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Which moderator is at the end of term
@Paparazzi nobody. We're expanding the team.
Two good candidates so far. I looked at the list of high point users and not seeing 10 candidates. Not to name names but one of the problem people is on an extended ban so that should make it easier for mods. My input is low quality questions lead to a low quality answers and comments and should be closed quickly.
OR, we could improve the quality of the questions by editing them into "on-topic" where it's possible. I would also like to see closures for duplicates be used for actual duplicates not just "this is kinda similar so I'm going to close.
A question and answer site where every question is treated like "an opportunity to use my close vote" deters community rather than adds to it.
And I'm going to keep calling it "close" over "on-hold" until the UI reflects it.
@Paparazzi Thing is, there is just one spot right
I was going to run but with Lilienthal running there is no point
I'd vote for Lilienthal over myself, and I'm me.
Yep, just 1. Personally I think 2 would be good but hey, I'm don't get asked. :)
One thing to keep in mind is that even though there's one slot now, if another were to open up within a reasonable period, SE might call up the second-place finisher instead of running a new election. That's happened fairly often on SO. It almost happened here, when jmac got hired by SE, but the results that far down the ballot were "noncommittal" enough that we had a second election instead of doing that.
So even though we're only electing one person, you should cast votes for as many candidates as you support (up to 3), in an order of your choosing. It could matter later.
(I'm not aware of any specific plans on the part of any of our moderators. This is just contingency planning, which could either be someone stepping down or the site continuing to grow and needing yet another mod.)
enderland goes to apply to work at SE

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