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I wish all the candidates "mazal tov" even if "en mazal l'yisra'el". This election, so far, is going more smoothly and is more civilized than Trump vs. Clinton!
Just one mod id being elected, or more than one? Is this a replacement or addition? If replacement, who's leaving, or is this a surprise?
@DanF One mod is being added. No one is stepping down.
The data file contains the complete ballots (anonymized). You can see how many people voted for any given candidate as first, second, or third choice by slogging through the data by hand or writing code. You cannot see who cast those ballots, and nobody can see that data until the election is over -- there's no access to votes in progress. (I did some post-election analysis to understand how the voters felt about me, BTW.) — Monica Cellio ♦ 11 hours ago
I've been thinking about that
do we happen to know that the order of the votes in the data file aren't in the order they were cast?
because if they are in that order, we could cross-reference with the order the constituent badges were awarded to figure out who voted for whom
@GraceNote ^^^ That would be a big bug.
Q: Why do we say Mazel Tov? Shouldn't we thank Hashem?

wayonWhy do we say "Mazel Tov" when something good happens to a person? Doesn't that mean "good luck?" Are we saying that what happened, happened because of luck?

@Daniel are they not in an order sorted by first-place vote or something like that?
A: Why do we say besha tova instead of mazal tov?

Shimon bMAs this article on Balashon makes clear, mazal tov was originally used in the same way as we would say "good luck" in English - ie: an expression of goodwill for an event yet to occur. It was an expression, therefore, that was used when congratulating pregnant women, and not said after the child'...

@DoubleAA It looks like you could be right
yeah, the data file from the last election looks like it's grouped by first, then second, then third choice
so that's good news
(though interestingly it's not sorted in numerical order)
(nor does it seem to be sorted by popularity)
2 hours later…
@Daniel I think this was addressed in an earlier election but let me doublecheck
Yeah, we changed it so that the order of the ballots is by who was voted for, not who voted or when they voted, so those two are no longer retrievable in such a fashion

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