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@Zanna Aha, just looking something up about kernel update rollback and ended up on an ask ubuntu post you edited. It's like you're all over my internets.
There's definitely a lot of my edits on AU
Good Sunday to you.
2242 edits on AU this quarter (since Jan 1st) o.O
And to you!
(in case you're curious the latest kernel upgrade seems to have borked xorg) ... cba to investigate what random driver or module or whatever has caused that but ..
I just got editing privileged on U&L today \o/
@Zanna \o/ congrats!
@DavidS I am interested... are you using Ubuntu? What version?
Thanks haha I've already made use of it
You don't have to be interested ... ;)
brb quick reboot..
I'm running 16.10 and I can't use any new kernel since 4.8.0-32
Anything later crashes as soon as I press any key at the greeter
Okay I'm back... well for the record I'm using xubuntu instead because I prefer XFCE but it's 16.04 (randomy temporary desktop which I can't be bothered to update)
so it's kernel 4.4.0- ermmmm
I prefer Xubuntu too. Not a Unity fan. I use MATE
16.04 then
I mean yes.
@DavidS I never feign interest. I'm not that polite ;)
I'm just booting the old kernel from the GRUB menu
I'm sure a clean install would just magically work.
And it's not like it would take long but, I'm getting rid of this machine in say a month
when a new kernel comes, I manually uninstall the previous one (but not the newest one) and test the newest one. If it fails, I boot trusty old 4.4.0-32
I'll just live with it and blast it off then
I used to pay more attention to kernels, compile my own...
that way, if it ever gets patched, I'll know about it
Now I just trim the old ones off when the list gets annoying
I'm tempted to install 17.04 because I don't think this bug is getting fixed
even though it's in beta
Have you just experienced the same issue by using the same version kernel?
same issue as you?
Yes, that's, sorry I misunderstood
You mean your bug.
One moment, I think it's time to put some jeans on, I feel wrong sitting on the computer in my pants.
yeah I mean my bug, but sounds kinda similar, what happens with yours?
Not a lot, nice xubuntu splash screen and then it gets to where it would start the display manager and that's it, black screen, nothing responds, can't switch to another VT, system doesn't even respond to soft power off.
It's fairly a fairly unhelpful thing to debug, I should start the system without X and see what happens etc..
Instead I think debugging time can be spent making tofu wraps with a load of sriracha sauc
I've developed an unhealthy addiction to sriracha in the last year.
Sorry I appear to have been called with -vvv this evening.
ugh very similar to my problem
mmmm sriracha
maybe they are backporting that bug >_<
hah, yeah maybe...
lucky us.
Back in, umm 20ish.. some tasty taifun smoked tofu is calling to me from the fridge.
I love that stuff, the almond and sesame
I think sriracha is healthy even in excess
surely the whole point of chat is to be called with -vvv
That's probably true (all three things you said)
I like the herb one so I usually have herb or smoked, not tried almond and sesame.
But I will.
I julienned my thumb a bit ..
ugh hope it doesn't hurt a lot
taifun stuff is all pretty great imo
I love their sausages even, and I don't normally go in for the fake meat type stuff
not too bad thanks..
added a good mango chutney to the wrap.. it goes well
I find mango chutney (or the stuff we can get here anyway) too sugary... in South India I ate chutney that was nothing like our "chutney" and I'm pining for it... best thing I've ever eaten
all different kinds
but I agree a little mango chutney, even the too-sugary English kind, goes very well with tofu or falafel wrap
Yeah the one I bought was this 'geetas premium mango chutney' it's less sugary (though not by a great deal)
the stuff I had in India was not sugary at all, it was creamy and completely amazing in every way
I want to go back there and eat it every day
sounds good
apart from the creamy bit ;)
though im sure you didnt mean cream
of course not, it was fresh coconut making it creamy I think
it was definitely vegan anyway
I'm making "cornbread muffins" tomorrow
Well... then, I'll... give you my address so you can post me some.
hehe :)
They sound good, are they sort of, savory muffins?
I used to love cheese scones from my old employers tuck shop thing
savoury muffins yeah, with onion and parsley and chilli
Excellent work.
not done yet... but I predict something at least edible
I'm sure it will be.
cheese scones are my mum's favourite thing haha
I should make her some vegan cheese scones :)
When I have a decent kitchen again I'll have a go
sucks not having a decent kitchen. The one here is fine (it only lacks a microwave) but I stay the heck out of it when others are in there... fortunately my flatmates work in the day time & I work in the afternoon/evening
flatmates == landlord & gf of landlord :/
Ah, yeah that would be annoying, at least the people here aren't like, all trying to make cornbread muffins when I'm trying to make dinner.
Most of them live on pot noodle or McDonald's as far as I can tell.
Looks like EE have fixed the downed tower, my 4G has gone back up to over 1MB/s..
I thought they were throttling me for using too many of the bits.
Apparently next year they'll be able to offer 90Mbp/s 4G in our area and a 'home router' style device with much higher data allowance to go with it, like 100GB instead.
oh nice
I was thinking when I was bleeding on the chopping board a bit that it would be fun to post a question "Is your own blood vegan?' Do people still suck their finger when they cut it and if so, why...? Apparently in some cultures that is seen as tantamount to cannibalism.
which cultures?
You're asking me to cite my source? haha
It was some tribal community
I saw it on a documentary once but it was a long time ago.
I'd have a hard time googling for it though I suspect.
yeah... some things are hard to search for
not to cite sources no, I just want to know who and what the rationale is
you could post "is your own blood vegan?" - could produce some fun philosophising :)
Sorry I was just reading this:
While trying to find aforementioned thing
I know that thumbs up one... maybe I should change my avi
that article seems very... othering
Yes I will henceforth see your avatar in a (w)hole new light.
othering like... us and them, we're alright, but these others are all crazy
Oh I see.
Yes, it is, and I normally avoid anything that sounds like a 'number' article too, but it caught me unawares.
hahaha :)
ok, sad as it may sound I'm going to play a little Minecraft before it's bed time.
however if you wanted one possible reason why we instinctively do this...
I knew that :)
enough of it to know that sucking a wound is probably a fairly good idea anyway
oh, that was fairly restrained of me, only half an hour
minecraft used to be a huge timesuck.

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