ... its probably expired
haha I love chocolate :)
but I haven't eaten any for a couple of weeks... I was eating everything in sight after coming back from holiday, kind of out of sadness I think, so eventually I got hold of myself haha. I haven't expressly banned myself from eating chocolate but just haven't bothered with it... I'm going to make some chocolate beetroot cupcakes tomorrow though I think
They sound interesting.
You're a bit of a baker aren't you
Hah that sounds like some sort of veiled insult
hmm since I got addicted to SE I have barely cooked at all
Until this last 2 weeks when I decided to stop eating junk from packets all day long
BTW, if you were thinking of nominating yourself to be a mod, I think you may have missed the boat, because according to what Riker said earlier, the appointees-to-be have already been notified...
(don't mind me, just checking in)
Hi there!
I saw you suggested an edit
You are from Literature I believe
Yes, I do that on most sites on the network.
@Zanna Yep, a mod there.
Yes I saw that
@Zanna I have 166 accounts on the network. 79 don't have any rep. Almost every single other account has edited somewhere. I'm a bit of an edit freak :P
I find it strange that I don't seem to have anything to contribute there
@Zanna Me? No danger of that.
@Zanna yes, he pinged me asking about it :P
But honestly, 'The Greenhouse' sounds like a chatroom for Gardening & Landscaping.
haha not my choice
it was meta
It's okay though.
Not sure there were any clearly outstanding suggestions last time I looked.
I'm surprised it took ~10 minutes for that to get answered...
the bot hasn't posted it yet, that's why
thanks for answering
Mhm. I randomly visit metas and post answers as well as editing :P
Coffee time
There is no flat white on the menu at all, I must have been confused.
lack of coffee...
No, I just stuck with the usual latte
I mean, you were confused by lack of coffee
And the woman gave me three stamps.
I have a hard time calling anyone younger than me a woman because I don't feel like an adult.
hahaha I know how you feel
that was nice of her :D
Only because I didn't even know there were stamps to be had and I've had a fair few coffees since I joined.
ha, colleague: "GIFs were acceptable in the 90s or now if they're animated"
It's true, you never see a static GIF any more.
Luncheon time.
1 hour later…
Q: Why bounties are not yet allowed

Sagar VLike many other SE sites, why Bounty are not allowed in this site yet? Is there any criteria for a SE site to start the feature Bounty?

Q: Answered question under Unanswered tab

Sagar VCheck the below image, The tab which is active is Unanswered but questions with answer is also listed. Probably a bug

Q: HTTPS Issue in Meta

Sagar VI would like to mention this link here Accepting Nominations — Who should moderate this site? While checking that, you can only see flair form main site. Meta flair is not loading. So I had a look at this https://meta.vegetarianism.stackexchange.com/users/378 which said that Your connection is...

I think it's unlikely that SE is so buggy and no-one noticed. It's more likely to be a training issue? :)
ah crap, I hate that, I was saving a space bar and then forgot about it, it expired 1st Feb. Would you still eat it?
It is use by not best before.
I'm leaning towards yes.
totally would eat it
That's good enough for me.
Oh, the HTTPS thing seems sort of valid actually.
The wildcard certificate doesn't cover meta.thing.stackexchange.com only thing.meta...
I would have asked him why he's trying to use https since it doesn't appear to be necessary but if you can't post http only links (I've not checked) then it might be a problem I suppose
it's because they just made this https decision rollout
Ah. Implementation failure.
no... everything has to be fixed by us
but I don't really understand exactly what happened
yeah, HTTPS is borked
Ah so they've actually changed the cert first before the sites have been changed.
@Zanna Us?
@DavidS sorta yeah
everything is on fire now
because it's in the middle of the swap
@DavidS yeah by the community
community will mass-edit all the http://stack.imgur links to https://stack.imgur so we're fine there
but going forwards, we need to use stack.imgur whenever possible (not just normal imgur)
@Zanna I see the DNS records have been updated too so it's just the link, I see what you mean now...
I was thinking, the community aren't gonna change the A records ...
@Zanna everything server-side is getting moved to https. so all the external links (mostly images in posts) need to be moved to https also. It's honestly not that big a deal, especially for thsi site
we're newer, dont have that much to clean up
I don't think she thought it was a big deal, she was just setting me straight on the situation :)
the only other big change is the URLs for meta sites, it's becoming 'vegetarianism.meta.stackexchange' instead of 'meta.vegetarian.stackexchange' (i'ts like that for everybody)
Hey @Riker, grats on mod I guess?
not yet
but thanks :)
When are they putting the post up?
I dunno
@Riker yeah i know, I've been spending most of my day so far cleaning up on AU - we've got thousands
asked mithrandir, he got his modship on literature a couple hours after he responded, and he was the last to respond
I assume it will go up when they get the 3 people's acceptances, possibly after they pick a new one if somebody declines
puts his spacebar out on the desk to remind him to eat it
O_o why
spacebar is a snack. one I've let expire so I need to eat it today
I certainly hope so.
Seems as though all the action here happens while I'm sleeping. That's unfortunate.
Not all of it, but I did answer your question :)
Ooh, how far back do I need to go for that?
um hopefully it's in your inbox notifications but try about 9am this morning :)
@Riker That's the one
Ah, found it. cool
It's the red hot chilli one
@DavidS That looks good.
OOH they sell in CAD!
@nloewen Are you Canadian?
Where abouts are you?
I've been to Canada a couple of times but only west..
Right in the middle.
In Manitoba
Ah, I went as far as Edmonton but that was it, I was mostly in BC
(around Prince George)
I love Canada, that you can just drive in a straight line for hours and never see traffic lights... not like the UK at all
@DavidS the dropdown menu thing uses https
@Mithrandir Which dropdown menu thing? To add an image?
At least, that's what it does for me on Lit.
Ah, okay, thanks.
2 hours later…
Q: Announcing Moderators Pro Tempore!

Jon EricsonThroughout the beta, we need members from the site whose focus is to engage the community, both in community-building issues and site management. That's why we select a few members from each community to act as temporary, provisional Moderators. You can read about the program here: Moderators Pro...

I am a mod now
I do'nt know how to feel
I think it's cool though
congrats @Niitaku and @Erica on your modships!
hmm, congrats all three of you.
Congratulations to new Mods :)
@Riker Feel upbeat, with a bit of trepidation. Works for me ;)
Well, I will just be sad and quiet I guess.
@Erica yep!
@jokerdino :( don't be sad
@AlexanderRossa thanks :)
woot, all flags have been handled
btw, regarding that retinoid answer: I purged comments, will lock if it's rolled back again (but it won't I'm fairly certain)
Congratulations to the new moderators pro tempore, @Riker, @Erica, and @Niitaku!
thanks :D
(Also, I still think that The Greenhouse sounds like a chat for Gardening & Landscaping...)
so do I but it's a nice name so deal with it :P
@Mithrandir Thank you :)
So now you new blues can stick [status-bydesign] on this... :P
And [status-completed] on this...
that's for the heads up :P edited
Q: Define on-topic and off-topic reasons in the help center

SS.One of the reasons on which many users are confused is on-topic and off-topic. If you once look at our meta home page, you will see that many questions are like Are questions about X on-topic here? Are essential oil topic questions on-topic here? Are recipes related questions on topic or ...

@Erica @Niitaku we should get on this soon
yes -- I'm at work right now though :D
:D have fun!
right now I'm testing three python scripts that are very long-running, which means I'm triply productive but apparently unbusy :P
(until they all crash at once)
2 hours later…
I don't think we need :P
Yeah, that seems too specific
3 meta questions incoming
> incoming
where are you meta bot >_>
Oh my god, I don't know what to say! :o
Thank you all! :)
Congratulations to @Riker and @Erica too :)
@Niitaku thanks! congrats to ya as well
@Riker Thx :)
ok wtf meta bot
Riker has removed the moderator nominations feed from being posted into this room
bots can be a pain, and that's about the extent of my valuable contribution :D
1 hour later…
@Riker not enough points :/
congratulations @Erica @Niitaku @Riker :D
thank you :)
I'm not meant to be in here at all, accidentally clicked on firefox when trying to do something else entirely
Q: Is there a guideline or a set of expectations for how well-sourced Answers should be?

Re_Re_ThinkI'm a very new user. Is there a guideline or a general set of expectations somewhere for how well-sourced Answers should be? As a new user, the expectations weren't clear that this site is meant for specifically scientific or academic discussion (or, rather, Q&A), if it is that. And if it ...

Q: Let's clean up our tags

RikerWe have 67 tags that are on only one question. That's a lot. Let's try to clean those up, eh? Here's a list of all these tags. (I would make a SEDE query, but apparently we're not on there yet) Some of these can easily go (for example, we had 68 until I removed rheumatoid-arthritis), but other...

Q: Is it time for a new questions feed into chat?

RikerWe have a meta feedbot now (have had it for a good bit now) which feeds into here. Should we have a main posts feed? This would post every new question on the site into chat. The arguments against it at the beginning were because it would post so many messages it would clog the chat, but now th...

@Zanna that's everyone's excuse ;)
yeah it's the equivalent of "I just went out to buy a loaf of bread"

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