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@DJMcMayhem VimMC: Without looking it up, can you say what happens if you do :%s/&&/& in a file containing &&.
because I was really confused :)
@DJMcMayhem But it is pretty much impossible to create an incoming wave front like the one displayed here:)
4 hours later…
@flawr Uhmmm, see it's more confusing because there's also the :& command, but I don't think factors in here. So I think that searches for the first instance of "&&" on every line and replaces it with "&&"
You could also use & as a flag afterwards, so :%s/&&/&/& :P
Ok I see, you cannot be fooled:) I basically wanted to replace all && in this file with a single &, and exactly how you predicted - nothing happened.
You underestimate how much time I spend using vim every single day
Do you do all your coding in vim?
No, I use visual studio a lot, but I use a plugin to give it vim keybindings
I recently found out that there is a vim plugin for pycharm, but somehow I always break it.
Yeah, the command line mode in VsVim is quite lacking
@El'endiaStarman I guess some more context: this has to do with IRL experience of cutting across rectangular fields of grass vs walking on the sidewalk around the edge. The simpler rule of thumb is "about half the length of the shortest side" because it takes 0.5 seconds to look and visualize your distance savings.
1 hour later…
@PhiNotPi Oh that's neat.
2 hours later…
This video was great. Recommended for @flawr since it goes over some chord theory, but nothing too complex
Towards the end, it also started to touch on something I've noticed: The more you listen to a particular genre, the more you start appreciating things in that genre. It almost expands your capability to enjoy certain kinds of music.
I've certainly noticed that I appreciate metal in a different way than I used to
@DJMcMayhem Even goes for albums: Somtimes I find some song that I like and buy the whole album and usually only really start to like the other pieces after listening through a few times.
@DJMcMayhem that was great, thanks for sharing!
I thought it was hilarious when he played the Mudvayne clip :D
It feels a lot of what he discusses would tie in very well with the ideas Kahnemann presents in "Thinking, Fast and Slow" - I highly recommend reading it:)
@flawr Looking at that, it seems similar to Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
@DJMcMayhem I've read that too, but I like Kahnemanns book better so far.
It's really neat how he presents their discoveries or claims with experiments you can immeadiately do while reading the book.

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