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@Zanna. I am starting to learn tamil. I can't write tamil yet. :)
I always find it amusing that early betas never have any "late answers"
because nothing has been around for long enough :P
@SreeCharan I don't know anything except how to write haha I just wrote maalai vanakkam :)
By my standards there's nothing much of anything to review at all haha
4 hours later…
How did you learn writing tamil? @Zanna
@SreeCharan I just read about it online and kept practising until I more-or-less learned how it works
@Zanna That's great. Many tamilians can't write tamil. I only understand tamil upto some extent. Can't reply.
Do you know about idli? It is a popular breakfast in southern India. It is vegan too.
yeah I love it! I wish I was having it for breakfast right now
I am having it right now.
oh so jealous!
I am going to have my breakfast now which is not idli :(
and dream of the future where I can understand Tamil and eat idli all the time
May be you could add it in "non-sweet breakfast options".Almost all the breakfast recipes in India are vegetarian. You can exclude non-vegan items and taste difference is negligible.
I am sure you will be able to do both in the near future.
@SreeCharan you should add that answer :)
Hello ! o/
@Zanna Sure. May be later.
@Niitaku Hello o/
@SreeCharan thank you for your kind encouragement :) :)
@Niitaku o/ :) ca va?
@Zanna Ça va, merci, et toi? :)
ca va, merci :)
@Zanna I asked a new question about vegan cooking. :)
awesome, I'll have a look
I've been busy writing a very ugly answer on Unix and Linux SE haha
hopefully I can write a more attractive one for you
@Zanna The only thing I can understand in your post are regex patterns :D
@Zanna Thx :)
@Niitaku haha that's the hard part!
i'm really pleases that we have so many questions and answers per day!
:) thanks to all who managed to contribute good questions
2 hours later…
@Zanna Is that you that up-voted my question?
Anyway, thank you for the answer. :)
And thx to ecc too. :)
yes I upvoted it
hope the answer is useful... I kind of feel you really wanted a product recommendation instead
but maybe you can try it
Double thx, then. :P
Not necessarily, your answer is great. I love home made things. :)
1 hour later…
Q: Salvage "What to eat" rather than close

djechlinWhat foods to eat when changing from meat to vegetarian to vegan? I voted to reopen even though closed as too broad. My feeling is it is a very very important, common and basic question. I posted how I construct my diet and nutrition in some detail. I suggest we do something to leave it open sin...

8 hours later…
@Zanna edits to review
AH sorry I was writing a script
I rejected the usage guidance as I think is a type of vegetarianism, and shouldn't be used for any and all Qs about dairy & eggs
I approved the wiki but I will reedit when I get 2k or suggest an edit myself if I find time
ah, okay

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