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I tried posting an answer on Math.SE so that I could post on the Prime Walk question, one thing lead to another now I'm incredibly intimidated.
I pretty much only post questions that I've discussed extensively here to ensure I know what I'm talking about
Well, I posted on one relating to Prime Walks.
@ATaco I know right? It becomes incredibly clear there how many people know a lot more about math than you do.
And I say this as someone who graduated with a BS in Applied Math.
2 hours later…
Is it possible to tile a sphere such that every point where tiles meet touch the same number of edges leading to other points, for an arbitrary number of points?
For example, a cube works for 6 points
I don't think that it is, because of the limited number of regular platonic solids, but I'm unsure
Ideally, this would form a (semi, at least) isometric grid on the sphere
It's definitely possible if you don't require that edge lengths be the same everywhere.
So no creating 2 perpendicular equators, and running circles perpendicular to those, a la a globe with only 4 longitude lines
@El'endiaStarman How would I go about doing this for a semi-arbitrary number? (i.e. evens)
Anyway, it seems like Archimedean solids might be a good thing for you to look at.
I was looking for something like that, but didn't know what they were called
You could perhaps try subdividing edges of polygons that meet that criteria indefinitely. I'm not sure if that would continue to satisfy the every-vertex-has-the-same-number-of-edges condition though.
I was thinking about this SE question:
Q: Help with a prime number spiral which turns 90 degrees at each prime

KarlI awoke with the following puzzle and I would like to investigate but the answer may require some programming (it may not either). I have asked on the meta site and believe the question to be suitable and hopefully interesting for the community. I will try to explain the puzzle as best I can th...

I'd be curious to see what a random walk that follows the same random distribution looks like
like, I imagine that we have some sort of distribution of the first order differences of primes
If we take that distribution, and select a random number, and turn 90 degrees every time, I bet we'll get similar shapes
Thoughts on adding more points to a preexisting isometric archimedean solid:
Because they are isometric, there will be a set of similar edges that touch every point once and only once between all of them (I think).
If we remove this edge, the "same # of edges touching every point" condition still holds - With just 1 less edge for every point. This will in turn create a face with a larger number of edges.
If we do this until we get a face with the same number of edges as the number of edges that touch each point + 1, we can place an extra point in every one of those faces, and connect
But can it be done indefinitely?
And in all conditions?
Here's an example, where orange are the new points, and black are new edges.
The square could be divided because it had 4 edges, and 3 edges were previously connected to every point:
Only now it can't be done further, because you can't get rid of an edge between 2 triangles, as It would create an uneven # of edges connected to each point...
Not sure the above is right, I have no clue really. The problem is doing this for a semi-arbitrary number of points
I mean, this sort of thing is really close
Also, Another Question, How does one render the Prime Walk in 3D?
The answer: Lie
That's not 3D, that's just 120 degree angles ;P
You got me
But it tricks the eye pretty nicely.
Especially with the "axis lines" ;)
And people say Math isn't art.
You need to make the line thicker as it moves "towards" you and smaller as it moves "away". Probably a lot more complicated, but possibly worth
To do that I'd need to actually track its position.
And If I'm doing that, what's even the point?
Adding a bunch of grid lines helps.
How easy is it to change the line thickness?
@ATaco That really helps the illusion
I can change the thickness of any line easily
@El'endiaStarman I'll look into that tonight. Meanwhile here is up to (17,0). (13,2) is the record both in terms of distance and steps so far, and I have no clue how long 17,1 as been running for
{2,1} => {19,6}         (10 steps)
{3,0} => {34,7}         (14 steps)
{3,1} => {48,7}         (31 steps)
{4,1} => {67,18}        (21 steps)
{5,0} => {10,3}         (2 steps)
{5,1} => {1351,405}     (484 steps)
{5,2} => {33,10}        (16 steps)
{6,1} => {53,21}        (14 steps)
{6,3} => {47,9}         (12 steps)
{7,0} => {19,7}         (3 steps)
{7,1} => {73,31}        (17 steps)
{7,2} => {1183,540}     (315 steps)
{7,3} => {58,15}        (15 steps)
Going back to the prime rings/hexes: seeing how sparse they are, they might make a nice fastest-code challenge.
2 hours later…
@ATaco You need to make two images each from a slightly different direction, such that we can see it in 3d using crossview/parallel view:)
@flawr I think for that they'd first need to stop faking an isometric perspective :P
@MartinEnder Ah, it never occurred to me that this might be a problem.
But I wonder, is it really a problem to have an isometric projection instead of a perspective projection for PW/CW?
hm, don't really know, but I'd imagine that's not what our brains are used to
that said, even with isometric perspective, I'm not sure how easy it is to rotate the projection without constructing the full 3D representation
I just did the experiment with my non existing blender skills.
(This is for crossview, not parallel view)
I do get an effect here, with the bottom one, but the top one feels a little bit more natural.
In blender the bottom one was called orthographic projection.
I always have a problem telling them apart.
I can't really do side-by-side stereograms. Even if I manage to lock my eyes on the two separate images, they just refuse to refocus. The onyl stereograms that work for me are those hidden images like orig14.deviantart.net/18f2/f/2017/022/5/4/…
So combinatory logic + lambda calculus are on-topic here right?
I suppose they are.
@Zgarb Is a combinator that takes in Church numerals (which have been converted to combinators, and are all put in a single wrapped bracket) and outputs the successor of that Church numeral possible?
I'm guessing the answer is "yes"
BTW, the combinators are made from the normal 6 rules from the T thing on Wikipedia, and n-reduction
What do you mean by "put in a single wrapped bracket"?
So 0 = (K I), 1 = I, 2 = (S (S (K S) K) I)
@flawr If it doesn't require additional effort, I recommend producing images that work for both cross view and parallel view, so that people can use whichever they find most natural. All it takes is to display the left image again on the right (so you have left view, right view, left view), and then people can choose to look at whichever pair suits them.
@Qwerp-Derp I still don't understand. If your combinator is called T, what property do you want it to have?
@MartinEnder Those hidden images (I think they are called autostereograms) use parallel view i.e. your eyes look to infinity (but focus on the screen), for crossview the rays cross between your eyes and the screen. It does take some practice but it is really fun. I learned both now, but prefer Crossview, as you can view bigger images. I recommend checking out reddit.com/r/CrossView and reddit.com/r/ParallelView
@Zgarb Takes one arg, which is a Church numeral converted to combinators, and outputs the successor (also in Church numeral format converted to combinators)
@trichoplax Yes I did not think that far, I'm gonna consider it next time=)
So given (K I) as input it must output I or some equivalent
Actualy It would only take 3 images to get both.
And given I it must output (S (S (K S) K) I) or some equivalent
@trichoplax Now try=)
@Qwerp-Derp Okay, just convert the successor lambda term to CL.
@Zgarb? It should be possible right?
@Zgarb Wait does that work?
Use the rules on the Wikipedia page.
It works, because Church numerals have a normal form.
Huh it works, thanks!
I didn't know it was that easy
At least I think it works
@flawr Yes 3 images like that is exactly what I meant :)
I could see the previous cross view ones but I find it less comfortable - this one suits me much better. Thanks!
@flawr I know, I mean that I can't do parallel-view side-by-side either.
@MartinEnder The example image you linked to requires parallel view (looking through the image), so if that's what works for you, you might have more luck with flawr's new image, by looking at the 2nd and 3rd columns. I also find your image much easier to perceive as having depth though - I'm not sure if it's to do with having plenty of detailed texture or the fact that the repeating horizontal pattern means each eye isn't left with a "spare" image that doesn't match to anything in the other eye.
Oh seriously ninjad...
actually, for side-by-side I find parallel view even harder than cross view
I have heard it recommended to look through two tubes for parallel view, so each eye can only see what it is intended to (to remove the ghost images).
Also, I find that for parallel view the image needs to be quite small so that the centres of the images can be closer together than my eyes (so I can line them up without my eyes having to diverge past parallel).
yeah that's the problem I'm having with parallel view side-by-side. I feel like I'd need to turn my eyes "outside" which I can't do. for cross-view I can get both images to line up fairly easily, but then I don't know how to refocus them, so while I can sort of see the 3D effect, it's all blurry.
That's what I dislike about cross view. That eye position only naturally occurs with very close objects, so my eyes try to focus too close. Focusing too far away with parallel view causes much less of a problem, since focusing "at infinity" is close enough for objects that aren't very near
that makes sense
I guess you could use your image as a guide - however far apart the repeating patterns are at the distance you view it comfortably, you need the parallel view images to be spaced similarly to convince your brain that it's 3D rather than just distorted
About Eisenstein primes, I wonder if there are any clusters of more than 6 connected primes (aside from the blob around the origin).
When three primes are connected around a composite number, I can never see another connected prime that isn't adjacent to that composite number (so there's partial rings of 2,3,4,5 primes and the full rings, but I can't see e.g. a 4-prime zigzag).
then again, seeing how rare the prime rings are, it's very likely that these exist but won't be found by hand/eye.
maybe I should write a sieve using small Eisenstein primes to see the resulting pattern. maybe a combination of sieving with a few small primes will already show that no such connected regions can exist.
LCM of a list of Eisenstein primes might be a fun challenge.
I'm not familiar with Eisenstein integers (and staring at the Wikipedia page isn't doing much to change that...). Do they factor uniquely into Eisenstein primes, up to choice of unit?
I'm not sure, but I would assume so.
Also I just started out with the sieve, and merely sieving with (2,1) and (2,0) disconnects all hexagons
Does that mean you need to consider larger primes, or that you have excluded the possibility of it working for any larger primes?
@trichoplax it means I've concluded that it's impossible for larger connected groups to exist
because adding more primes to the sieve will just remove more candidate positions from the grid
Ah I see - the image really helps! So even if it is possible to have full hexagons further out, they will never have any adjacent primes not in the hexagon?
@trichoplax Yes, all the integers of cylcotomic fields of the form Q(exp(2*pi*i/p)) where p < 23 is prime are unique factorization domains.
@trichoplax not sure if you were following the transcript yesterday, but we established that these full hexagon rings actually exist (and there's a good chance that there's infinitely many of them), but they are very rare
well not very, I guess. but a lot rarer than one might think
@MartinEnder I followed to the point that you were wondering, but I missed the part where you established it
and after that there are some more observations
@MartinEnder You mean that you haven't seen any instances where three primes form half a ring and a fourth prime is opposite them? 'cause I just found one of those.
@El'endiaStarman no I mean, three primes that form half a ring and then either a fourth one connected to them to form a Y-shape, or to form a zigzag shape
and the sieve image above should prove that those can't exist
Ahhh, I see.
I wonder if two complete hexagons can be as close as possible (separated by only one blank, like in your sieve image)
adding (3,1) to the sieve gives a minimum distance of (10,8)
well not quite
but something on the order of that
no actually, that's right
that's the period of the grid you get from sieving with those three, and there's only one full hexagon per period
@trichoplax Martin posted a zoomed-out image of the first couple dozen of hexes:
21 hours ago, by Martin Ender
user image
Well, that's more like 50 than 24, but whatever. :P
it's 72 :P
...confirmed: I do not have savant-level counting skills. :P
So the first half dozen dozen
Nice to have round numbers...
half a gross
@MartinEnder adding (4,1) into that does not bring down the distance further. the period of the grid increases to (32,34) but now there are several hexes from the previous sieve left in each period.
I wonder at what point they get separated by multiples of 14
This is how I remember TNB being in the past, where I'd be regularly out of my depth but consistently interested
sorry, in case my last comment seemed random, we found yesterday that the components of all prime rings except the first one are multiples of 14 for whatever reason.
@flawr Took me a while to work out what that means, but I think I see now. Thanks. Is 23 where the uniqueness fails or has it just not been proven unique beyond that?
@MartinEnder I saw that in what you linked to today, so it didn't seem random
I read around the linked parts a bit
ah, alright :)
So far you've just noticed the separation of 14, and it's not certain it will continue indefinitely?
I haven't tried proving it, no. Although I have a feeling that if I extend the sieve sufficiently, it can be shown quite easily.
fun observation while collection some small primes: the hexagonal ring around the origin that goes through (8,0) is the first one without any primes (apart from the trivial ones through (1,0) and (0,0))
@trichoplax No, the uniqueness fails, you can construct counterexamples. (note that there should be a >= instead of a > in mathworld.wolfram.com/CyclotomicInteger.html)
@flawr Does uniqueness fail for every prime p>=23?
@MartinEnder I can't work out what the red point is. I'm assuming it can't be the origin since there are primes in the gaps otherwise
@trichoplax I think that's the integers after sieving out multiples of (2,0) and (2,1), so the red point is probably the origin.
That would mean they'd sieved out the side length 2 hexagon of primes around the origin. What am I missing?
Oh - multiple of unit - ignore me
That side length 2 hexagon is precisely those integers that are a unit multiple of (2,0) or (2,1). I was forgetting there are more than one "one".
Eh, I think it's more an indication that Martin was too lazy to ensure that the variants of (2,0) and (2,1) weren't kept (and he didn't bother to take out (0,0) and variants of (1,0).
What El'endia said.
@MartinEnder uhhh... this is the only such ring up to a = 10,000
@flawr Apollonian Gaskets on meth?
@MartinEnder Well, that's astonishing.
The images of the circle through (1,0,1i), under all möbius transformations with det=1 and prime coefficients with real and imaginary part <= 5
- Are there prime-free hex rings beyond a = 8?
- What's the distribution of prime rings/hexes?
- Are all prime rings centred on coordinates that are divisible by 14?
- What's the distribution of distances you can reach by jumping between primes with fixed step sizes?
^ some random questions that have cropped up so far
If we use the representation a+b * exp(2 * pi * i/6) of the ironstone integers, is it correct that if a ring has center (a,b), then the points in that ring have coordinates {(a,b+1),(a,b-1),(a-1,b),(a+1,b), (a-1,b+1),(a+1,b-1)}?
for the usual representation the last two simply become +1,+1 and -1,-1
The usual representation is using exp(2*pi*i/3) as second basis vector?
Google is disappointing me. Searching for "ironstone integers" isn't turning up any math.
@El'endiaStarman But you're learning German?=)
@flawr I haven't learned the words for "iron" or "stone" yet. :P
stone = Stein, iron = Eisen
.......well then.
ironstone = Eisenstein
Okay, sieving with (2,0) and (7,0) only leaves rings on multiples of (28,14).
So you're a wall paper designer now?
gotta earn your living somehow
Whoops, my statement was wrong. I didn't sieve with (2,0) and (7,0) (although I was going to). That sieve was generated with (2,0), (2,1), (3,1) and its conjugate (2,-1) which I forgot to add in earlier.
Anyway, that ticks one of the questions off the list. :)
(14,-14) is probably a better representative of the period because it minimises the absolute value of both components
Does anyone object to a policy in this room of clearing stars on stupid jokes so we can keep the starboard interesting with diagrams/animations/links to interesting posts or videos?
I don't mind star-clearing, but I don't really want to make a policy of it :P
Well "policy" is probably the wrong word. What I meant is would anyone mind if a mod occasionally cleared some stars on the chatty stuff in favour of more interesting posts with mathematical content.
I wouldn't mind that.
I'd hate to be the one making the judgement call, but if you want to, go ahead
if anybody else would want to, I have no qualms making others room owners
Being able to see more useful things on the starboard sounds good to me.
Awww, but my pun was so witty... (I agree though.)
1 hour later…
On another note: I have an algorithm for this challenge (it's a golf, but I got interested in optimizing runtime) that runs in O(k*d(k)) time, where k is the size of the input and d is the divisor function (number of divisors). I'd really like to know if this can be improved.
The idea is that given an m*n matrix with p ones, we know that if it can be divided into grid, the number a of horizontal rows of grid cells divides p and is at most m, and the number of vertical columns of grid cells is then b = p/a. So we loop through those numbers (this is the d(k) factor). Once a has been fixed, we know that between any two vertical lines there are exactly a ones, and between two horizontal lines there are b ones.
Thus we can choose (greedily) any positions for the grid lines that satisfy these conditions. Finally, we check that each grid cell actually contains exactly one 1 (this is the k factor in the runtime).
Somehow it feels wrong to just loop through the entire array as the last step in the inner loop, but I don't know what to precompute to make it faster. It's of course possible this approach is already optimal (it's asymptotically faster than O(k^(1+e)) for any positive e, and no algorithm can be faster than O(k)).
That's a neat solution. :)
Wouldn't the greedy assignment simply fail on invalid grids?
i.e. on an invalid grid, you'd end up having to add multiple 1s at once which kick you over the next multiple of a (or b).
that might reduce it to something like O(k + (m+n)*d(k))
the O(k) is precomputing row and column sums
Yeah, if the lines can't be assigned, we skip to the next value of a.
then why do you need the verification step at the end?
I think I see
Otherwise you'd get false positives on grids like [[1 0 0] [1 0 0] [0 1 1]]
Okay, [[1 1 0 0] [1 1 0 0] [0 0 1 1] [0 0 1 1]] is a better example
why did the first example not work? (as an example)
It does, I just momentarily didn't see why.
And yeah, you can precompute row and column sums, but the asymptotic runtime doesn't change.
well if the precomputation allows you to reduce it to O(k + ...) instead of O(k*...) that should be an improvement.
But I still have to scan the entire array after I have chosen the grid lines, potentially for every choice of a.
yes, of course. that was still under the assumption that this check wasn't necessary with early exit during the greedy assignment.
@Zgarb the good thing about this is example is that it shows that row and column sums don't add any useful information for the check, because I can construct a valid input with the same sums.
That's true.
One can find necessary splits in O(k) but that won't help the asymptotic complexity (although I'm sure it would bring down the average runtime considerably for random inputs).
Yeah, and empty rows and columns can be removed from sparse inputs.
actually, one thing that the row and column sums do help you with is that they give you a lower bound on a and b.
I can probably still construct matrices where these bounds are both 1 though
(which means it won't help your worst case complexity)
Well, if all row sums are at most 1, you can choose only horizontal lines and be done with it.
oh, I didn't consider that option
in that case, this might help after all
heading out for now, but I'll think about this a bit

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