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Did any post got deleted recently? @Zanna?
2 hours later…
Not that I know of @SreeCharan
@Zanna I think yes. I got only +8 today. My guess is one of my edited posts got deleted. See in moderator tools.
YOu are the only one with mod tools.
Or is there a downvote on any of my answers?
Ah yes I'm so sorry, I was still asleep when I arrived here
No downvote
You are right, a question you edited was deleted by the 30 day script
"How do I campaign in public spaces?"
@Zanna ok. THANKS. Sorry to disturb.
No no not at all, sorry I forgot I can check that
On Ask Ubuntu so many things get deleted that that section of the mod tools is not useful
I only use the top part to see what I should delete
1 hour later…
How are you?
I am OK, just thinking about on-topicness and what questions should be closed/open etc
Just OK? Something's wrong? :|
nothing wrong just feeling uncertain about everything. I think it's good to feel this way sometimes and rethink everything, Doubt is productive. But it is uncomfortable :)
How about you? Anything better than raw veggie sandwich on the lunch menu today?
Not so good.
For lunch, as I'm alone, I don't have the courage to take my car to go find something else. So it'll be the same sandwich, again.
Add to that the fact that I blame myself not finding another questions to ask... :(
awww :(
you should definitely not blame yourself for not thinking of new questions
It's better to ask the questions when they come to you anyway I think
genuine questions are usually the best ones
have a look at the existing questions if there are any you haven't read and see if they inspire you haha
but it's not bad if you don't have questions all the time
sorry to hear about the sandwich problem
can you ask them to improve the menu?
AH! you can ask a question on the site! "how can I convince my workplace to offer a better vegan menu?"
I tried and I continue trying.
That's not the sandwich problem that makes me feel depressed.
It's a good question idea, but it is yours. :/
The source of my problem is my work, something happened tuesday. But I prefer not to talk about it here, in public.
If you like the question idea, please use it. I'm self-employed, and work at many different places, so it's not an issue I face. The problem is relevant to you and you can benefit from the answers and accept the one you like best
Since then, I'm highly stressed and feeling bad
awww I'm sorry to hear about the bad stressful thing though :(
hope it gets better
Thanks, that's nice of you.
But I get a reminder of this because I'm asked to do extra thing that others don't have to do (andd never had to), weekly, to prove I'm doing my job correctly.
:S sounds similar to... being a woman in tech
Yeah, it's similar. The thing is that's not the first time I got unfair things like this.
3 hours later…
man, i need to stop buying overpriced lunches
By the time I find something ok it's like, vegetables in a box with a dressing, and three quid.
I should try this, thx for the tip
I live in London so, lunch is overpriced by default
Depends where you work, I used to go to as nature intended and it was affordable and full of options :)
And to reflect on the experience I had in Paris before, London is great for food ^^
white As Nature Intended was that?
The one on Spitalfields Market
(not far from Pilpel <3 )
I love the Ethiopian stalll in there
yeah! for 6£ you have 12 different vegetables, incredible
I always go there haha
I envy you both being in London.
Coventry isn't quite the same amount of choice.
I went there last year for the Kent vegan festival
might go again this time... it's in May iirc
"6th May 2017 at the Westgate Hall in Canterbury"
oh oops
nice, I wasn't aware of that!
Canterbury != Coventry
I always make that error
oh yeah, I've read it too quickly haha
Oh, I didn't think you were even talking to me then because you said Kent :)
I'm a fool, sorry
Round here the nearest hit is probably Birmingham.
never been to Coventry
typing with left hand white eating lunch, sorry for slowness
brain slowness is another matter, no excuse for that XD
@nobe4 Brighton VegFest is next weekend though :)
@Zanna Do you work in tech then? (if you don't mind my asking..)
Judging by previous Linux chat and the neat avatar I'm going to guess some sort of freelance web dev type
nah I teach, Linuxing is my hobby :)
a fine hobby too.
haven't looked at your network profile yet
there's nothing to see ;)
do you want to share your profession?
never really used SE before this site, except to read for answers
well in the last four months I've been lucky enough to turn my linux hobby into my job
work in unix/linux team at university of warwick
realised how much I don't know yet ;)
that's AWESOME
thanks, never thought it would happen tbh but the timing was impeccable.
also great haha :)
You should be able to answer lots of questions on Ask Ubuntu and Unix & Linux then
Hm, perhaps but not as good as other people I suspect.
I'm, er, you've probably seen my downvoted semi-rant about the atmosphere of SE when answering things too... ;)
@Zanna: oh nice, is it the one on the 12th of March ?
Perhaps I just need to get used to criticism and contribute regardless.
@DavidS was it on meta?
@nobe4 I thought it was 4th March... but I was only looking at London Vegan Meetup dates
I've never done a vegan meetup, only tech ones, how is it ?
@DavidS SE can be a bit of a culture shock to say the least
@Zanna Yeah it was the 'have we run out of questions' question... it wasn't the most awesome answer I guess, it was just at a bad time for me to read it I suppose.
@nobe4 shrug sometimes fun, I've been to some good ones
yeah, I guess it must depend on the subject/activity
depends what you like
I am an introvert. I like meeting for lunch/dinner. But at VegFest I like to go on my own, sweep round it buying stuff, eat as much as possible, and go home without seeing anyone I know
Do any of you have vegans/vegetarians in your circle of friend's (other than ones you've met through common interest things like 'fests').
None (don't know if the question was for me :p )
Sure was (any of you awake at the mo)
my parents have both gone vegetarian since I became vegan ~3 years ago. I went vegetarian when I was 14, and that failed to influence anyone. But I went vegan when the ethics penny finally dropped, and somehow I've quietly influenced them
Oh that's nice
was the transition for them hard to make ?
Yeah they say the best way to encourage a thing is just to show them the benefits of it by how you live rather than trying to convince.
My best friend in my hometown when I was at school was a vegan, although he quit being vegan before we both moved away and stopped hanging out
I guess Ghandi said it better.
Yes, sorry.
My speeling is bad today
haha no worries, automatic correction! I try not to do it - best not to be a teacher when not at work :S
yeah also it's (I'm not sure how I feel about it) hard not to bring the subject without people taking that personal. I know prefer not to say anything and keep the mood happy.
But knowing what I know, I'd prefer them to go vegetarian
Yeah me too, people do react as though your choice is an indictment of the way they live their life. And in a way it is, just perhaps not in quite they way they think.
It's just hard to undo 40-50 years of learning/"culture"/...
I would talk about the benefits and reasons for it kind of as a sideline to another topic when relevant etc. It worked very gradually.
And never say anything judgemental... and make lots of nice food for them
But no, it wasn't hard for them. My mum always said she would stop eating meat if it weren't for my dad
she went pescetarian and I wasn't surprised... after a while she started cutting dairy as well
Make sense, I have to admit they stopped eating fois gras (because "it's horrible") so it's a foot in the right direction I guess...
That was August 2015... never thought my dad would go veggie
but back in October he did
and he just keeps talking about how great it is, how much better he feels
Do you know the reason ?
I can't imagine my mum doing that, but then, she's in her 70s now so she's unlikely to start eating quinoa or... colours generally.
Was it for health, environment, family?
@nobe4 Yeah he's told me about it in detail, it's totally ahimsa for him, he said "I realised we [animals] are all part of each other"
That's great.
It's odd though, when I was a meat eater and my girlfriend at the time was vegetarian, it never even crossed my mind that I should look at my habits.
but I'm a bit of an environment evangelist... everyone in my family is green these days
Even when we were out for dinner, I never thought, perhaps she'd prefer me to have a veggie meal with her.
yeah I guess going veggie just open the mind to a lot of questions
Sometime's people have to come to the thing for themselves.
Like, it plants the seed and it can take a long time to germinate in the mind.
you can't rush it
and health too... when I went vegan, my mum was worried about my health, and after a while, it became obvious that I was healthier than before if anything
oh ffs, extra apostrophe, sorry @Zanna
Must try harder
@DavidS yeah I totally agree with that
(all my school reports, ever)
that's a sensible point. As soon as I said "I won't eat meat anymore" everyone had their opinion on the subject, mostly based on their knowledge (none?) of the meat industry and health impact ...
@DavidS lol XD no it's me who must try harder to remember that people don't want or need to be corrected outside of class time. It's not like I practice perfect spelling/grammar etc myself anyway
I do like to be correct, if I'm honest.
But, when it's sort of stream-of-consciousness, it's hard to edit.
and you can't press the up arrow (as in Slack) to edit
Yeah I did look for edit a few minutes ago for that exact reason @nobe4 :)
@nobe4 And you're right, people who have never spent a minute questioning their diet suddenly become experts. The 'what about protein' cliche for example.
you can press the up arrow to edit, but it times out in 2 minutes
My mind is blown.
mods can edit forever though
oh ? :0 edit: yay !
o/ jokerdino
@jokerdino has the best avatar.
yeah I love it
I just wanna hug it, so cute
@jokerdino hugs
:wave: hi!
hmm thank you
sorry, got carried away
dinosaurs are kind of hopeless at hugging too I guess, small arms.
@DavidS I blame education (as always) for that one
@Zanna Erm, for what? :)
if you click the tiny arrow to the left, you can see what I was replying to
erm @jokerdino isn't there an add-on to see the replies better?
@Zanna I see!
@Zanna yeah
I still don't have it, I forgot the name of it, am useless, etc
Hm, I see there's a few add-ons for FF. StackOverflow Bar for one
@jokerdino I see that now, thanks.
@DavidS I remember this funny story. My father did a biology degree (40 years ago) before doing something totally unrelated. And he told be that he knew more about this than me because I was doing computer science and not biology. :facepalm:
@nobe4 It's hard to argue with that a little bit because sure biology hasn't changed but society has and heck, hardly anyone was vegan 40 years ago compared to today I bet.
@jokerdino thanks :D found it myself in the meantime also. Typical zanna laziness
@DavidS Yeah and assumed knowledge is hard to change also.
Plus, you'd have been hard pressed to find tofu in England in 1970 ;)
"hard pressed" almost sounds like a tofu pun
Yeah, I was thinking that.
but it may have been not that bad in the 70's since there were plenty of hippies around by then
I was certainly harder and people, in a post-war time, would not think at all about it and would want only to "enjoy"...
Do you think the hippie movement could be related to veganism?
hmm there were lots of hippies going vegetarian, interested in foods from Asia etc
there was the macrobiotic movement (still somewhat a think in France I think? I certainly found a lot of vegan places advertising their food as "macrobiotique" in Paris when I went a bit over a year ago)
I think macrobio is vegan...
interesting ...
I sense a question in there.
there were also some into permaculture, growing your own veg type thing
I saw a great social history documentary called "Back in Time for Dinner"
* bookmarking that *
they had a family of 5 spend a week living in each decade from the 50s to the 90s, focussing on the food culture
they updated the kitchen each time and everything, it was very well done
That sounds really interesting.
anyway in the 70's they had a curry, vegetarian food like brown rice and hummus
Hummus, what more do you want?
the food culture was just starting to get a little more interesting after the long shadow of the war and rationing
haha I come from a working class family... I actually first ate hummus when I was 17
Yeah, and I think at that time, people would want meat, cheese and all the food they couldn't have during the ware
also ate my first olive at 17
Plus if it was Britain I'm guessing there was the diversity of culture too,
@DavidS of course!
@Zanna I waited until 19 when I started going vegetarian. ^^
@Zanna I'm a little hesitant to ask when you were 17? I didn't eat anything interesting until my early 20s I don't think...
in the '50s, because of the war having killed so many people, the UK encouraged people from India and the Caribbean to come and take jobs
The 50's???
* open the notebook *
all those people brought their awesome food culture with them
And it is awesome.
so the boring British diet started to get spiced up a little bit
@DavidS yeah!
yeah it's good to mix the culture
I love curry now but the first time I tried it was a local Indian family and I actually couldn't eat it.
Now I'm like, the hotter the better (mostly, long as it has flavour).
I can't stand spice at all. I wonder how people can like that, I guess it's a question of habits.
Do you mean spice, or chilli?
Hum, let me find the difference
("hot" spices ? ^^' )
Ah so the heat, right.
I tend to think of like, turmeric and things to be 'spices' and therefore flavour rather than heat.
I wonder what the proper use is
I didn't realise until recently that you can build up a tolerance for chillies.
eh shrug language rules are descriptive rather than prescriptive... I hear people say "spicy but not hot"
I see, and in french, épicé (~= heat) and épice (~= spice) are so alike ...
So they are
also, other things besides chilli (which contains an irritant called capsaicin iirc) can be "hot" like mustard
or raw garlic or ginger or wasabi
And horseradish, which I rarely get to have now
Because pre-made is always in flipping cream.
I don't know what chemicals in them are irritant
@DavidS that's what's in wasabi... and yeah, it's hard to find raw horseradish to make your own
I've seen a documentary on the only guy in the UK making his own wasabi, it was quite fascinating !
Chillies also have flavour, so I think, it is impossible to add heat without adding flavour too :)
@nobe4 oh yes?
I guess it was about this thewasabicompany.co.uk
because apparently 90% of "wazabi" is not wazabi but rather a cheaper substance. Whereas raw wazabi is really hot and not what we have in japaneses restaurants
I don't think anything is as it should be in any of the Japanese restaurants I've been to here, they all seem really fake
I love Itadakizen by King's Cross here in London
I've grown a few varieties of chilli in the last couple of years and there certainly are some good flavours to be had if you can tolerate some heat as well.
Ajii Lemon for example. Or Habanero Hot Orange.
I took some Japanese friends there, and they said "ah it's definitely the best Japanese place we've been in London! Very good! But not typically Japanese"
@DavidS Soo nice, how do you do that? Is it on your garden ?
@DavidS they are such beautiful plants too :) So easy to grow
Luckily at my old place of work one of the data room's had faulty aircon so it was always about 30 degrees
We germinated a couple of hundred plants
Sold them.
niice :)
Including a few Carolina Reapers, hottest in the world atm.
Ate some raw. I have never suffered so much in my life.
was it worth it? :D
@Zanna Yeah there are some nice ornamental ones.
It was an experience that I don't feel the need to repeat.
But it was interesting too. Plus you get a nice endorphin high.
I still have a soft spot for the Apache. It's easy to grow, looks nice, is very productive, has a good medium heat for curries and so on.
Do you usually buy seeds? Or directly plants?
Seeds is cheapest but it means you have to be willing to germinate them.
@DavidS I was 17 in 2002/3
Which is usually done in January and then you need to keep them light and warm until it's warm in the country you live in. For England that means not putting them outside before about June (when it doesn't drop below 10 degrees at night)
@Zanna Yes that's probably when my palette started to expand a bit, only I was 23/24 then.
(Sheltered childhood, my parents weren't too adventurous with food).
maybe it wasn't just me starting to learn to cook myself then, maybe it was actually at that time that our food culture started to emerge from its bland misery in places outside the capital (I'm from Lincolnshire, I moved to London in 2012, and now planning to move out) :)
@DavidS I see, thanks for the advice :)
I think moving out and being alone (i.e. not with the parents) is also helpful to start cooking more and trying new recipes :)
@Zanna Come to Coventry, where you can count vegan food places on one hand... (grr)
I was "forced" to cook when I moved out and now I happily spend hours in the kitchen trying to follow <awesome vegan recipe>.
@nobe4 Moving out was a catalyst for a lot of change to me, in terms of finding out what kind of person I am, setting all the rules for myself etc.
@DavidS It makes sense, being along and having to rely on yourself, is a great experience. You learn so much about yourself when you're alone with yourself, and not trying to "be someone" for the others.
@nobe4 Totally.
@DavidS I should totally come and check it out :) The vegan places in Lincolnshire can be counted on no hands at all, as far as I know
We have the Falafel House. That's a highlight.
@DavidS I come from a small French town, I'm not aware of any veggie place. :/
@nobe4 Do you live in France now?
I've only been to France once, felt like an ignorant tourist because I don't speak any French :(
Nop, as a matter of fact I'm going back in a few hours for a long weekend. But each time it's like getting back to middle age.
I think if you stay in big cities, english is enough to get around. But if you want to visits the heart of France, french is a requirement I think ^^
btw, if any of you go on Paris: hankrestaurant.com
vegan burgers and pizzas
I've tried the burger last time I was here, I'm trying the pizza on saturday. Delicious !
It's slowly coming to France, nothing is impossible o/
It seems to me that vegan options here are about the same level of availability as vegetarian was ten years ago.
Maybe it's just I'm better at spotting things.
I guess it's the same by looking at how people are thinking about the planet, 100 years ago nobody cared about the global warming... Now it's everywhere.
100 years ago it wasn't really kicking in
Word, I think I saw a graph or something once that was like, the last ten thousand years or something
then a sudden spike around the industrial revolution
what really bites is that those supposedly in power are not doing anything about it at all
then more in like the last 30 years
Well yes, and Trump has cancelled steps and refutes the existence of global warming.
But I don't want to start a political argument.
(though I suspect we're all of a similar opinion)
the data arrived at the worst possible time in terms of handing over power to corporate interests :(
(I'm bad at history, sorry for that ^^)
@nobe4 No need to apologise
hmmm me too, and I'm not going to apologise
there's no history exam to pass to be allowed to talk in this chat :D
@DavidS I share your suspicion
But yeah it's a shame to see no move from anyone powerful. The only French candidate that is supporting the removal of Meat from France will never pass ...
@Zanna +1
What's interesting about him is that he's not vegan or anything but he know the health and climate implication of the meat industry, and he wants to fight it.
That's impressive.
But with this kind of speech/idea he'll never make it. That's too bad
anyway ^^
Yeah. Like trying to imagine the green party getting in over here. Not gonna happen.
Yeah, one day maybe.
Anyway, it was nice chatting :) See you around!
See ya
later :)
I've just managed to make up the messages. ^^"
huh? :)
I'm at work and you discussed a lot. ^^ I wanted to read your messages between two tasks, but there were a lot. :P Interesting, though :)
Yeah I'm at work too, luckily not a lot on today but...
It has been interesting, you're right.
@DavidS I share your suspicion too :P
What an interesting co-incidence ...
What to have for dinner...
veggie burgers
best food on planet
but what kind?
trader joes veggie burgers
trader joe's has the best food on the planet
I have a recipe book called "the 101 best veggie burgers on the planet"
sadly it seems to be only a california thing
I could do with going to California, maybe it's worth it
yes it is
we also have in-n-out
I will locate a flight asap
good idea
In the meantime I suspect it will be the shopping I forgot to put in the fridge yesterday :( And then if I'm ill at least it's not wasted anyway.
I will pick you up from the airport in a stolen car and a sign that says "David S from veg.se follow me to in-n-out"
@DavidS :(
Crikey. That's commitment.
I mean I can't legally drive so you'll have to jump in fast
Is the name a TNG reference?
it's my name
First name?
never gone by my first name though, I just don't like it
benjamin <shrug>
benjamin riker w.
Are you sure your parents aren't Star Trek fans? :)
it's a german form of richard
@DavidS I personally am and my mom is but the name isn't because that
Fair enough. Both Commander's names though at least ;)
it's somewhat funny that my last initial is cmd riker's first initial though
Ah true
Home time! syl
see ya
2 hours later…
at home now?
The evening goes so quickly, it'll be bed time before I know it :|

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