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Q: Is there a word that includes/encompasses both `mouse button` and `keyboard key`?

kim366Is there a word that both describes keys on a keyboard as well as mouse buttons? They are quite similar, as in you press down on them, yet it is still called press a key and click a mouse button. 3 words I thought of are switch button key but these all are a bit generic and don't show that b...

Would "input" or some variation on it work?
Are you using this word to name a variable?
Note that questions about naming programming variables are explicitly off-topic here.
@StoneyB Are they? Sorry. Does it say that in the guidelines?
@Hank yes, I am
@AndyT That's a bit too generic
@kim366 As StoneyB stated, programming variable names are off-topic.
@Hank Better now?
@kim366 - There's a fine line to be walked when it comes to variable naming. "What should I name my variable for {this purpose}?" is off-topic, but "Is there a hypernym for {a} and {b}?" sounds on-topic to me. Your edited version is definitely on-topic as far as I'm concerned (but others may disagree...)
You could use peripheral input. Still generic but does specify that it is a peripheral. The most common computer peripherals are keyboards and mice but others include printers, scanners, pens, touchpads, joysticks, cameras, microphones, etc.
@AndyT Okay, thanks for the feedback! Still don't have an idea for the original question? :)
@AndyT Despite the fact that we know it's for a variable, I agree with you that the edit is on-topic.
@kim366 - Nope, no better idea, sorry. I posted it as a comment as I thought it unlikely to be any good, but it was all I had. If you'd liked it I would have converted it into an answer.
Tactile input.
Input event...
@Drew A mouseMoveEvent also is an input event...
@kim366: Yes. And a mouse-button click is typically multiple events. In Emacs, for example (for the first mouse button): event down-mouse-1 followed by event mouse-1.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because choosing names for things in computer programs is explicitly offtopic here.

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