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2:15 AM
How would one say "What is the difference between X and Y?"
2:32 AM
How about XとYを違うは何ですか。
or XとYの差違は何ですか。
2:58 AM
@小太郎 How about changing を違う to の違い? 「XとYの違いは何ですか。」
11:56 AM
Is いとこさん really used to mean someone else's cousin? My textbook says so but from searching the internet, there doesn't seem to be that many results
12:08 PM
What about おいごさん for nephew and めいごさん for neice?
7 hours later…
7:00 PM
Have you tried to search for it in it's kanji form?
従兄さん - someone else's MALE cousin
従妹さん - someone else's FEMALE cousin
(従 + sibling kanji) + san/sama/chan/noting/etc...
both are read いとこさん by the way
There are actually six ways to write いとこ in kanji
as for nephew/niece ,
甥御さん - nephew
姪御さん - niece
oh really?
all for the same meaning?
oh yeah
the sibling kanji changes according to the gender and age relative to the speaker..
am i right?
従姉妹 female cousin 従兄弟 male cousin 従妹 female younger cousin 従姉 female older cousin 従兄 male older cousin 従弟 male younger cousin
You can make a nice little chart out of them :-)
yea hehe
i have a pretty organized kinship terms chart in my cheat sheets
pretty useful
10:29 PM
If you were to teach someone kana, but focused on pronunciation... do you think it would be reasonable to start in this order? あいうえお、’えい’、’おう’、やゆよ、かくけこ、ききゃきゅきょ
1 hour later…
11:40 PM
@jkerian 「自転車を走る」がそんなにヒットするなんて。びっくり
@snailplane ほんとだ!あはは 最近は「ミステリ」の方がよく使われるのかな?「ミステリー」の方が古い感じがするねえ・・・
@jkerian わからないです・・

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