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sorry all, I completely crashed out when I got home
@Niitaku I can see others commented on your question - I wish I had had the energy to explain my issues with it earlier, but I will try now anyway here and perhaps make a meta post of my comments if it seems worthwhile
For one thing, nutritional requirements are far from universal. Consider a few people: a 38 year old female distance-runner; a 82 year old man with low mobility; a seven year old who likes football, karate and climbing up the walls; a person recovering from a long illness which affected their digestive system...
these people could have very drastically different nutritional requirements
if you provided all your vital statistics and lifestyle details in order to get an accurate recommendation (a nutrition plan, as a professional might provide for you)
then it would not be a good Stack Exchange question, because it would not be useful to others
it can't be the purpose of the site to provide individual tailored health advice for each visitor, right?
That problem aside, asking about nutrition requirements per meal is asking for something artificial and restrictive. You can consider macronutrient requirements per day, but you should consider requirements over the course of a week or so for micronutrients, so it would be very complicated to answer your question well, probably it would just be too long for anyone to read.
I would have said yesterday, you could pick a nutrient and ask EITHER how much you should be trying to get OR how you can get it in a vegan diet. Since you did that, and settled for protein, I think it would be a better question if you asked "how can I determine how much protein I need?"
2 hours later…
@Fabby I'm aware of the collateral (I'm pretty sure vegans think about such things more than omnivores in general. The reason I collect quips is that I find these kinds of arguments with omnivores to be a waste of spoons.
My guiding principle is Ahimsa. I don't want to do violence to myself and other humans by prolonging an acrimonious argument. I will raise awareness about the benefits of veganism if I can do so in a non-violent way
I don't want to be coercive or dominating, and neither do I want to allow anyone to troll me or make me do emotional work for them (because surely some omnivores disparage vegans to make themselves feels better)
thus I would rather gracefully or humorously turn the argument on its head and put the onus on the omnivore to justify their choices and/or be lighthearted than plough into a detailed philosophical exposition which is sure to be wasted on the hearer.
1 hour later…
@Zanna Thank you very much for your feedback on this question. I understand why it is still too broad or too specific for a person in particular. And don't feel bad for not having done that earlier, you were not obliged to do it in first place. :)
I'm taking your advice and I'll asked a new question upon closing the current one.
@Niitaku It would actually be better for you to edit the first question and get it re-opened, in terms of avoiding a possible question ban
Should I delete it completely?
I don't recommend deleting it
Oh, yes, good point. I didn't think about that
if I were a mod, I would close and reopen your question after editing, to get rid of the close votes, but we should be able to fix it without mod powers as we are a nice tight little community at the moment and everyone has close vote privileges in beta
with regards to your excellent answer to Riker's meta question about the tag, I need to get 200 more reputation to be able to make a tag synonym so I'd better answer some questions XD
I'm trying to burn a tag on Ask Ubuntu, but there's 187 questions tagged with it
So that's keeping me busy...
Oh, that's a lot of questions ^^
haha already down to 110 :)
I voted to close my question that put it on hold.
As I'll ask a reopening, it should clear the close votes, no?
yes :)
have you edited it?
@Zanna You're fast ! :o :)
Not really, I've been at it for the last 4 hours between breakfast and shower and trying to write a book review as well haha
@Zanna I've just finished :)
Is is better?
Q: How can I determine how much protein I need in a vegan diet?

NiitakuAs I'm going vegan, I would need to replace protein sources from meat to other vegetal products. When I was eating meat, I didn't pay any attention to how much protein I ate. But in a vegan diet, I feel that I would have to look at it a bit closer. I'm then wondering: How I can determine how ...

edited and voted to reopen :)
Thx :) That was "therefore" word that I was looking for, thx ^^
it's a pleasure! :D
Hi! :)
How is the site going?
Not too bad I think. :)
Hi Stack Exchange Developer! :) (Adam Lear)
I am going to become a Stack Exchange Developer! :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 To be more precise, as Zanna said, we're a nice tight little community at the moment. :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 For real? :O
I'm only 14 years old so I will wait 15 more years.
Oh, ok x)
So at 29 years I will become a Developer at Stack Exchange!
It's a good plan if it's what you want to do. :)
I am also going to become a System Admin at you guessed it:
Stack Exchange!
1 hour later…
thanks for your answer @Niitaku +1 for that
@Zanna Thx :)
thanks @Turion also!
I was reading an horrible news on a french association website:
A pig mistreated left for dead in a farming trash and in the cold. It was agonizing, in hypothermia with serious bloody wounds. It was screaming in pain.
A vet was mandated by the association to help the animal that was finally freed from that pain because of irreversible physical and neural sequela .
Association press charges against the farmer
@Niitaku, that's very sad. I'd assume that these things happen quite often, though.
It has a good answer. I'm somehow tempted to edit it such that the question fits the answer better.
The answer not only says how much protein you'd need, but also from which food you'd get how much.
So I'd add to the question something like "Which food and how much would supply me with that amount of protein?"
@Turion Well yes, even if it doesn't come that far, I've seen that some are mistreated, stressed before going to slaughterhouse.
@Turion I edited my post in response to your comment, apologies for being vague. Perhaps that information is not relevant, and so the entire clause is just noise in my post. I tend to ramble a bit.
@Turion I would keep the question as it is now as it seems more better received by the community. However, I would keep the answer as it is. It is still useful (I up voted it)
@RamonMelo I upvoted your post and cleaned up my comments all over @Niitaku's question since I think they are obsolete now :)
@Zanna, I think it's relevant because it's a motivation for the question. When I read your question, I immediately had to think about Wales (sorry, very typical prejudice)
@Niitaku, ok, I'll vote for reopen nevertheless.
@Zanna, can I ask you where you are based in the UK? (I used to live in Nottingham for 3 years)
@Turion Thx. :)
Oh really? I live in London (I believe it's in my profile) but I'm from Gainsborough which is on the Trent, in Lincolnshire but on the border with Nottinghamshire. I know Nottingham quite well - maybe you've been to the Alley Cafe?
I have indeed, tons of times!
so quiet on the site today. But Sundays are always quiet...
They've reduced their opening hours, but in the Angel pub, which is also in the city centre (up Lace market somewhere), the same kitchen team is serving food now, and it's really good!
I can recommend it for the next time you're in Nottingham ;)
ooh good tip!
Next weekend I am going to visit my family and we're going to York, to El Piano <3
I haven't been there yet, it seems you can recommend it?
ah it's wonderful!
York is one of the places I missed out on when I lived in the UK... a shame it seems
@Zanna I've added a subquestion to your wool question (which I find great). I'm wondering whether that's good practice, or whether my question is essentially a duplicate of yours?
And I've added a "wool" tag. Maybe it's too narrow, then we can delete it again.
@Turion no it's a great question. They can both be there I think
I think the tag can stay for now :)
Ok :)
Did you know that vitamin D3 supplements are often made from wool fat?
I'm wondering whether there is a good question lurking around regarding that topic
@Zanna Thanks. I deleted them as well because it looked like I was talking to myself. haha
@Turion yes, lanolin... it's also in many cosmetics and my brother is allergic to it too.
@RamonMelo great :) clean post :)
I am sure questions could be asked about alternatives to lanolin and how to identify vegan vitamin D supplements...
@Turion I only saw this message now. I think we need to let @Niitaku maneuver the question as they please. If you edit the question to fit the answer, someone else might feel discouraged to provide a better answer.
And, people, I really need you to post stuff, I still have over 20 upvotes to spend! ;)
I should write some more answers, but I'm doing so many things today!
Vitamin D supplements, of course! There's this endless discussion on D2 vs. D3, maybe we can settle that. And then there's the question of vegan D3 supplements.
@gerrit Really? Dealing like drug? That's crazy!
I never thought this kind of things could exist... :|
@Niitaku Check some of the other articles in the "Brighton Bulletin"… ;-)
@gerrit Will do!
1 hour later…
@gerrit, oh, what have you done?
Are there good examples, living vegan/vegetarian for a longer time period than 10 years?
@Uuser, there are many people who have lived as vegans for longer than 10 years. Are you looking for celebrities who have done that?
Doesn't matter, I want to know, how they are feeling, in what condition do they live and how they reflect their time being vegan
I've been vegetarian/vegan for 18 years and I feel awesome
I've been vegetarian for 10 years and vegan for roughly 4 years. I'm feeling great. I used to have a neighbour who was vegan for at least ten years, he's very athletic, friendly, enthusiastic and looks very healthy.
Do you have to take vitamins like VitaminB12?
@Uuser I'm not absolutely sure I have to, but I do
You don't have to take pills necessarily, lots of food is supplemented with it
How often do you take 'em?
Every now and then
@Zanna you were right, I removed the redundant sentence from the palm oil question..
sorry for the confusing edit :)
3 hours later…
@Turion what'd they do?
belated congrats on 1k @Zanna
oh thanks! it's nice to have the 10k privileges :)
can anyone else review tag wiki edits yet?
it's at 750
for private betas
@Zanna iirc 1k is view deleted stuff
@Riker yes it's the same as 10k on a normal site "moderator tools"
and 2k is the same as "trusted user"
those are the two really awesome privilege milestones
10k is the best
viewing deleted stuff helps but you also get to see all kinds of helpful extra data
@Riker I know, but has anyone except you passed 750?
not afair
yeah the closest is 733
ah ok, should happen soon then :)
as far as I remember
@Zanna also, I was planning on breaking 1k but I went camping yesterday so I couldn't lol
bc we need 3 people to actually delete stuff
yeah tell me about it, first thing I do every morning on AU is use up my precious delete votes (actually the only reason I do that first is that I have to do it before reviewing low quality posts, otherwise they all get used up in the queue). But we don't have anything that needs deleting yet I think :)
ppcg never got posts that need delete votes, so I never use them
we have 4 mods, all pretty active
so everything gets hammered into oblivion within 15
I can imagine. AU is one of the larger sites. It's full of trash needing to be destroyed
lots of awesome stuff too of course
@Zanna gotta destroy that awesome stuff :D
in Raiders of the Lost Downboat, Nov 29 '16 at 13:13, by edwinksl
this site has tons of junk that need to be destroyed
nooooo not the awesome stuff
yeah ik just joking :P
we got 12 mods and still piles of junk
@Riker I know, just biting
ah lol
@Zanna ouch
tbf AU is the third biggest site
PPCG is like 50th
it was the largest site without a graduation, and now it's just the largest site without a design :P
it's a fun site :)
people come to AU to get help. Some of them are completely clueless and also have no interest in learning how to use SE, while is totally fine, but means we have to make major efforts to curate and moderate it into the awesomeness that it is
anyway I should shut up and go practise my Tamil
since I am being super boring
it's better than what I was doing, just trying and failing to beat a boss in a video game :P
haha you will get it eventually
i doubt it will happen soon
2 weeks and no progess
friend says it took her 4 months
I think you said to Fabby that you only became veg*n the day the beta started, so I was curious about what made you decide to do that, or follow the proposal, or join the site. If you want to share (you really don't have to) I would be interested to know about any of those things haha
4 months wow - your friend is patient
@Zanna I committed when referred by a friend (Rand Al'Thor), and mainly just because I thought it sounded like a good idea
not because I had any particular desire at the start to be a ve*gan
never followed the proposal though, just committed
oh same actually
I'm here because Fiksdal pinged me in AU chat having noticed that I'm vegan (it's on my network-wide profile... and I mention it pretty frequently)
ah he has been here, I can ping him! @Fiksdal I want to learn Tamil...
you picked a good day to go camping, the site was super slow
hope it picks up tomorrow :)
ah lol
I am gonna go practise my தமிழ் for real. Catch you later :)
@Riker, gerrit posted a news satire article (brightonbulletin.com/2017/02/03/…) and I think Niitaku didn't quite get the satire bit
By now most probably yes, but the confusion must have been great ;)
@Turion Really? Poking someone to make fun of me?
As it may not have been understood, I played the game of the article...
It's not really nice of you. :(
@Niitaku, sorry. I think I misunderstood you before thoroughly, then. I didn't want to offend you.
On text chat, subtones are missing, and it seems like I invented some that weren't intended. Again, sorry.
@Turion It's ok, don't worry
1 hour later…
@Zanna PLEASE! I've been trying to spam upvotes but I think it's over now
I've officially read through every question and answer in this site
And upvoted everything I liked
But, in an hour, I need people to start posting new stuff
To keep up with my voting spree
@Zanna hey! That's awesome! What is the reason you want to learn it? I'm pretty good at spoken Tamil, but my reading skills are like a five year old. Anyway, let me know if you need any help.
For written Tamil there's a great online course called Tamil Digest. It's how I learned how to read. If I would have finished the course I would probably be better at reading.
@RamonMelo I would but irl got busy :(

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