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Q: Restriction of roles

user36188Is there any possiblity to restrict roles for particular profile or user in salesforce ,If possible How? Can anyone guide me for the Answer

Considering you've asked basically the same question four times today, I believe you may be having an X-Y Problem. Please, just tell us what you're trying to do, and let us help you.
@sfdcfox I am not get the Answer, thats why posted differently
I understand, but it appears that you're asking about solving one problem to solve another problem. None of the questions explain why you're trying to do what you're trying to do, which makes me think you're asking about a bunch of Y problems instead of an X problem. Please read the link I provided above.
ok @sfdcfox what you want,I will explain my problem to you
Userrole object is not accessible for particular user why? That is my Problem@sfdcfox,That is standard object for salesforce,if i go to object settings permissions also it is not showing there to enable permissions
I don't think anyone knows why. You're still asking a Y question. Who is this user? What is their profile and user role? Why do they need access to the user role object? Just state your primary goal.
ok just a minute,I will explain @sfdcfox
Sfdcfox can you come to chat
wait i will send screenshot
sfdcfox I am using webadmin console
using kinvey
Well, all of this info is good to put in to your question. We need to know what you're trying to do, not just the symptoms.
sfdcfox please see the screenshot
I am login with the particular user,it is not showing userrole object
for userroleid we have to use userrole as reference
Please post the screenshot where it is not showing userrole object
I have posted there
for userroleid
only for particular user
You mean in the dropdown user role object is not displayed in the screenshot?
that to particular profile and role
In dropdown it is not showing
That is my problem
User should have "Manage Users" permission then only you will see Userrole object in that dropdown
It is in the list.
@javanoob no, docs say that all users have access to the object. I checked just to be sure.
The list is showing the label for the objects. UserRole is simply listed as "Role", and it appears directly above the User entry (highlighted in screenshot).
what i have to do to show
@sfdcfox You are correct! Thanks
@sfdcfox what i have to do
Use the Role object.
Role = UserRole.
for other users it is showing role,uesrrole and user
but this user only not showing
why @sfdcfox
It's nothing to do with the user's permission. I suspect maybe logged in with a different API version?
what i have to do
I don't think it's anything to do with Salesforce directly. It may be a bug with the software you're using. I don't think there is anything you can do.
Bug with software means
why remaining users it is showing,but this user not showing
@user36188 Can you post the screenshot of where you are seeing userrole, role and user in that dropdown list? Just to be sure.
see this screenshot This is another user log into the salesforce ,but it is showing in the dropdown
Thats why I am asking@sfdcfox
Are you there @sfdcfox
Can you select User role in the drop down and see what fields it displays?
Id and Name field
I'm thinking. I suspect User Role is a custom object.
Userrole is a Standard object in salesforce@sfdcfox
And the user missing it does not have Read permission on that custom object.
Check Setup > Create > Objects.
Please post screenshot of the fields it displays when you select user role in the dropdown
A label is just a label.
You can create a custom object and call it User Role.
Just humor me and take a look at your custom objects.
userrole is a standard object,check in google
I'm saying there are two objects: UserRole, and User_Role__c.
It's the only obvious answer.
@user36188 you are talking to salesforce fox ..LOL
wait i will post the screenshots
only one object sfdcfox
@javanoob and @sfdcfox please see above screenshot for userrole object
I need to see your Salesforce setup.
That screenshot does not prove that it is standard object
ok wait i will check
When you create custom object, you get those two fields. Don't get confused with those two fields.
The standard UserRole has additional fields, like ParentId, ForecastUserId, etc. It would not be empty like this.
In My salesforce setup,there is no userrole object
you want screenshot for custom object
post screenshot
for my salesforce setup
yes, please
ok wait
Oh, actually.
Hmm, no wait.
It should be a custom object.
I will post the custom object setup
see my salesforce setup custom object
user role starts with u
but in U there is no Custom object
Is it in the same org?
Is it sandbox? or production? or developer edition?
Userrole is a standard object, it is restricted for particular user
Which user did you login as?
which user means
User License - salesforce
According to the documentation, it is impossible to restrict access to the standard object.
Can you please check one more thing?
ok tell
In Salesforce, click on Developer Console.
for admin user
Then choose File > Open Resource.
Yes, please.
ok wait
ok then
In Open Resource dialog, type in *User*Role*.obj
yes typed
How many entries are in the list?
only one
you want screenshot
No, that's okay.
@sfdcfox see the screenshot
One sec. Researching some stuff.
By the way, when you go to Role, what fields do you see?
In Kinvey
wait i will post screenshot
Take your time, I'm doing some research.
@sfdcfox uploaded
Can you select all the attributes?
Looks like you selected only three attributes? Try selecting all the attributes..
now what i have to do
... Even a Read Only user can query the object. Any Salesforce license should be able to query UserRole.
By the way, the Role object is the custom one, so I was mistaken.
I know because UserRole cannot have custom fields.
ok,what is your suggestion
What is the profile for each of the two users?
And License Type
@sfdcfox you are in EST right?
No, it's only MST here.
And I love a good mystery.
one is :system administrator profile ,License type:salesforce
another is :sales Rep Italy Profile,license type :salesforce
For Sales Rep Italy profile, do they have View Setup and Configuration enabled?
No,I am not able to see the developer console also
wait i will check once
Ok..I see you are in Denver.
That requires a different configuration.
I'm not in Denver, but it's like a 10 minute drive in good traffic to get there.
Yes I am not able to see the View setup
Hmm. Maybe the documentation is wrong, then...
Try this
Create a new Permission Set.
Add View Setup and Configuration to it.
And assign it to the user.
Then try again.
Anyway..Thanks again @sfdcfox Learnt that Userrole cannot have custom object and I liked your way of troubleshooting. Will definitely buy your book once it is published..
Good Night!
sorry..custom field
Good night to you, too! See ya around!
what i have to do@sfdcfox
Setup > Manage Users > Permission Sets
ok ok
I am doing
while creating Permission set , license is asking
How to add View setup and Configuration to the permission set
Click on System Permissions.
yes view setup and Configuration Permission set is there
checkbox is there'
After checking and assign to the user @sfdcfox
ok wait
After that, try testing out your user again in that software.
ok wait
Go ahead and try it now.
If this works, I'm going to go complain to the documentation team.
please wait
Working Done
Thankyou @Sfdcfox
can you describe about the issue
I want to Learn
Userrole is not showing why?
So, the issue is that UserRole is limited by View Setup and Configuration.
We resolved it by adding it to the user's set of permissions.
ok Thank you@sfdcfox
Glad I could help.
You are doing to great job to salesforce developers,My Xy problem is solved
I love doing it. Helping people, solving problems.
And, I learn new stuff. Everyone wins!
Thank you,This issue how i will post in satckexchange
Thats why I am confusing
Permissions problems are usually fairly complex.
It's okay, though.
We got through it.
ok @sfdcfox , Do you have any Personal chat room
If you want, you can add the screenshots and update the question.
Not everytime sometimes more complexity,I will contact you
I recommend that you just post on the SFSE.
There's lots of good people in the community, and I can only help so many people.
I work full time and have a wife and children.
ok Thank You@sfdcfox
for me Lunch time
But, look at my profile, my email is there if you want to drop me a line.
But I usually take a while to respond to email.
Thankyou@ sfdcfox
SFSE is usually much faster than I am.
Have a good lunch!
Bye @sfdcfox

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