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Q: What is the ideal location to hide the President in the case of a zombie apocalypse?

Tiny TrEs-2bWe all love the apocalypse, except for those that are actually in it and often apocalypse media, especially zombie apocalypses, show a complete collapse of any form of government. I find this unlikely, that America; the most powerful nation on Earth, would collapse so easily. While it is believab...

Inside a fridge... buy from the King Cool only.
The president could be evacuated to a safe location, and perhaps he/she could have staff there surviving for a prolonged time, but if they are not actively governing the population, interacting with them, could they really continued to be called a government? The government may be safe, but if there is no one left to govern, or no way to communicate with them, then can they really be called a cohesive body, a nation, with a functional governement?
Hide her/him at a Michael Jackson's Thriller recreation event! The prez will blend in. :-) PS It occurs to me that a zombie plague would finally provide universal health care!
Can the zombies swim? There's plenty of islands he could easily to go (some which are mountains so not easily scaled from below - go via helicopter) and no zombie is going to get to them.
Are these zombies of the brain-eating variety? Depending on your story (and your political affiliation) you may consider the possibility that the President is perfectly safe from attack with no further action required...
Hawaii, I would think.
@JeroenMostert - if they are of the brain-eating variety they'd better hurry. Once Trump gets in they'll starve...
Do these zombies decay? Because I want to see some zombie media where zombies decay at a normal rate and are gone in a few months. The only problem would be the newly deceased.
@XandarTheZenon while my world does not have that, that does seem like a cool idea. I would ask to use it, but I have way too many worlds already, so I suggest you use it
Trump Tower in Manhattan.
Hide them in plain sight, wherever the most zombies are. Try smearing them in brains and putting a catbell on them first.
tied to a lamp post in Manila city centre?
Not sure if it matters much, but does location matter? As an American, I am reading this as the POTUS (and it seems others are reading it that way based on the jokes) but something tells me there are presidents elsewhere.
Side note: "hyper-active runner zombies" makes me think of a daycare full of little zombies running around gnawing on everything and an exasperated adult having to take the class hamster out of a little one's mouth again...
A lot of answers suggest locking him somewhere remote and very hard to get into - and very hard to leave! One bitten (or otherwise infected) person in there with him /her, and you're locked in with an outbreak. Would make a great film, if a terrible reality. : )
Between me and the zombies trying to eat me
No action required. President already said he will take them all on easily, and he has the resources to handle it bigly.
Which president are we talking about, the sitting or the next one?
@BaardKopperud does it matter?
Can the zombies be made to pay for a wall between them and the president?
"I find this unlikely, that America; the most powerful nation on Earth, would collapse so easily." - Not easily in the first five minutes.
In Cronin's "The Passage" it takes about six months. After extensive use of nuclear weapons within the US borders.
Hiding the president does not prevent the collapse of government/society. The trouble is that people become more concerned about surviving than listening to the radio for new legislation banning zombies from cities.

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