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i proved
that if $X$ is connected and every point is a cut point
and $Y$ is a compact space
and $X$ is dense in $Y$
and $Y\setminus X$ is connected
then $Y$ has NO cut points
so for example $X=\mathbb R$ and $Y=S^1$
cut point is a pt removing which disconnects the space, yeah?
k. understand your example
that's really cool
yes now we need to think of some related problems
I started this room to collect ideas
sounds fun
Open Problem 1:
If $X$ is as above, then does $X$ have a compactification w/ no cut pts?
this is difficult
because consider this example
let $S$ be connected and not locally compact
yeah for nice spaces it's just one-pt compactification
but take a countable infinite subset of $\beta S \setminus S$
call it $C$.
Now let $X=(\beta S)\setminus C$
Then $X$ is a connected space but there is no $Y$ such that $Y\setminus X$ is connected
because $C$ maps onto every $Y\setminus X$
so $Y\setminus X$ is countable, and therefore not connected
so you may not be able to apply my theorem to X
it seems strange
you could also investigate compactifications of cut(n) spaces
cut(n) space is a space such that every $n$ points disconnects it but no smaller set does
so $S^1$ is a cut(2) space
like, does every cut(1) space have a cut(2) compactification?
and in general cut(n) space has cut(m) compactification what is the relationship btwn n and m
this has not been studied
interesting questions
basically I have a 2 page "paper" and need more stuff for it :)
it seems related to graph theory somehow
oh speaking of
do you know an example of a T1 space such that every point disconnects it into 3 pieces?
yes, there is even a metric example
what's that
but somehow there is no separable example
you start with $I=[0,1]$
then to each point you attach another $I$
and you continue $\omega$ many times
so that a point in the space is something with $n$ coordinates
it tells you where to go along the $I$'s
then the metric is like the taxicab metric
yeah this is something like the example Mike gave
remove any point and it should have 3 connected pieces
is that right
oh yes its right
and you can do something similar to get any number of pieces
but this is not separable
what about the rational points in all the intervals
damn uncountable
now I do not know if this space $X$ has a compactification with $Y\setminus X$ connected
oh dear dear
because it is also not locally compact
so it's possible that this would be a good counterexample
yeah. i am just grossed out by the thought of compactifying this
well you could simply take $X$ and the set of all infinite sequences
and find a way to topologize that
like the Cantor tree leads to the Cantor set
yeah, just adjoin the end
should be very possible. neat idea
if its a counterexample, it would solve a big open problem
see, every separable metric space $X$ has a $Y$ such that $Y\setminus X$ is connected
but for metric spaces in general this is open
that's a 2008 result
i dont know what other problems to consider
what if you take that set $X=\beta S\setminus C$
i gotta finish this computation i am doing tho
and attach an arc to each remaining point in $\beta S\setminus S$
you can make a space with all cut points
and no connected $Y\setminus X$
thats an idea
but you would have to make the arcs shrink to length $0$ everywhere
i dunno much about the stone-cech compactification
its big
and not first countable
so its a little difficult to think of attaching things to it
fair nuff
I'm gonna think about this example for a while

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