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A: Golf a number bigger than TREE(3)

Simply Beautiful ArtNew Ruby, 234 bytes, ~ Hψ(φΩ(ω))(9) where H is the Hardy hierarchy, ψ is an extended version of Madore's OCF (will explain below) and φ is the Veblen function. Try it online! def f(a,n=0,b=a)c,d,e=a;g=a.size;n<1?(a.class!=Array):b==1?(a==1?n:f(f(a,n),n*n,1)):f(a)?(a>1?a-1:n):g<1?h(b,n-1):g<2?[...

@SimplyBeautifulArt @wizzwizz4 @fejfo It should be fixed, golfed (over 234 bytes now!) and way too big.
Or at least I hope so
Only so much testing and trial I can do in such short time.
Explanation without ordinals:

f(a) returns false if a is an array and false otherwise.

f(a,n,1) is approximately the Hardy hierarchy H_Ord(a)(n), where Ord(a) is the corresponding ordinal for a.
f(1,n,1) = n
f(a,n,1) = f(f(a,n),n,1), a ≠ 1

f(a,n,b=a) reduces an array recursively. (if no third argument given, it takes the first argument twice.)
f(0,n) = n
f(k,n) = k-1, k is an int greater than 1. (Note that we'll never reach f(1,n) since f(a,n,1) already takes care of the case a = 1.)
f([],n,b) = h(b,n-1)
Sorry, just need to save this real quick.
@El'endiaStarman If you wish you may remove the last two messages.
Or any other mod in here who sees fit.
lol... fun stuff
Does anyone know how many digits are in TREE(3)? I've looked around and all I've found is that it's too big to easily describe. Is it more or less than 2E15? — Engineer Toast 23 hours ago
@EngineerToast about log(TREE(3)), which is much larger than tree(7) (note TREE and tree are different functions). — PyRulez 20 hours ago
@PyRulez I couldn't find much on that but I did find something about Graham's number: "Writing out the number of digits it has would take more atoms that can be found on the planet, and that wouldn't even be remotely close!" Since TREE(3) is insanely larger than that, I'm going to say it's longer than 2E15 digits. Printing 9s for the next 7,000 years is not a valid solution, then. — Engineer Toast 19 hours ago
@EngineerToast See this comment. It more or less transcribes into "the amount of digits of TREE(3) are so large, that it's on the same magnitude of TREE(3)." Generally, once numbers reach the scale of 1E(1E(1E(1E(1E(1E(...)))))) we say "the amount of digits" looks practically the same as the number itself. (hopefully that makes sense) — Simply Beautiful Art 9 mins ago
A: Shortest terminating program whose output size exceeds Graham's number

gzbzPHP (23 bytes) Long time lurker, first time poster here. Been enjoying lurking here, so i thought i would participate for once :) I read rule number 4 as we could output anything aslong as the bytesize of the output is greater than Grahams number, so i went a slightly different road than calcul...

Yeah, all in the same spirits.
Sure is disappointing it got 3 upvotes from people who had no idea about Graham's number lol
I found ^ this rather interesting
I knew that Musk was trying to make things cheap (especially with reusable components), but I had never thought about all of the other things he's doing as trying to lower the price
5 hours later…
@Americans: Do you ever use SI-prefixes for USCS units?
@flawr Don't even understand the acronyms cuz I'm 'merican.
for instance kilopounds or nanomiles or dekacups
SI = Système International (d'Unités) commonly referred to as "metric" (at least in the US)
USCS = US Customary System
Oh, ew
Apparently decifeet and centifeet are used sometimes: (on "engineers tapes" ustape.com/catalog/engineers-tapes)
Well they probably don't call it decifeet or centifeet:)
For when you need to be scientific, but not too scientific?
^ Oddly related to what I'm doing right now
One of your omegas fell over...
No, the epsilon fell over :)
I couldn't decide which to say :)
TIL that there are two kinds of fluid ounces in the USA
It's the kind of misleading measurement system that makes a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of gold
@flawr perhaps one centifoot is the average size of a centipede? :)
2 hours later…
Oh yeah! And if anyone ( particularly @wizzwizz4 and @fejfo ) wish to consider reading and/or partaking in conversations and in-depth explanations on how to construct and expand ordinal collapsing functions, check out Mathworks.

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