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So i'm going through some Elementary stuff to clear any gaps I may have
@Simply you think that's a good idea
@Zophikel Yeah
@Simply pretty much I've decided 75% elementary stuff then 20% other stuff
lol, okay
I'm playing a number game with some weirdos
@Simply i'm working on ODE stuff
i'll have to read up later on Jordan's Lemma and use it to justify the result seen in Stein's Complex Analysis book
@Simply eventually your going to have to work on your fundamentals too you know :)
Yeah I know
Right now I'm working on large numbers :P
5 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt Ah so my guess was right! ε[ω^ω] is still quite high, if you did get up there!
2 hours later…
@Zophikel If you want to go through a topic fast just so you can use the main results I'd recommend video lectures. They are quick and if you can make notes well you'll do fine.
2 hours later…
@user21820 but I think PAIN reaches the three argument Veblen function without any extension
@Rishav hello
Welcome to my realm! =D
@Rishav ... Would you like to try to make the largest number you can?
Not right now, am busy watching bojack horseman.
@Rishav nice, don't really know what that is, but nice
2 hours later…
@shredalert does this initial question look good:mathb.in/136508
@Zophikel don't know enough analysis to say, apologies.
@shredalert i'm speaking about initial format my question
Ah, okay
My plan is when presenting this question is to present what I understand and show what I don't understand
The format is good
@shredalert all right but is it too lengthy for stackexchange
@Zophikel I don't think length is a problem, as long as you are clear with your question.
@shredalert thanks for the help
@shredalert having a little latex trouble see here: mathb.in/136510
Had a perfectly good matrix going then scrwed it up
Surely you could write the matrix in a simpler way in latex
I remember typing up for an assignment and I don't remember using so many backslashes
4 hours later…
@shredalert, @SimplyBeautifulArt, @projectilemotion, @user21820 @Zophikel, @Fawad and everyone that stops in periodically, etc! TGIF! (Celebration that we've reached the end of a work-week!)
That includes you, too, @Deedlit!
For me, at this moment, it is roughly just past the noon-hour, so I might be celebrating too early, by several hours. Oh, well, I deserve to end this week a tad early, so I can get an earlier start to the weekend! ;-)
@amWhy Hope you have lots of fun during the weekend :D
TGIF to you, too, @Xam!
FYI to all: "TGIF" means "Thank God/Goodness It's Friday!" I don't know how global the expression is!
@shredalert You too! Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Thank you @amWhy :-)
@shredalert @Simply @amwhy i've been accepted into the gifted program
Yeah, I definitely like Fridays because in this day I can study math again.
Well, I've just edited my post and now I have to go out. See you guys, have a nice weekend (:
@Zophikel Congratulations!!
No doubt, you deserved the acceptance!
@amWhy Maths, games, reading more Lord of The Rings, gym. :D
Grats @Zophikel!
@shredalert MGLOTRG MaGLotRaG
@amWhy you know it
@shredalert managed to fix it still having trouble with spacking:mathb.in/136532
@shredalert having trouble formatting the matrix
@Zophikel CONGRATS!!! :D Hope thats a good thing.
@amWhy Amen
@Zophikel Matrices suck to format in my opinion
@Zophikel sorry, I was afk. :P
@Zophikel Just practice a little bit. I believe the meta.math.site has a "sandbox" you can search for, where you can practice formatting, or do a rough draft of a question or answer. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes much more natural to do thereafter.
@Zophikel E.g. see this. Just look for an "answer" that says something to the effect of "being free to use." Which just means, you can practice whatever you'd like to with mathjax, and see the output.
@amwhy I have trouble with communicating rigorously
@Zophikel no comment on that
@Simply I was asked to give precise conditions on something but I coundn't
Mmm.... I'd be screwed if I had to provide precise definitions on some things...
luckily, I'm mostly a recreational mathematician.
@amWhy if you can't give a precise definition of something does it mean you don't know it
It means you don't know it in one way
there are actually probably things I can provide precise definitions of, but they aren't at all intuitive
on the other hand, sometimes the precise definition is the way to go.
If you need a definition, just look it up lol
@shredalert Hard to look stuff up where you are the only one who's made the stuff
And wtf is this?
@Zophikel No. Just because you aren't able to find the words you want to explain something in a language, e.g. math, does NOT mean you don't know it.
Agree with @amWhy
Google is your best friend if you are looking for something @Zophikel.
And there goes the ping...
So tired @_@
lol, you keep doing that @SimplyBeautifulArt
@amWhy really for me if I can prove it I can now it
I have to save this to show some of my punny friends
@amWhy what's the right way to learn math
bed time
night all
good night @shredalert
And we hope you have a 'bad time' ;)
@SimplyBeautifulArt I have a math buddy who when I talk to I can't just to the intuition but the rigor and I mean rigsourly define things If I can't give a precise definition to him it mean I don't know it
Hm, its good to have a math buddy... and I suppose we can't impose anything on him... but see if you can find an instance of an unintuitive rigorous definition that can still be intuitive without the full definition
Might actually be a good MSE question, though subject to be closed as off-topic or unclear
@Simply when I talk about math it's intuive but it's not rigours
well yeah
to even talk about something, you need a partially intuitive understanding of what your saying
and I'm gonna go take a shower.
@Simply should one be rigorous when speaking about math
Not when talking I don't think, especially if everyone in the conversation feels comfortable already with the topic
It'd be like a coder speaking C+ to you. Everything is by 'definition', but it probably doesn't make a good conversation unless the other person knows what you mean
@SimplyBeautifulArt is speaking in intuition bad ?
For me, it is an art. As my username implies, I like to speak in intuition
but you should be able to explain something rigorously as well
and talk to you later!
all right @SimplyBeautifulArt
@amWhy is it bad to talk Intuviely when talking about any mathematical topic
also @amWhy is it bad to look i'm defintions and cross check yourself
@Zophikel None of that is bad. The key thing is to know when you can talk intuitively about a math topic, and when to be more "rigorous". For example, in this chat room, you needn't worry about informal or intuitive descriptions or ways of communicating.
@Zophikel And, it is not at all bad to look up a definition, to cross-check yourself. (I do that all the time!)
@amWhy my math buddy said i'm arrogant for not doing basic stuff so i'm really worried if i'm doing stuff wrong
@amWhy If chat room description says "Room for totally random people to hang..." then rigor is probably not required.
@Zophikel You aren't doing anything wrong... its just two sides of a coin... and you need both
I'm worried
@SimplyBeautifulArt really
my PAIN is growing very very fast
since it keeps re-using itself/its notation, the distance my function grows increases tremendously from step to step
I was at around ω^ω at first with FAIL
then PAIN took this and reached e_0
Then one extension... and this goes to ⱷ(ω,0)
which I think is crazy
And then this boi saying the next step might take me to Ψ(Ω_ω)
I be like WTF! kind of feels
Because I asked him what he thought the next step was
and I told him that it wasn't even close
So I'm honestly worried
Ugh, wow, nice timing with notifications :P

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