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@XanderHenderson: I would like to respond to your this comment:
How much measure theory do you know? — Xander Henderson Jul 31 at 1:42
But don't want to do it there because I don't feel like taking the time to explain the details, which I would have to if queried by Ollie.
Basically, in practice we do not need any measure theory.
You can treat a random variable as the output of a non-deterministic machine. Every time you query that machine, you get some output that may differ from the previous one. Also, you can construct a machine that is essentially a program that can use previously given or constructed machines. So for example you can construct a machine that rolls a die until it shows 6 (the dice is itself a machine), and then outputs the number of rolls taken.
In such a framework, one can still analyze almost all practical probabilistic processes.
Without any measure theory; just reasoning about conditional probabilities according to the program structure.
Does what I say make sense? It's not the conventional way of doing probability theory, but works well in many situations.
@user21820 I wasn't suggesting that the only way to tackle the problem was via measure theory, only that if they knew some measure theory, there was a ready explanation.
2 hours later…
@XanderHenderson Oh okay. I couldn't tell because there weren't any follow up comments.
And technically, even the measure theory explanation is not really ready, because it basically just says that you have to set up a probability space before "random set of reals" even makes sense.
@user21820 There weren't any follow up comments because the one answer that I feel moderately comfortable giving is from a measure theoretic point of view, and the asker would not have been able to use that (I think). It wouldn't have been a very good answer, anyway.
jysd ftu3pj uudshudidsgydsΩ¥u ohdiywi
Do you have a cat?
Lol. Meow!
@XanderHenderson Anyway I think measure theory per se doesn't really help one to construct random objects, in the sense that merely defining them can be a difficult thing in itself. For example, 2 years ago I couldn't figure out how to construct the following:
Q: Defining a uniform distribution of points in the plane

user21820I saw this question, and was wondering what is the best way to describe a random distribution of points in the plane such that the expected number of points in any region of unit area is $c$, where $c$ is a given positive constant, and such that the number of points in every pair of disjoint regi...

The first correct answer was by Shalop, who used the Kolmogorov extension theorem to just finish off the problem. Later I found an 'elementary' way:
A: Defining a uniform distribution of points in the plane

user21820Thanks to Michael and Shalop for the core ideas, here is a rigorous definition and proof. $ \def\nn{\mathbb{N}} \def\zz{\mathbb{Z}} \def\rr{\mathbb{R}} \def\pp{\mathbb{P}} \def\ee{\mathbb{E}} \def\ii{\mathbf{1}} \def\wi{\subseteq} \def\none{\varnothing} \def\t{\text} \def\lsum{{\large\sum}} \def\...

And note that the points where I used MCT do not really need MCT if the 'query' sets one is interested in are simpler (say Jordan-measurable).
@TheSimpliFire: Hello!
@user21820 Hello. Ping!
Haha no sound for me!
Anyway, good to see you here. It's SBA's realm, where anything goes.
Or maybe, everyone. =P
@user21820 ._.
@user21820 :)
@user21820 The sound could definitely be improved. Have you ever though of becoming a mod btw?
@user21820 >:(
@SimplyBeautifulArt I get a little popup though, because I have an addon that tracks tab title changes.
In the corner, where I can ignore/close it if I'm doing something else.
@user21820 I turn it off as well. Just have to rely on seeing a * next to the tab
@TheSimpliFire I have 76 tabs.
It's customizable to track regex title changes.
1 hour later…
transfinite ordinals when
say you what?
@SimplyBeautifulArt How's tricks?
Lol. The irony that we have to look up Google to greet people.
I didn't know that greeting too.
@SimplyBeautifulArt But really, what were you trying to say here?
@user21820 don't you guys count to $\omega$ at night?
@SimplyBeautifulArt No I count to at most 200 or so.
200 isn't a real number. Everything bigger than 3 is made up bs.
@XanderHenderson You just wrote "200".
A (natural) number is just a finite string of decimal digits. Tada!
I typed out three digits next to each other. Those digits represent a nonsensical concept.
It's von Neumann ordinals that aren't real.
(Oh, shoot, new CoC!)
@SimplyBeautifulArt: Advice: Don't feed the t*****.
@user21820 You wanna see my compass and straightedge trisection of an angle?
@XanderHenderson No need. I also got one.
I can trisect the zero angle with zero effort!
How about you?
I trisect all the angles.
You just have to squint a little.
@XanderHenderson I wanna see. After you teach your class. Just don't challenge them to trisect the angle. You will never hear the end of it! =)
3 hours later…
yup... that is the short link
okay, carry on

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