I changed the product ids in the code and try to lod those product ids which we have to remove, but there is no product ids. It means there is some issue in select duplicate product id query
select * from sales_flat_order where designer_id like '%4%'; select * from sales_flat_order where designer_id like '%5%'; select * from sales_flat_order where designer_id like '%8%'; select * from sales_flat_order where designer_id like '%9%';
now check this in DB :: INSERT INTO order_details (dorder_id, designer_id,designerorder_id,dproduct_id,dpaid_status,delivery_status,due_date,commission) VALUES(NULL,'5','100000138','15517','','','2017-01-17','')
check this : INSERT INTO order_details (dorder_id, designer_id,designerorder_id,dproduct_id,dpaid_status,delivery_status,due_date) VALUES(NULL,'5','100000138','15517','','','2017-01-17')
assume customer order : order number 102 - product c , d in that order , product c belongs to designer "sudeep" , product d belongs to designer "darshan"
for this "just product a and b will not show again. no matter which order will get selected......right ?" reply is = > if we select order "101" than only product "a& b" will not visible
suppose in order "105" - same products sold than, when we select "order 105" than Product "a & B" will show in form
once we submit form with "order 105 - product a & b" than again it will not visible once we select "order 105"
now example 2
assume customer order : order number 102 - product c , d in that order , product c belongs to designer "sudeep" , product d belongs to designer "darshan"
now when we select "order 102" from dropdown, it showing both "c & d" in dropdown
this is the issue
why this is issue is as we select " designer - darshn , order 102 & than it should display only product "d""
because only "product d" belong to darshn , but product c also visible
why "C" is visible when we select "darshan" is both products are in same order number, thats the reason
same issue happening when we select "Sudeep - order 102" = > both c, d will display, in "suddep case, it should display only "C"
thats all buddy,
please let me know if you need any clarification.....
We have lot of Designers in site (Seller/ Vendor). we assigned each product to one Designer with help of attribute Designer ID as below image under Catalog > Manage Products section
as like above image, in magento backend , we enered "suddep and darshan" designer ids for "product c & d"
thats all related to question part,i will give some additional info, why we are doing this is we are going to give commission for each designers and also we hhave to show product delivery status- delivered , returned , cancelled and all , so we are saving all order details per product wise in php custom database......
addditional info : if we dont save again in php database , we can not able to change status like "delivered , returned or cancelled" as like below image
hi, there was some 23 rows means product ids, i checked all, everything is fine but for strange is only for "100000137" order id , its not showing in form , any idea ?
i dont know why , there is no value under designer id column for all orders in sales__flat_order table
but when i check with below query
select * from sales_flat_order where designer_id like '%4%'; select * from sales_flat_order where designer_id like '%5%'; select * from sales_flat_order where designer_id like '%8%'; select * from sales_flat_order where designer_id like '%9%';
than only i can see values under "designer_id"
okay, i will give bounty and accept your answer.....
i need more help from you, once we select "designer- order id and product id" and submit form, again when select designer id and order id , we can not able to see any products ids that are already selected and submited , as like this once we selected and submit all product ids of that order, we dont want to display that order id in dropdown.....