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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

Hello, is there someone here? xd
Maybe @Xam
@Riker And... done!
I was afk
:O I see hehe
@Riker do you like abstract algebra? :p
:/ I'm out of reviews
@Xam not at all
You hurt my feelings xd
@Riker Don't worry about him, its everyone who doesn't do abstract algebra who hurts his feels
And jesus, that was a lot of edits
Yep :/
so much logging
Woop de woop, hope everyone enjoys my edits ;) — Simply Beautiful Art 7 mins ago
@amWhy is up late
Guys can I ask you a question?
don't ask to ask, just ask
well, g'night
I'm gonna ask
Does it happen to you that sometimes there are people who hardly know you and ask for help with their math assignments?
1 hour later…
night @SimplyBeautifulArt
/me is a bit late but eh
1 hour later…
Q: What am I losing if I decide to perform all math by computer?

Ask YourselfI solve mathematical problems every day, some by hand and some with the computer. I wonder: What will I lose if I start doing the mathematical problems only by computer? I've read this text and the author says that as techonology progress happens, we should change our focus to things that are mo...

Still wondering if I should use a CAS
2 hours later…
I mean, if you're trying to do some very tedious calculation or want to plot graphs, I see no reason why taking advantage of a CAS is a bad thing.
But when it comes to learning, I'd say it's probably best to keep use of CASs to a minimum
2 hours later…
Morning all (for whenever you wake up).
I am going to shower though, be back in a few
cya in a few @EricStucky
Need to get around to making breakfast. 1002 here; been busy doing my statistics end of module assignment
lovely day today
no rain
@Zophikel: I'd actually like to talk to you a little bit about this; I'm planning to write a blog post about my computer assistance in solving this problem and I think we might have some things to say to each other :)
it was oddly rainy yesterday; didn't think it would
right now it's 4:30 in the morning so who cares :P
I mean: Nasty day, way too dark. Sad!
1 hour later…
@Xam of course
1 hour later…
@EricStucky yeah I'm here
Also what CAS did you use
free mathematica, more or less
um, what?
sagemath.org < is what I was using, you can try it without an account at sagecell.sagemath.org
sorry forget the last comment
ahh ok
(somehow I didn't notice that you were not the one who asked the question though, derp)
Anyway, the gist here is that when I was trying to come up with this proof, I had to make some estimates at various points
@Eric Stucky can I see the code you used for the proof
you can see it, it's maybe not very insightful
hi this is Zophikel's best friend ever
It's very much a "working man's" document; not meant to be read
This is pretty good it will take a while to digest
no, you really shouldn't waste your time
you can look at it for like
but the logic that got me from the problem to the various computations there is not really
evident from the code itself, or even the final proof
So you used the CAS to automate tedious steps ?
hm, no
I used the CAS to compute numbers that I couldn't compute myself
Ahhhh ok
So you mainly used it for computation
the point was, I was trying to figure out whether the estimates I was using were reasonable
the gka/hka bit is where you can see this most clearly, although, again, not that clearly
hka was computing the actual value of the relevant polynomial (for some reasonable sample of $c$ and $\alpha$)
gka was doing a reasonable symbolic estimate, which turned out to be numerically very bad
the hka code that currently exists was just me being like, hm, I wonder if I can just take a single term and that will still be kind of big?
and yeah, you can see that a single term of the polynomial got me ~1000 whereas the symbolic estimation got me 4/5
so I decided to try to base my proof off of the single-term route instead
and if you look at the answer I ended up writing, you can see that's what actually happens: my $\kappa$ is the relevant term.
@EricStucky I can't wait for your blogpost where you go in depth with this :)
but yeah, roughly speaking, this is what I think a CAS is good for, at least in their current state
it allows you to do numerics to test whether a particular idea is even remotely plausible
Basically there used for testing experimentally computations
in the end, of course, you still need a proof
@EricStucky that's what one of the things I'll need to start doing
but the CAS lets you (quickly) try out ideas to guide your search
'need' is a strong word
I don't use a CAS very often, honestly, or at least I haven't
good point but I've seen some users abuse CAS
of course, that's a thing that can be done :P
So should one use a CAS often or only once in a while
The question sounds kind of strange to me, let me see if I can explain why
I think it's like asking, should you use a hammer often or only once in a while when you're woodworking? The straight answer is: you should use a hammer when you need a hammer. And if you're building houses that's probably going to be a fair bit, but if you're making furniture then it's going to be less often.
So only use CAS for those crazy problems
I don't know what you mean by that :P
@heather !!!
@heather if you'd like, join contest
@EricStucky for problems as difficult as these
Q: Tough Inverse Fourier Transform

Ron GordonIn reference to this answer I gave the other day, I came across a very interesting function whose IFT would be nice to evaluate as part of completing the solution to the problem I answered. The function is this: $$\hat{g}(k) = \frac{1}{k^2}\left (1 - 2 \cosh{\left [ k \left (y-\frac12 \right) \...

So that is really a completely different kind of use for a CAS, Zoph
hmmm actually
not 'completely' I guess
let me see if I can say why this feels different
I guess that the way that I was using the CAS was rather "qualitative": I had an idea and I checked some numbers. I didn't really care if the number was 1000 or 700000. But for the linked problem, the use of the CAS was more "quantitative", in that the CAS really can straight-up tell you 'the answer', if not for the whole problem, then at least for some of the parts (e.g. the symbolic calculation of $I$).
@EricStucky i'm thinking about using a CAS for doing Symbolic Calculations that I don't what to do myself
Ah, so the comment about abusing the CAS makes a little more sense in this context :P
My use of things like calculators is to develop intuition. Then figure out how to solve without a calculator, if it looks possible
^ I think this is optimal, and probably at this stage in your life it should be your goal.
Like for developing tricky squeeze theorem stuff
@heather you can't enter the realm for the first time in months and not say Hi!
You always have the right to use the "I could believe that" star. But you should always feel a little pang of guilt when you do so.
@Simply I'll think i'll use a CAS to assit solving a problem then solve it without
That's how I WolframAlpha my integrals btw
@T.eck you may now speak :)
Are speaking privileges closed in this room?
No, just @T.eck has very low rep
Hm, he might not be able to chat
His network profile says he has no rep, but his chat profile says he has 63 rep from SuperUser
I think
@Mithrandir see above a bit
I see everyone is up and at it :p
@heather you need to join in now that it's the summer
Join join join :D
@SimplyBeautifulArt they should be able to talk, they have explicit write access
Perhaps they just don't choose to :)
:) okay @Mithrandir
@Simply who's @heather
@Zophikel a user
@Zophikel a user who used to be in this chat
hello @SimplyBeautifulArt
Could anyone please teach me something new in maths?
@SBM 1+5=7
It's not? :O
Would this be FRIDAY?! $$\Huge\color{blue}{\text{TGIF}}!!$$
Hi, @Mithrandir!
And @SBM, and @SimplyBeautifulArt, @shredalert
@Riker do you have something against the song?
@amWhy hello. I have to dash off soon, though.
@Riker oh good.
I'm off now. Back in 25 hours or so. Bye!
@Mithrandir I agree with Riker!
Anything interesting?
@SBM gonna learn how to use to a CAS
@Simply I got a C on my film review paper :(
Hi @amWhy
@SBM Computer Algebra System
Oh interesting
Q: Showing the Series $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}c_{n}$ convergences and that it's abel summable to s?

ZophikelIn stein's Fourier Analysis text i'm attempting to verifying my proof that the $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}c_{n}$ converges to a finite limit $s$ then the series is Abel hummable to $s$. My initial attempt can be seen in $(1.)$ $(0.)$ A series of complex numbers $\sum_{}^{}c_k$ is said to be Abel Summa...

@Simply you might like this question there's a series identity I didn't know how to prove :)
@Simply wrote it the comments wifi is slow i'm my school
anyway going through another notebook of mine that I forget about and latexing any proofs I wrote months ago :)
I never liked latex much
Hello, dear friend. I've answered a question (where I first commented to the asker about "adding context" yadda yadda. Then I realized it required some logic in addition to elementary set theory. So I essentially "set up" the question, using logic and its translation into set theory, but not answering the question. Does anything think that the question is such that it is better left unanswered? Or answered fully? Or answered partially? math.stackexchange.com/a/2288079/9003
just didn't appeal to me
plaintext is almost always easier to type
even though it doesn't look quite as nice
@Riker latex is important without how will you communicate online
with plaintext
@Riker do show
my name is riker
I have communicated
@Riker lol
@user21820 Hello there! I've missed you. Seems you're lurking in the shadows, but that's the nature of chats, and I'm likely seen lurking a lot, since I rarely deliberately "leave" chatrooms.
@SimplyBeautifulArt 8-b
@user21820 !
@amWhy 8=P
Or...in the spirit of $$\Huge \text{TGIF} \ddot \smile$$
@Riker, would you prefer "GGIF"?
> Miscellaneous » Foundations. Rate it: GGIF. Glial Growth Inhibitory Factor. Academic & Science » Biology.
It's also known as "Good God it's Friday" Or "goodness gracious, It's Fun."
@Riker Ask @SimplyBeautifulArt I tend to take Friday afternoons in no seriousness, whatsoever. I think my humor might best be described : corny, skewed, teasing, and only on rare rare occations, I've employed my biting sarcasm.
@amWhy kek
Did someone remove a comment of mine? Or did I delete a comment from me?
@Riker Awwwww... so cute. Reminds me of my baby boy Shai!
my (3) cats don't do that
My Shai loves to fetch, catch, and bat!!
1 of my cats sleeps all day
the next runs around doing nothing but running
the last catches animals and brings them to me, dead or alive
The cat I had for 21 years (Mary), twice brought me a mouse! My cats are pretty strictly indoor cats.
@Riker What are their names?
mia, chloe, stormy
Sweet names!
@Riker I was trying to upload a picture my my Shai, but no image posted, and then my browser crashed :(
wot is that image
50 shades of grey, literally? >_>
It was supposed to be my black cat Shai....as an 8week old.
@amWhy FYI I removed it.
@JoErNanO Thank you!
My pleasure. I can now go back to my cave. :)
Where you from, (site) @JoErNanO?
Just curious, that's all; we've adopted a few mods as regulars in this chatroom!
@JoErNanO has left
@SimplyBeautifulArt Na' ah!
@amWhy I'm from Travel. You should come check it out.
shamelessly pitching his own site
How 'bout you @amWhy?
Ooh, fascinating. Indeed, I'll stop in to check out the site!
@JoErNanO is there a traveler's guide?
@SimplyBeautifulArt There's a hitch-hiker’s guide.
Ah, nice
@JoErNanO I'm primarily anchored in math.se. But I'd really like to check out other sites, since I have also mastered in English, Philosophy, and have way more interests than I could summarize in chat post! :)
@amWhy Come to Travel. We have cookies.
you also have annoying events that I still get
And interestingly enough, an incredible amount of toilet questions.
despite not even being pingable from your room :p
Chat event?
That's Mark's fault.
@Riker See it this way: come participate in the events. This way they'll stop being annoying. :)
they're always when I'm sleeping tho :/
I have yet another easy solution for you... :)
.. don't sleep? >_>
Trivia: Who can first name a topic that is not addressed in Area 51, beta, or the entire network
@Riker Bingo!
So who is this @SimplyBeautifulArt and why do they have their own realm?!
Inadvertantly, @JoErNanO You may have aced my trivia question.
I am a mathematician who gathers random people as hostages
@SimplyBeautifulArt And a deranged mathematician at that, who thinks we are his hostages, but we're all here to help him!
@SimplyBeautifulArt And then, also, the Realm gives us an oasis away from the front lines of MSE....
@amWhy That's me. You're welcome. :)
@amWhy celebrity lifestyles
Hey @tuskiomi
My brain is honestly fried
Been bringing up a friend's grades x.x
@Riker Hmmm, I'll have to research this. Note, that that @JoErNanO (intentionally or not) offered the topic "Bingo". But I'll need to wait for others, too, in order to rank the trivia whizzes.
I'll add
14 mins ago, by JoErNanO
So who is this @SimplyBeautifulArt and why do they have their own realm?!
as a competition entry.
@JoErNanO O.O?
Well, so far, we have two legitimate answers: Bingo, and Celebrity lifestyles.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I think @JoErNanO is posing an answer to topics that are not in area 51, beta, nor stackexchange network.
And that nomination is now the third answer.
20 mins ago, by amWhy
Trivia: Who can first name a topic that is not addressed in Area 51, beta, or the entire network
I'm very very reassured that @Riker's answer "celebrity lifestyle" qualifies as a correct answer. NAT (Not a Topic)!
what to do
@shredalert Hmm?
scratches chin
To do, or not to do, that is the Question. Whether 'tis nobler ....... What are you deciding on?
novel or logic book
@shredalert What did you last read? And are you now done for the semester?
Still got an exam and a bit of my stats assignment left
not too stressed about course though, that's all in hand xD
What did you last read? (most recently).
your comment :D
@shredalert :p
I'll read my novel
@shredalert There you go! What novel are you reading, or about to start reading?
Reading Fool's Quest which is, for now, the penultimate book in my favourite series
I was reading it earlier on the bus today while running some chores. A huge bombshell just dropped in the plot which I never thought would happen
It's actually called "Reading Fool's Quest"? BTW Have you ever read Hermann Hesse? (Demian, Steppenwolf, Siddhartha .....,.....) ?
It's called Fool's Quest
On the Hesse
@shredalert Oh that's funny of me: So "Fool's Quest" it is. Hesse was a German author, (novelist and poet) earlier 1950's, 60's, early 70's. The two books that got me hooked were Siddartha and Demian. They have an "otherworldly" feel to them. He's among my top ten novelists (with respect to the novels/poets I've read.) Both those novels I mention are short, but compact.
I think you were the one to recommend The Dispossessed
I bought it
just need to get around to reading it
Cool; Very good book!
I've got a lot of great books to spend the summer on
@shredalert Maybe we should form a reading group/groups for the summer?
I don't mind sharing what I've read.
But I think it would be best if we read the same novel
so we could discuss it
I've got a few on my to read list that would interest some of you
@shredalert That's what I meant: like a "book(s)-club".
I hop into the bookshop and take pictures of books which have interesting summaries :p
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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