syntax, but I'd like to try something more complex.
4 hours later…
@Pavel In the session (the REPL) you can separate statements with
(APL+backtick). Otherwise you can open the real editor with )ed foo
and then type ←{
and press Enter. Line breaks separate statements too.
@Pavel It is all integrated. Enter
)ed foo
for a function, )ed →foo
for a character vector, )ed ○foo
for a class, etc. See here for all available squiggles. Alternatively, you can create the object in the REPL to set its type, and then edit it with just )ed foo
(or double-click its name). E.g. create a character vector with foo←''
or a vector of character vectors with foo←'' ''
@Pavel The best way to save an object to disk is using
]save myobject path\folder` This creates a human readable text file (.dyalog extension) which you can either edit with your favourite editor, double-click to use Dyalog's stand-alone editor, or
]load path\folder\myobject` from the REPL to )ed myobject
further or just to use it.
5 hours later…
We are on the way ... let #Dyalog17 commence ... see you soon 😄 https://t.co/ac64kQKThn
Tweeted by dyalogapl on September 8, 2017 at 11:09 AM
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
Nearly there ... the final leg! https://t.co/YWEdnTSBTt
Tweeted by dyalogapl on September 8, 2017 at 6:03 PM
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