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2 hours later…
@snailplane ありがとう…PC音痴なので、直せるかどうか不安ですが、やってみます。
Google Chromeを使っているんですが、昨日、急に、こうなりました。
Maybe the things failed to load for Chrome
Sometimes my mobile phone cannot load stackexchange features
and if I close the browser and try again, it works
わっ!!I just downvoted an answer, and got a new hat! You need to upvote 10 times in a day to get the sunglasses, but you need to downvote just once to get the colorful hat with a propeller.
6 hours later…
Question about イルカ肉 on Travel Stack Exchange: travel.stackexchange.com/questions/11451/…
Q: Safety and practicalities of eating dolphin meat in Taiji, Japan

Andrew GrimmAt a recent Japan festival, amongst the various tourist brochures I got, one was for Wakayama prefecture, which included a page for Taiji. If I visited there, I'd have to decide whether or not to eat what the town is best known for outside of Japan: dolphin meat. What health effects, if any, sho...

@AndrewGrimm イルカの肉・・・?絶対おいしくないでしょ・・・
ええっ、mercury?? I didn't know that...
@AndrewGrimm あれ? I tried to upvote your question, then it says "Please login or register to vote for this post." Hmm?
Funny... it asked me "Was this post useful to you?" so I clicked "Yes" then it said "Thank you for your feedback". I refreshed the page, and it asked me the same question again so I clicked "Yes" again, and it said "Thank you for your feedback" again... あはは
@Chocolate It's on the Travel site, so you'd need a travel.stackexchange.com account to upvote.
You can use the same credentials you use on JLU and it'll link the two accounts together - one login for multiple SE sites.

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