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Hi! First question here - how much Rep does a member need to vote in a Moderator Election?
@LaurentR. 150 rep
2 hours later…
@LaurentR. welcome! A list of privileges available for different reputation levels is available here:
... which strangely doesn't actually contain the one you asked about :-S
11 hours later…
@LaurentR. This explains the requirements a little, but since different sites have different bars I'm actually having a hard time finding a reference but I memory suggests @curiousdannii's 150 number is correct. I think you may need 300 to nominate yourself as a candidate but you shouldn't need much to vote.
A: There's an election going on. What's happening and how does it work?

ben is uǝq backwardsWhat's happening? The community is electing diamond ♦ moderators; those individuals responsible for moderating the site the election is happening on. Moderators are elected by a three phase process: Phase 1: Nomination Duration: 7 days Anyone may nominate themselves to be a moderator as long...

In other words there is time for you to earn that much in the next week before elections end. A couple good posts is all it takes.
300 is right for nominating:
> In the nomination phase, any community member in good standing with more than 300 reputation may nominate themselves to be a community moderator.
Ah yes, change tabs in the election page and you get help in the sidebar about that phase:
> Any community member with 150 reputation may vote in the election. Each voter may select up to three candidates. Please make your selections in order of preference, with the most desirable candidate as first choice.
The same goes for primaries, although if we don't get 5 more nominations soon we won't have those:
> In the primary phase, all nominees advance to preliminary community voting. Any community member with 150 reputation may vote in the primary.
6 hours later…
@JennyTengsonMandani I would like to as well, but I suspect that his RL tasking may not allow the time investment.

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